UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

If y’all are truly bored and need a stream you can rewatch Thursday Night Throwdown on Long Island with TA Moons, Predator, and others.

Jump to 1:49:00 for moons and Diego acting very homosexual ( not that there’s anything wrong with that). At 1:50:00 you have have Zero fuckin’ mirror match ( with Magneto on Point).

The comedy is how much moons and diego go in on Theory land with their commentary. Disregard my play.

you gotta know dean

tourney was a pleasant surprise tho I think we had some really good matches

I cannot dislike The Duke’s posts. Because his avatar is Yoko. Change that Duke, and you are entering a world of pain.

All this talk of my old favorite card game makes me think of something semi-humorous.

@piskooooo :

If ChrisG was a good yugioh card what card would he be? lol

P.s.: I miss Soul Control, Perfect Circle, Samurais and Crush Card. R.I.P.

He would be Thousand-Eyes Restrict.

I remember playing YGO in elementary school and getting out my Thousand-Eyes Restrict. Most hilarious thing ever.

Not Yata? =/

That card called Yatagarasu? Sounds familiar…

Marvel somewhere in NY I guess. Apparently Yipes, DragonGod, JRosa, and others in there. Alukard on stream right now.

Spooky = Jinzo

Well if the game follows the card, so much for that.

Screw the rules. I have money.

I played until Endor. Objectives were where I had to start calling out sanctioned judges for not knowing their shit.

After Endor/Death Start II they started doing Expansion that enhanced famous deck designs, like adding a Light Side Death Star so Light side could do death star runs without darkside helping them out.
After a few runs of that Decipher lost the license and had to stop printing cards. Things got really weird after that with an elected Players Council that starting making ‘Virtual Cards’ that replaced existing cards with cutout printer versions you slipped into deck protectors. People kept making broken decks, and new virtual sets came out that kept nerfing deck types through bullet counter cards, never banning anything. Things finally got too crazy for me and I sorta stopped following it. But every now and then … There’s a program called HoloDeck that lets you play around with all the current legal cards and build decks and play people. Fun.

My first Rules Lawyering was when a friend thought IG-88’s on ‘Hit’ text for assassination meant he could just call out characters as dead in battle. Fun pointing out he had to actually use a weapon and ‘Hit’ them.

My favorite deck of all time to play was Brian Hunter’s ISB Agent Big blue. Slow to start but just shuts down every direct damage method of light side outside of actually battling you and beating you at locations. The deck is extremely dated, as is the rules and meta, but it is entertaining otherwise.

Card details can be read on but some of the key ones are erratted.

If this was an MvC2 thread people would be talking about the game way more often

Yeah, if it was 5 years ago.

why is everyone making yu gi oh references lol

Longevity in spite of it’s problems is why I call Magic the best. At this point, it’ll always be there when I want to play. And rule changes, when they do happen, are usually subtle. At least since 6th edition.

Reminds them of Marvel

I played Marvel online today so my street cred is up to date.