UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

now explain how magneto breathes in space via magnets

Even Joker is struggling to the menace that is ZMC
but have no fear for there is another…

May Mixup’s Jedi training save us from true despair.

Wasn’t that explained in Evolution when he made those giant spheres that carried Cyclops and Havoc into space?


Doom would beat Magneto from a canon standpoint right?

Probably. His suit is metal right?

yeah but Doom got dat tech. I remember Iron Man beating Magneto in some comic because he had something in his suit that ignored Magneto’s powers or somethin like that. I’m sure Doom has the same thing.

I bring you…

the classic:

Damn I choked so bad against Allen

Magneto should be able to do this to Nova

Isn’t nova like all super powered and shit? He should not die from that

i need to stop reading those from right to left…

Don’t question comic/manga logic. It’s a cesspool of hax.

Seriously…for a few seconds I was waiting for Nova to poof in a cloud of smoke.

That’s not good Nova, that’s Sam, a comic book writer’s dead son he put into a comic because muh son is ded


Yeah that’s the one


That comic book sliding power scale. When the Nova we know in the main stream was introduced (Annihilation series) he shielded himself from a blast that killed a Watcher on a nearby planets moon among other fun panels of damage it showed.

Loeb’s most (in)famous work is Ultimatum, where literally half of UMvC3’s Marvel cast died because…why the fuck not

It’s also where the whole “Magneto rips Wolvie’s skeleton out of his body” bit comes from