UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

if you are willing to burn your XF very early w/wesker he ain’t that bad

I’m pretty sure Shockwave hits both characters, Like a beam super would, so I don’t think it’s the assist “taking the hit” and nullifying that hitbox. If that was the case, shockwave would be shit in Happy birthdays because it would only hit 1 character, à la footdive.

I can’t get that wekker/joe thing to work. the hitstun doesn’t reset.

[quote=“scytheavatar, post:922, topic:163353”]

He drops less Morridoom combo then he does basic Strider combos. Look at this and try telling me that he doesn’t have the worst Strider ever:


I repeat. People should not lose to this fool. Snap in/kill strider, win.

JRosa’s Soul Fist placement is really good, his Strider is like day -1 though. He looked super nervous in that video, I’m not sure if it’s fair to judge him when he’s like that.

Having Strider behind Wesker is the only thing that makes the Wesker/Zero matchup winnable for Wesker. Otherwise it’s near impossible for Wesker to get a clean hit in on Zero.

My opinion on JRosa from watching him a lot is that he consistently beats opponents who appear to be better than him. I think I’m better than him but according to the data that doesn’t really matter.
JRosa reminds me of Andre back in early 2012 when he would top 8 at every major.
The combos and the polish aren’t there but he’s one of those player who does well in the “scramble situations”.
He tends to come out on top in those marvel moments where neither player has any idea whats going on.

Guy in the vid said it varies in different modes (Versus Training Arcade). Although he states it can be done on either player side, he didn’t mention online modes though. Lol if it works in ranked but not player matches.

Might as well attempt to go out with a bang, right?

I’ll judge his shit because I hate this fool.
Stop losing to him. Pick better characters that can actually shoot shit back.
Snap in strider. Make him salty like here:

Please make him quit. This nigga is a disgrace, but the people who lose to him are even worse. Step it up.

They’re not better if those that badly.

>Quitting marvel

always a good laugh

I’ll still play, but not in tourney. No more lunacy for money.

Wesker wants yall to sleep on him so he can come back and retake his throne in one fell swoop as Bestker.

I told you, I was the only worthy one” (⌐■_■)


If we’re hating on JRosa today, here’s my favorite JRosa moment

Peep the Tbag at the end of round one, then watch him get steamrolled by a better player

“Better player” beats him twice with dark Vergil

Thank you mechwarrior. As a morrigan player, jrosa makes me cringe. His neutral game is only cr.L, j.S and fireballs, there are entire sets where he never goes low because his blockstring is cr.L x3, s.M, s.H, and yet he opens people up with fly S. He never uses j.L, j.M, or j.H, no plink dashes, no anti pushblock setups or use of shadow blade, not even decent bnbs, and obviously no x factor combos or jump/sj conversions. His morrigan bnb is 3 cr.L, launch, j.H TAC. Imagine if there was a dante player whose bnb was LMS, MMH qcf L, super. That’s what jrosa is doing with morrigan.

I consider myself to be a bad strider, and even still jrosa’s strider makes me cringe as well. How can you hit someone in the corner with strider in XF3 and not kill them!? Why would use excalibur in XF3 when even simple MMHS relaunches are more efficient? All he knows is orbs.

And the absolute worst part: he wins. On some level I have to give him credit. His defense/decision making is alright, but his play is just so sloppy. At the same time I have to be more upset with the people losing to him. Just snap in strider.

Can’t call Rosa bad without putting most people he outplaced beneath him. Say what you want, he gets consistent top 8s. But as a respectful human being. He’s Roll tier.

No credit for this fool or those who lose out to him(myself included, but I’m quitting, so I don’t matter). Goddamn booty.
Everything that’s wrong with Marvel 3 and its community in one person.

Still beat him, which is more than I can say for some people.

The only thing worse than the fraud winning is the one who lost to said fraud.

Top 8 is because good players underestimate him/don’t snap in the orb ninja, or play shitty teams.
He’ll never win a major. If he does, everyone should just quit this game and kill themselves.