almost brought a tear to my eyes, i think this would make any vega proud.
almost brought a tear to my eyes, i think this would make any vega proud.
^ haha.
You are invited to come over and learn this secret technique too Shari!
Hard times have fallen on me… a break is needed. In the mean time I will be thoroughly examining the match-up section (as I need big time help against a few characters).
Thank you for doing this, sir.
Beautiful thread Shari.
Hey man, never seen you online before but you are going to need to do more then read faq. It helps to watch other vega’s in matchups that you are bad at, as ive said in a earlier post, any vega can fr me if you want some matches or just want to watch some fights. Lets see what you got!
Sure, sounds good. I’ll send you a FR tonight. I’d love to watch some fights some time and have a few matches.
I’m not very good, just started really getting into SF2 and using Vega a few months ago. I played it a lot growing up, but as a casual gamer and I always used Ryu (bleh). Although considering at one point I was about 20-80 with Vega, I’m a bit happier with 235 - 196 right now LOL.
See you online at some point! Thanks!
Is this the most recent Claw thread? No posts in a while.
Here are some random claw-related videos I recorded at Thelo’s last weekend.
Execution aside how come when I reverse dp claw after walldive it rarely comes out? is it an online issue?
Wouldn’t even matter since if you are doing reverse dp it’s a crossup situation where walldive beats Tiger upper.
Played magaman3d last night most of the time when he crossed up with walldive it beat me since reverse dp didn’t come out but the times it did it beat out walldive. I didn’t do the motion any differently so I’m not sure if it’s an online issue or something else that makes reverse dp hard to get out.
He only crossed up walldive on knockdown since normally jmp beats it so maybe sagat getting up somehow interferes with the reverse dp motion timing.
Doesn’t work.
There is a reason why you see Sagat players doing jumping anti airs on wakeup against Claw.
If the Claw player is doing meaty “low altitude” walldives against Sagat he is doing it wrong.
After switching sides, there’s a few frames where attacks come out backwards, even though the direction for getting special moves to come out is in the correct direction. So, you may have been doing the Tiger Uppercut input correctly to counter a cross up, but it will still go the wrong way. Nothing is more annoying than trying to hit Claw out of a cross up dive with a reversal super only to see it go flying the wrong direction because he managed to cross up tightly enough.
I think getting supered out of SRK’s active part do beat that.
Sometimes when I do it it trades with DP. I’m doing it a bit too early, I guess.
It worked a few times asked megaman3d. Does anyone know why sometimes I can dp claw out of crossup walldive and sometimes the dp doesn’t come out at all not even backwards?
On meaty crossup walldive I’ll try jump back mp see how it works.
If it worked he was doing it wrong.
Best move to punish balrogs blocked headbutt? blocked super?
Rog super is safe on block unless he gets that random slowdown thing (usually happens in the corner on block or hit). If you notice a slowdown during the 2nd or 3rd hit of his super, you can use a flipkick reversal.
Probably a ton of ways to punish the new crappy jab headbutt on block.
To illustrate.