Utah Thread: Not everyone is Mormon......just the majority

So what location is the ranbat going to be at?

Game Grid at Valley Fair Mall, That’s where they will be from now on.

Damn daigo is confirmed for Revelation.

I will take care of that.

I’m gonna body Daigo… Just watch.

BTW, when is the next throwdown??

Yo yo It’s your main man Caam aka, Up&coming Abel, Aka who cares anymore… Yo Arcade scene in LA is so sick! Alex’s arcade was amazing to AE Jap style setups way sick. You’re boy had a nice win streak going of about 10 until this INSANE Akuma Asian dude fucked me up, Akuma infinite xx Into Ultra 2!!! WTF ??! Never seen that before… Gus I gotta get some more help in the lab on that match up… Anyway uhhhh what happened to our fucking thread? This one sucks!! I get my car back this week and been playing a ton of ssf4 ready to fuck up my “B” tier friends this weekend. I’mma be there friday afternoon and Sunday day. Wade i’m lookin to get a mm with your broke RYU. Holla at your boy! If anyone texts me and I dont’ have your number don’t get butt hurt… I gotta new phone . Gus can you pm me your number again… Had some Abel stuff Was looking to pick your brain about… See you guys at GG THIS WEEKEND!!


Heading to chicago. I won’t be signing up for UFGT7 b/c I’ll be the only one there and I don’t get alot of time to hand with my friends in Chicago.

http://utahstreetfighters.blogspot.com/ for more info about next ranbat. Please, Rudy is updating this site quite often so check it out for any new information about our tourney.

Daigo who? Can he handle the cross up splash though; yes he can.


Really feel that these AE crack sessions are leveling up my game.

Matty, I texted you about revelations. Are you going?

I can piano now!!! :slight_smile: I’m gonna learn Gen like a real man would.

Rudy, I get paid next week, let’s get that shit ordered. I can’t wait to play on the official 801 Strider Fightstick® with integrated turbo and extra titties.

I just updated the first post, shit looks legit.

eddie… You’re right… We need to build an arc

my name is LUAN TAM MUOI BAY!!! and I can also mod old xbox 360s as well.

Shouldn’t we move the thread to southwest forum so we’re not in stupid Pacific North? Or is there too much history…

All that would have to happen is Gus reposting, and nothing happened in this thread yet anyway. Should have just gotten our own forum elsewhere.

Taking a break from SF, XBox Live expired and the cost to buy SSF4 on Steam is less than a LIVE subscription and download.

Word, lets order that shit so I can put it together. I feel like modding a Powerpuff Girls stick, it’d be so dope.


My phone is fucked. Never saw the texts. Probably won’t have a phone for about a week.

Thomas801,000 is registered for EVO.


Are you going to revelations?

Played the guy sitting at the top of the leaderboards in MK9 3x today in ranked… pretty free.

Tried out 2v2 a few times and found a 70% one meter combo and a 100%+ full meter combo with Kitana/Nightwolf based on TylerLantern’s Sub/NW 100% combo. What’s funny… is that I won all of my 2v2 matches with Kitana only, I think she died twice in two rounds only to have Nightwolf come in and win immediately LOL