So, what have i missed? :-x
Konqrr, in mk9 so far everyone ive played is free but you. pretty cool.
I guess not. No room and plane tickets are probably pretty expensive now.
I wish I could go with you guys to Evo, dont have any money, I’ll be there in Spirit, cheering you on.
Plane ticket is about 325 with delta and you can stay with me for 50 bucks.
For some reason I can’t access the forum on my Iphone anymore. Just clocks. Remember tournament next Saturday at Gamegrid starting at 1230. Will start with MVC3 along side AE. So MK will start around 3pm. I enjoyed being a stream monster today. That 13 year old was hype almost beating pr rog.
I might not be able to make the tourney. I will let you guys know.
Frozen Synapse is the shit. So much fun, instaload replays on Youtube and you can leave games and come back to them like a chess board on a table.
The Roy Rushdown room is reserved and me and T5K are registered for evo. Juptile and KC and Nate(only 113 since you overpaid on your hotel). I need your plane ticket money or some way to commune with you when I buy tickets this coming Sunday so we can all get the same flight. I also need Juptiles hotel as well as KC’s.(116 each) Since our hotel is now reserved this can be given to me the day we check-out. I will just need the money.
Kelly-I registered for MK9 for Evo hoping you are going to level me up! With our powers combined im sure I can be legit like you by Evo.
$325 is crazy expensive. I would have for sure went when i was asking a few weeks ago. Plane tickets were still pretty cheap. I’ll probably have to pass now.
Sorry Matty, I had texted you about a week before I put the message on here.
Are the forums not loading up in regular browsers with anyone else? I had to dl fucking tapatalk to access this site
My iPad wouldn’t load it I had to get on my iMac.
GGs eddie
GG open tommorow?
I can’t get the forum to go to my iphone.
Fuck this new site it freezes every browser on my iphone and iPad even the third party ones that I can change the browser to act like firefox. This is the worst redesign of I site ever even worse than the gizmodo redesign.
Dude ive been trying to get on the forums for like a week even tapatalk blows wtf srk.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Stop browsing with your phones? ok
I just downloaded the tapatalk. Pita.
Is GG open today? I don’t work today… But I’m getting paid for it! I fucking love my new job lmao… No retail job pays you not to work.