Gg is open today. I’ll be there in a bit
How in the heck is Utah part of Pacific North?
GG is open today and it’s only 1 coin to continue because it’s memorial day.
Tapatalk with the NEW SRK is death, work so much better w/ old SRK.
Getting back home tonight.
1 coin? I may have to drop by then. When is everyone going?
GG, me scott renzo so far… Anyone else?
ill probly stop by later
Happy Memorial Day Guys.
Firefox seems to work just fine for this site. I think it crashes when you load it with Safari, just an FYI for those Mac users out there.
GG today?
Went yesterday, Ben told me you guys left 10 minutes before I came. Wade came though and we had some good matches with Sak vs Ryu
We went to Eddie’s to play Mahvel right after. You should PM me your #
I wasn’t too fond of the new SRK at first, but it’s growing on me.
On that note–Bowza: get used to the new PM system. I’ve sent you one in regards to EVO money, and I need your reply.
Hopefully you guys can delay the SSF4 tournament long enough this saturday. I will try to make it there as soon as possible. I really want to go but i dont’ get out til 12:30.
LOL^^ everytime
I’ll delay it until 1:00 pm. If you last minute us, then you can deal with Josh IRL (he will bionic arm you). I will not delay past 1 pm, I don’t care who you are, we will start on time. Alot of ppl last time had to leave early b/c we delayed so long and I don’t want that to happen again.
Revelations so soon baby. G unit, Renzo, Josh, Konqrr; are you ready?
GG tonight for me; I’ll be there at 6 pm.
PS Safari crashes me on certain pages on SRK, I have to use Firefox.
You flaked out on me yesterday fool!!! i was there playing with gus, renzo and scottbot. I’ll head there today as well. i’ll call you before I head there.
I’m never getting that drunk on a Friday again…ever.
Shitty thing was that, while still drunk/hungover, you guys still let me win…with SAGAT. Utah needs to check themselves before they wreck themselves and step it up.
We doing Mahvel and MK as well right? I’m feelin my self in Mahvel now, I got it.
Andy, I’m gonna call you on my next break so we can talk about our feelings n shit. Answer.
You know it… I’m ready to body Cali.
This Saturday, don’t forget 12:30 start for the Game Grid Battles. 5 dollar entry fee per game. Bring your own controller for MVC3 and MK9. Xbox360. Don’t be late.
edit, tapatalk is not showing me the new posts, I see the 1pm start for SSF4AE, still be there by 1230 everyone so brackets can be made and money collected. Andy, be sure to talk to Adam about the use of that CPU room.
Revelations, they are not ready for 10 fans-35% from konqrr or my shadow tackles messin them up.
Good luck at Revelations everyone.