Like that Summer version of Seasons Beatings that Noel Brown won, you just need a small enough turnout for a “major” and it’s possible.

Can’t call Rosa bad without putting most people he outplaced beneath him. Say what you want, he gets consistent top 8s. But as a respectful human being. He’s Roll tier.
The only thing worse than the fraud winning is the one who to said fraud.
Top 8 is because good players underestimate him/don’t snap in the orb ninja, or play shitty teams.
He’ll never win a major. If he does, everyone should just quit this game and kill themselves.Like that Summer version of Seasons Beatings that Noel Brown won, you just need a small enough turnout for a “major” and it’s possible.
He ain’t winning shit anymore, just losing his anal virginity. Not relevant to the FGC outside of jokes now, moving on.
Seasons beatings is kinda whack, major status is debatable.
Steve pls stop doing Buster Lightning on block.

Steve pls stop doing Buster Lightning on block.
I always throw it out there till its punished… no point just giving people respect… better earn it lol
How many people Actually try punishing Zeros Lighting?

Seasons beatings is kinda whack, major status is debatable.
Which is why you should watch the Upper-Cut Championship on from the 16th-18th! It’ll have Texans! Yeah!

Seasons beatings is kinda whack, major status is debatable.
Which is why you should watch the Upper-Cut Championship on from the 16th-18th! It’ll have Texans! Yeah!
Can’t, I’ll be too busy playing at Summer Jam and quitting right after.
Who has actually quit playing this game? lol
Josh Wigfall

Josh Wigfall

Josh Wigfall
I didn’t know he was taking any game other than MvC2 seriously at any recent point. o.o
Wednesdays at NLBC: Ray Ray Vs Flux, winner plays Chris G #TheClassic
Edit: Ray Ray Free-0’d by Chris’s wesker team. Profound Sadness

Who has actually quit playing this game? lol
Hope it stays that way so I can see more people cry for a patch instead of dropping their shitty characters/quit like me.
Mech you should tell us you’re quitting more I don’t think we know yet
Niggas are ignorant, can’t make everyone listen. Besides, I won’t be missed.
I’m just going to quote myself here:

Mech’s hate for JRosa is absolutely inspiring to me. it shows that even one who quite literally likes almost everything can still hate that one thing with the fires of a thousand suns.
This is a wonderful life lesson to anyone who still believes child like fantasies that love conquers all, or that it’s possible for everyone to get along.
I got your back MechWarrior.
This game is dick
Let’s all quit and go play yu-gi-oh instead.

I got your back MechWarrior.
This game is dick
Yeah. A lot of players really suck at it.