UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Fast nutty game that is in desperate need of help from its parent company that it probably won’t get, and it is an alternative to the more stable, balanced and popular game, which pays its top players more.

The comparison is near perfect.

All Marvel needs is ACTUALLY getting help…just not the help anyone wants. Nerfs Zero and Vergil, indirectly buffs Morrigan and Doom. Whoops.

Ugh, I choked against Champ at the Starbase closing farewell party. It was 2-2 and I had killed Mag and Doom he was down to Phoenix with 5 meters, I had Morrigan/Dante with 2, both of us had X-factor. I lost Morrigan and used my XF and 1 meter to stall out his full X-factor, then got a hit with Dante, fraud confirmed into killer bee then incredibly late 5B cause my hands failed my brain, he whiff punished my dropped combo and I lost. This is what happens when one doesn’t have a stick at home to practice on. :frowning:

Pretty sure picking Dante was the issue

LOL that face never gets old

Yo, I got an Xbox TE rd 2 that has a problem button. If you want it I’ll let you have it.

I joined duelingnetwork a couple years back and copied some Exodia deck. Won about half my games on the first turn with my opponent unable to do anything. Yay Yugioh is the best.

Yes please most definitely!

Dante actually did a lot of work during the sets I played. It had been my first time to a a tournament in awhile and my first time ever in lipstick/nails (I’m working on transitioning toward female recently though need more resources before starting hormones, electrolysis, and all that good stuff.) So I was kind of nervous about how people were perceiving me. Then I was going to beat Champ and went into choke mode. X_X

In both casual and tournament there were a few matches where I was playing badly at the beginning but I made one lucky guess with EX seismo and then proceeded to either unblockable or mix up the next 2 characters and kill them. It’s always satisfying when the opponent’s ability to play becomes incredibly limited.

Also, the people who say Dante has a hard time getting a hit either have very little time left on the clock or aren’t content enough to just play the footsies game with people, get meter for devil trigger and chip.

That set against Champ was really good, everyone standing around watching was pretty hype for it!

It was really cool to see all the awesome Starbase and FGTV folks again.

wait are you still rocking the fro?


It’s shorter than it was, but similar style, going to get something done with it once I have the cash. Probably straighten it out for starters. Internalized racism, dabes!

He’s rocking the most fraudulent mini fro

yea get rid of dat fro. good luck with the transition!


Alright just let me know what tourney you go to next, I’ll try to meet up and bring it.

Yo dammmmmnnnnn how does this dude not EVER get hit?

…He just HAD to draw into that last out. Fuck you Super Rejuvenation and Card Destruction allowing him to draw into it.

reminder; dallas tx 3 day event this coming weekend.

bunch of games, schedule here :

gonna be a super nice event but not enough players IMO

does anyone have a link to that album with all of the 90s fighting game player pictures? it had pictures of the old sf/marvel heads looking like kids

Wow, Chris gonna get

'd IRL now?