Utah Thread: Not everyone is Mormon......just the majority

Couple of tech questions for you guys:

  1. My brother has an evo (asus) monitor but wants speakers for better sound. Can he use computer speakers and how would he make them work if the 360 is hooked up through hdmi?

2.Andy you mentioned to me an alternative for the ps2 to 360 pad converter thing, what was the name of it? The one t5k uses is sold out on their site and ebay.

also, is tek innovations the only one that sells the plexi? Gus wanted his stick modded for revelations but ordering from Tek now would be too late.


  1. it’s in stock, http://www.etokki.com/Joytron%20Xconverter%20360 but only joytron xconverter is available, not the plus. but you only need the regular one.

  2. If he just plugs in his speakers, it will just come out of the speakers instead of hdmi; i’ll double check for you tomorrow.


You can get plexi at lowes or homedepot. However cutting the buttons and stuff will be very hard. I don’t know if homedepot or lowes will be able to laser cut them for you. I highly doubt it. My friend has a CNC mill that I can try to ask him to get it cut for me but will need to check how busy he is because he’s working as a contractor and a CNC operator as well. If you want to do it by hand you’ll probably need to use a dremel tool and use a pointy head and slowly carve them out but unless you’re super handy I doubt it’ll look as good.

Oh and no the Asus monitor doesn’t have an headphone output so your brother won’t be able to hook up a computer speaker through it. There is no way to set the HDMI to not output the audio on the xbox 360 because if you use hdmi you can’t plug the normal video cable in (Unless you use those HDfury thing). On ps3 you can set audio out to Optical but then you need speaker with optical in.


Luan is making shit up now.

If you really want to use headphones or external speakers. You can use the hdmi and still use headphones and speakers. I’ve done it many times.
Just plug in the hdmi and use it as your video however you can still plug in the old component/composite wires in and then use the red/white audio cables. The biggest problem ppl run into is that the plug for your component/composite wires obstructs the hdmi b/c it’s too fat. There’s two solution.

  1. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To-Xbox360-HDMI-RCA-audio/ pretty much break the plastic on the component/composite wires which is the best/easiest way.

  2. Buy a 50 dollar adapter that’s hellah hard to find. The one on amazon/ebay from 3rd party are flaky and mess w/ your video.


PS Even though Luan is right that the xbox doesn’t have an option to pick the RCA audio, it will default to it if you have shit plugged in. This is how I can alternatively use the matrox to record.

Hey at least I got it right somewhere along the way haha. Rudy how thick is the plexi?

Hey hey Hey. Yo anyone going to GG today? Need to level up and stay sharp with my game. . . Or wanna do casuals or something. Hit me up…801.882.4691

I’ll go tomorrow, got stuff to do today.

Also, who’s down for a lock-in at GG next Wednesday? AE would be released on console and Adam would leave the AE cab on free play, we would only have to pay a minimal fee to get in. We would use the PC room for all the setups so we can run AE, MvC, MK. This shit would be a all nighter, so it’s perfect for you bums out there and a grind for the ones who work (but hella fun). Let me know so we can get this shit setup since Adam has to ask the mall in advanced.

I might be down for that… Would be HELLA crowded though.

THE EXECUTION! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OX81QD7R_s&feature=feedu

I would love to go but man I work at 6 in the morning the next day. What time do we start? If it around 9 I’ll come for like 2-3 hours.

PS: Rudy my friend said I can use his cnc do you want to get that plexi from homedepot or lowes? I’ll cut out the buttons and shit for you using that.

Here is the adaptor you guys will need to use your xbox hdmi with monitor and cpu speakers/capture card or headphone/ it is 2 dollars I bought one for andy but havent given it to him yet
works as well as first party monoprice is always the first place I look for video audio needs

sweet, thanks man. I’ll have to order myself one.

This sounds pretty sick, I’d be down

Panchito is graduating today!

Sick. Let’s get him drunk and a hooker.

Good shit though, unlike lil Mario… So dissapoint…

I like the “like” feature, gives you something to do.

gonna be playing in peaceful jay’s salty conflicts online tourney today. Come stream monster it up and support a nig.

Fuck you man, I’ma be supporting my real idol… Rico Suave!!! OH YEAH!!! UUUGHHHHHH!!! DASH UP TT EEERRRRTHIAANG!!! UUUGGGGGHHHHH!!! DON"T GIVE A FUCK!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!

Renzo will be playing an online tourney tonight, Peaceful Jay Stream:


Dash up TT 2 strong =(