There it goes.
Okay guys, I’m out for Evolution. Theoretically, I could strain and really make the logistics work, half-ass my way through the pre-Evo battle (both in terms of my own game and of the quality of the event), put the focus on my own game, and hope I could get to/through Vegas before I’m burnt out, just to say I finally made it to Evo.
That’s just not me.
Instead, I’m going to get you guys the best pre-Evo battle I can put together and give you all one last big push to Vegas in the process.
Honestly, I’m not sure whether I should feel good or bad about it. Half of me feels like I’m bailing out on you guys for an occasion I should absolutely be there for, while the other half accepts the fact that the top three players are still going and that I, in my current shape as a player right now, didn’t have that much to offer as a Utah Evo representative.
Regardless of which half is right, I’m now just focused on taking one for the team, standing aside for one more year to have Ernie, Nate, and Samson show the world what Utah 3S is about, having an epic gathering out at LFU to send you guys off, and taking that now-free time, money, and energy this will give me and putting it toward making it up to you whether I need to or not; putting myself in position to get to those SLC gatherings, making it god damn certain I’ll be able to take a carpool to Evo next year, giving you guys the best pre-Evo battle possible, planning road trips to some of the top arcades in Pacific North, pushing for APEX tournaments in SLC, and so on.
And, of course, some non-related stuff that has just been a long-time coming. I need to finally take the time and effort to regain the energy that I lost way back in December at USU and get my life back on track. It may sound fucked-up, but I still haven’t addressed that. I was about to, then Tony told me about FUNatics’ willingness to hold tournaments, which kicked off Utah’s summer tournament season, and I’m just now starting to realize how many things I kicked aside to catch the momentum from that.
So, for those of you who understand, thank you. It’s just been so insane for me trying to juggle all these tournaments, the skill to play in them, the logistics of directing them, drivers ed, all this other Evo stuff, and somehow finding the money to pull it all together. I tried to make it work, but it’s pretty safe to say I stretched myself too thin trying to address everything.
Right now, I’m tired and burnt out. I wanted to go to Evolution anyway, just for the experience, but it would’ve done more to me than Regenesis did three years ago (for those who remember, you know I wasn’t good for a damn thing for the next few months after that). After the pre-Evo battle, which I’ll re-announce with all the new information pretty soon, I’m probably going to take a few weeks away from fighting games almost entirely. I want to relax. I want to play some NHL 2K5, or Forza Motorsport, or finish the omake dungeon in Grandia Xtreme. I want to give my mind a rest for the first time in a couple months. I want to finish getting my drivers license. I want to get the job hunt back on (I put it on hold when the FUNatics thing came up). I want to get my life moving again.
The pre-Evo battle will have to be my Evo. I’ll see you all there, and I’ll try to put a lineup in place that everyone can get into.