Utah Thread: Not everyone is Mormon......just the majority


R5K doesn’t have a phone! He uses T5K technology!!!

I am excited as hell for the next Ranbat! My cuber Sub Zero is hella getting hella legit!

The original thread was here when the site first came back up. I was viewing it before they took it down. How strange.

Bad ass avatar, Zack.

the new srk kinda blows… gotta admit…at least the new avatar section is pretty easy

i miss my old avatar

Oh boy, I’ve only seen the first episode of MK Legacy. Gonna have a fun time watching the rest of 'em right now.

Jay! Juptile! When are the Thursday Throwdowns gonna happen again? :slight_smile:

Hey, our hotel is reserved but I wanna buy all of our plane tickets at the same time. It’s 140 rounded up from 139 with taxes. We need to get our plane tickets ASAP!

~Roy Rushdown

Sorry if it caused anything Andy, Thomas does not have a phone so this is how we talk, sorry again.

Yeah, I would like to be on the same plane out as well. Do you have MSN or a Cell Phone or something I can contact you with? It’ll probably be easier to talk about the plane stuff over those things.

@Dana: I really have no idea when the next Throwdown is. You’ll have to talk to Richy about it. Soooooooooooorry.

Playing at the arcade is so awesome, really feel like I’ve leveled up. Get the experience of playing with the top 3 almost daily. T.Hawkalypse.

I’m never drinking again in my life…:confused:

Yo wade I should be at GG around 3-3:30pm today. plan to be there around that time.


Luan just called me and said he can’t make GG tonight. He had to run to the store to pick up milk. Just kidding. Never gets old.


hey man i’m sorry I have a mother that doesn’t drive and a full time job with full time school. However I only have class til late on Monday now so every other days of the week should be good for some SF. I’ve been waiting for you to do casual/tuesday throwdown actually. ranbat is a bit too early but I’ll probably able to make it. Will try my best to not ditch out now, but nothing is confirmed. muahaha.

Luan, you make this shit too easy. Just like Andy’s Chun. FACE


If anyone is going to GG just hit me up. I “might” and “might not” go, depending on how fucked up I feel after work.

Guard Crush is live: http://www.justin.tv/teamsp00ky#/w/1254205840

My MSN is Mutalkuh@hotmail.com

T5K when you get this message call me 801 868 2545. If I don’t answer just get on MSN or head straight over. Just knock on the door the dogs will go nuts so I know you are here.

~Roy Rushdown