I’m a noob to claw and I am having some problems. I use an 8 gate sanwa.
when I try to do the flipkick I accidentally pull off a wall dive.
On wakeup when i try to do a flipkick using charge :db: :r: :db:+:k: i just get him in a crouch block. am I pulling out the move too fast ? because I’m sure I charged enough
This happens to me sometimes. The inputs in HDR are VERY strict so make sure you make a precise and smooth transition. I’m a d-pad user but I imagine you must push the stick firmly to “up-forward” and all the way to the end of the diagonal corner.
Try this: Charge DB->F->Roundhouse. The instant the move comes out, go right to “DB” again. I believe only the light version will connect on the juggle???
Anyway, faced pure Honda’s last night - it was hard. I think I need to become more patient with flipkicks and more creative with walldives. Soon enough I’ll get this match in the bag. I also started beating Kens finally, this thanks to BlueTallCans. I was messing around with Ken and I’m fairly decent with him. Anyway, BTC used Vega and I noticed he was using pure normals and hesitation to stress me out. I adopted the strategy as my own Good stuff.
I would execute flip kick with forward rather than up-forward. If you do that there’s no way you’d get wall dive. That’s something you’re just going to have to practice in training mode, though.
I think he’s or she is having problems with just he first flip kick. If you’re just getting crouch block your definitely doing it too early. This is a lot harder to do in training mode, you might want to get some real match experience with this. You’re basically trying to learn reversal timing, which can be tricky. One quick solution is to just time your execution later. You won’t get a nice reversal, but if you’re playing bad opponents you won’t need it. Once you get the actual kick flip to come consistently, you can start timing it earlier and earlier to nail down reversal timing. As for juggles Noriega has the timing down. I know for a fact that roundhouse kick flip juggles into roundhouse kick flip. I’m not sure about the other ones, though.
I know that Claw has an incredible ground game, with the awesome c.mp and s.fk serving out the pokes, but I’d like to know what my fellow Claw players discovered in terms of effective footsie techniques? I finished reading Maj’s great footsie handbook located here:
You can actually that to bait out many things and punish with the actual slide since most normals will lose to a slide if it is done after their move is already out.
The single most important thing when it comes to footsies with Vega in my opinion is keeping your opponent at max range from you.
You have greater range than all characters besides Sim which is why his footsies can be so devastating.
I hate to use myself as an example but try watching this and especially the matches against the Boxer: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5195584 second tag.
What to look for is times when Vega is close enough to hit but not be hit back.
And try to maintain that distance.
There is also an instance of whiffing normals just like you described to bait out moves that can then by beaten by slide on reaction.
In this match you can see another part of the whole distance idea.
That is losing the distance and regaining it to make your opponent whiff things for you to punish.
It also makes it a lot easier to walkup throw if you keep moving back and forth.
Shari, you set quite a good example in your fight against Boxer, you stayed just a little out of range, and poked the heck out of him.
ARG’s match with Aniken was interesting to say the least, he was moving so erratically back and forth, it was hard for Aniken to detect what he was going to do. ARG even stood still a few times. Talk about unpredictability.
Thanks, I will definitely incorporate this kind of poking and movement into my gameplay!
I play 'Rog the same way but you gotta watch out if he starts throwing out his punches. Most of 'em will beat out cr. mp so you can’t be too predictable.
Best way to punish whiffed buffalo headbutt from Rog?
Am I imagining things, or does Rog seem to always win out in terms of trying to achieve a throw vs. Claw? Once that loop starts and the headbutts start rolling in, it’s a tough match for Claw.
Is s.mk the better poke in this match? I can’t help notice that cr.mp gets stuffed by his BS.
Just a sidenote: Have any Vega players tried playing Gief’s style for a bit? I have tried Gief for a while, switched back to Claw, and find myself much better at setting throw situations and walk up throws. Cross training does good for Mains!
It depends on the distance. Off of a close headbutt you can do cr. forward, cr. strong. Throw is also good because you can safe jump afterwards which gives Boxer tons of problems.
You should be able to reversal through out of the loop. I really can’t add much other than that. My throw game is really bad.
Not sure.
The claw players that beat me consistently do a few things. You might know these already, but if you don’t here they are. Also useful for any other Claw players that have the Boxer Blues.
Cr. strong block strings into post cr. strong mix up (jab roll, slide, j. fierce/roundhouse). That mix up keeps Boxer on his toes especially since you have the option of a jump in or a slide.
Off of a knock down, abuse cross up wall dives and safe jumps. Baiting headbutt is also good.
Ugh, I thought I could think of more but thats it. I hope that helps.
Safe jump fierce really is good as shit against him. Either you get cr.forward - cr.strong, a throw or in the worst case just a good opportunity to put pressure on a non-charged Rog.
Ugh, I played BlueBlood for a two matches last night. He made the match up look like a 8-2 in Claw’s favor. -_-’ He baited a lot of headbutts. Used a lot of rolls. Wall dives, too. I can’t stress how hard it is for Boxer to deal with walldives in a lot of situations. Boxer can’t shoot Claw down early like Ken can, and none of his anti-airs really cover the area directly above him that well. So if you just aim your walldives there you should have more success.
As news to fellow Vega players, Baconology 101, who IMO is one of the best Claw Players I’ve seen, has joined the Vega Clan along with Vega Uno and Vega Dos. He is now known as Vega Tres.
To join this clan, you have to beat all four Vega Clan members with Vega.
I’m working to fight them eventually.
In regards to Balrog, it seems like he can stuff walldives fairly well with his headbutt, and if you attempt to cut from behind, the headbutt dodges the claw points. Hate this match up.
So wall dives when boxer is neutral to me. Heabutts can stuff them pretty easily, but you can really mess him up if he’s not expecting it. Cross up walldives on Boxer wake up are murder on Boxer, though. You can sometimes recover before Boxer recovers from headbutt and punish. Boxer will also have to prevent himself from accidentally getting dash punch (which takes priority over headbutt). That in addition to safe jumps makes it pretty easy for claw to pressure Boxer. The only problem is claw doesn’t usually do that much damage per hit/combo.
Dunno Baconology has stopped playing Vega against me and if he ever does he just leaves when he loses the rest just use random characters against me until i leave.