UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

A possible addendum to that:

A true menace knows no friends or allies. Only enemies and targets.

Further to that, the Top 8 stream archive is here;

Interesting matches and matchups. Great Top 8.

Officially maining May now

Alright, Iā€™m back. Did more crap happen on Marvel streams?

Because all I got is this from elsewhereā€¦


Ah, Real Life.

Iā€™m gonna let yā€™all finish, but Star Wars:CCG by Decipher was the best Customizable Card Game of All Time

I bet Pot couldā€™ve scooped her out of that moveā€™s startup!

WWF: Raw Deal was the best.

Ric Flair was S tier.

I was partial to WWF: Warzone. Character Customizing ruled in that game.

No. Especially not since this was the one game above all others that I had to carry and quote from the official rule book from most often. Including to sanctioned paid tournament judges from Decipher themselves.

It was a fun game against the three other people in the universe who actually read and understood the rules though.

Magic is the best.

Middle Earth: The Wizards had the longest playtime by far though.

YuYu Hakusho was the best

The game as written had so much broken stuff that, yeah, rule lawyering was a must. Did you play to the point when they added Objective cards? That was when the game starting coming into its own. You could build decks that werenā€™t just SAC decks, and could machine out a game plan. Decks that were machines just really turned my crank.

YuYu Hakusho is not the best anything. Card game, TV show, Halloween theme. Anything.

Japan wins again, US goes down.


The best card game was VS.

I played a lot of TCGā€™s, VS System was the best but they went way overboard throwing money at that game before they had enough of a community to support it. Imagine if they did that in the past three years during the Dark Knight and Avengers blowup insteadā€¦

MTG is good but it definitely has problems. Magi-Nation was one of my personal favourites (despite problems), the WoW card game is pretty good, and most surprisingly is the Inu-Yasha card game (that lasted like 2 months) was really good. YGO still sucks though.

Any Marvel streams on?

what is going on there?

YGO was stupid. I got 5th at a regional using A Legendary Ocean, Dragon Daedulus deck in the time of Lightsworn being popular. All the neckbeards and the 13 year olds hated on me winning without a top tier deck and were hostile beyond belief.

Also the Iplaywinner stream just endedā€¦ so what should I be watching now.

Making it rain in Vegas of course.

The Spoils would have been godlike if what they promised actually happened (and if people actually played it).

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