Vega Q&A Thread

What’s vegas neutral game? I seem to struggle with that and ppl who randomly press buttons

Good shit, I need to learn it all so I’ll be doing some testing.

Watch last night’s WNF ( with Mike L Na’s matches. Solid neutral game.

Vs nash you can 5.hp between the two sections of the attack, and he has no invincibility. Not being able to it after is dumb, but most likely nash will cancel it into v-trigger to make himself safe anyway

Is there a trick to landing fba? The non ex version seems to whiff if the opponent does any movement period

don’t do normal FBA in neutral, use it on long knockdowns.

It actually seems fairly hard to anti air sometimes, jump back air to air can be beaten by holding forward at first then back and early attack, grounded anti airs are easy to bait by crossing up or falling short, jump forward or up anti airs are also beaten by either holding all forward or all back.

Not that you should be using it much at all, they don’t have to go for the anti air if they just avoid you then punish the long whiff animation on landing.

Any tips on how to better utilize my EX meter? I tend to just hold on to it because I feel there are many opportunities to hit his CA.

My opinon, use it for crush combos or stun combos - otherwise hold on to it.
On the flip side, using it for EX fba ender gives you the opportunity to go clawless and meaty for pressure - assuming you combo them standing.

I guess it depends on the scenario. If it’s a character that you need to be close to, like Nash, I guess I’d use it to stay close to them.

anywhere that tells the properties of vegas ex moves?

Can anyone help me come up with frame traps off of s.HP?

There’s the obvious s.HP > LP ASE, and you can mix that up with stance change and command throw. It looks like s.HP cancelled into switch claw is -3 on block. So if you jab with s.LK afterward, that’s a six frame gap.

I think every character has jabs faster than six frames so they can mash out, but would it be difficult for people to react to? That’s 1/10th of a second.

I’m working on coming up with some claw switch combos which punish people who expect you to command throw. Probably a max damage punish too.

This idea of Vega fascinates me. Let me know what you think.

What does vega do well? I feel like his range is average and he can’t convert off most his clawed normals without meter or v trigger. His footsies se lack luster compared to others. Clawless is a lot of fun, but still an uphill battle. His walk speed is great, maybe thats his strength?

I just feel like i can never press buttons, then get stuck blocking all match

I also feel like i instantly lose to anyone who plays defensive. Does Vega have any tools to open ppl up or pressure them outside of command throw?

I’m also having problems against downbackes with good normal aintiairs (Ken for example can downback all day and just cr.HP all my jump-in attempts). Grab/command grab isn’t very good when your opponent knows it’s your only chance of opening them up. Plus, Vega’s pokes are ridiculously easy to counterpoke, in my experience. Maybe it is the scrub in me talking (I’m afraid I’ll never be good enough even if I keep playing and trying), but I find a downback Ken with decent reflexes a REAL struggle.

Vega to my knowledge can open you up in this play. (Claw) st.HP xx l.ase or st.HP -claw switch - command grab/ normal grab/ xx cr.lp xx CT.

They usually open up regardless, to me vega only good buttons are (claw),

My fav button tho is (BH) frame trap and mix up with command grab

@Shack @“Time Mage” I know exactly how you feel. I actually sometimes play against people who will literally hold down back and just look at me once I get close. It’s almost like they know Vega doesn’t have an easy way in. What I do is make them respect that I might go for an FBA attack at any moment, and I’ve practiced the spacing on it a lot. I love going for izuna drops, especially after a hard knockdown, a predicted fireball, or getting them to jump early. I do a few fakes early on just to get them worried about it. Then if they are cheesing with fireballs, just jump over them or use the matador turn to dodge it, which makes them a little more agitated.

The next most important thing is throwing a few 6mk overheads at them early in the match. It will prevent them from just holding down back ALL the time. After that, you just have to play smart, and once you get in, make the guessing game as difficult for them as you can. Work on the shimmy technique and it will get you a lot of free throws and big counter hit combos in a lot of situations where they are trying to be defensive. You can shimmy after jump ins, on their wake ups, and during your pressure.

I mean Vega has the best walk speed in the game, a command grab, the biggest normal throw range, his overhead is above average in safety, his normals poke farther than most characters considering their speed, he has a +2 on block low, he has a safe on block special move with huge range that is hard to jump out of, etc. etc.

If you’re having trouble opening people up i’d be looking at what tools you aren’t using instead of looking to blame the character.

One of the huge mistakes I see Vega players making is comboing into light crimson terror on standing opponents, or just in claw off period. I also think > with claw on is underrated, as it’s + on hit and lets you maintain more momentum.

@Veserius Which low normal is +3 on block? You meant clawless st.lp right?

@nappydude how do i get in range of claw s.hp? It had really short range and almost everyone has longer normals. I’ve been trying to add it to my game for a while now.

You sure about claw mps? Reading storm posted hurtboxes for them and they’re awful. I think that’s why I’m losing more. I won a lot more when i used to go clawless every game.

@greatlakes_pvp raw ex fba? I only use it when i see them press a button or jump. If they don’t do anything, isn’t that asking to get anti sired or whiff punished? I def need to overhead more though.

@Veserius i thought bison had the most their range? Which special is safe on block? ASE?

What do you recommend to use if not l.CT on standing?

@Shack Nono not ex fba, I meant just throw out some normal(fake) fba to see how they respond to it, and also to put it in their head that it you might come straight at them at any time. Also, if you work on your timing and spacing with it, you will win a lot of air exchanges when people try to challenge you. Fba is a very controllable move and I have even grabbed people mid air in their shoryukens and out of their air normals. The claws can definitely win a lot of air exchanges too, just have to choose the proper timing.

crimson terror light is 0 on hit so you basically just forced a neutral situation face to face which isn’t bad but it isn’t great either. If you do that, I suggest pressing right after that or maybe neutral jump to bait something. If they aren’t spamming jab, a shimmy might work too, but you might be forced to block. I’ll test that out today.

edit* actually tho, I think that lk.ct on hit might push you far enough away that you wouldn’t need to worry about any 3 frame normals, but you still aren’t at an advantage. Maybe Veserius might be referring to the lack of damage? Idk, it seems ok to me if you are just confirming it off of a light attack. I’m interested to hear why this is bad as well.

Guys, I’m trying to learn how to fight Vega. His frame data only has one set on VFrames though. I’m assuming it’s for with his claw on.

How different are his frames looking with claw off?