Oh we’ll that’s fine. Guy was in ultimate spider man and that character sucked

Loeb’s most (in)famous work is Ultimatum, where literally half of UMvC3’s Marvel cast died because…why the fuck not
It’s also where the whole “Magneto rips Wolvie’s skeleton out of his body” bit comes from
Don’t forget all of Loeb’s animated drivel.
He’s top on the hit list.
If this game was anything like the comics Magneto wouldnt be able to zip around the stage like he can, he wouldnt need to. Magneto is Cyclop’s bitch nowadays anyway. Cyclops on the other hand can do some HEAVY destructive ass shit. God I wish he was in this game.
joker vs combofiend ft5
lol RIP Kbrad
off topic,but ive been wanting to get back into this game but with a fresh original fun team. Is Dante/RocketR/Ammy a good team? i know RR and ammy go well together

too good
At least Triforce can be entertaining. He should do stand up FGC comedy and give his conspiracy paranoia some type of value.
The best part is flux in the chat. " he forgot the buster!"

too good
At least Triforce can be entertaining. He should do stand up FGC comedy and give his conspiracy paranoia some type of value.
still doesn’t top this
Oh wow the top comment on that vid is me, I totally forgot about that
Oh god the old EMP Triforce late nights. Those were the days.
i never noticed till now,but triforce has talent…when it comes to sound fx
Magneto so fray
For anyone that missed the tally tourney that Full Schedule took first in. Here’s the archive.
http://www.twitch.tv/lowtiersteve/b/443857364 (2hr 30min-)
I love me some Mull Schedule, but Vull Schedule is alright I guess.
The second stream link has him playing in winners and grand finals. Haven’t watched the first link yet.
EDIT: Looks like he’s only on stream one time at 1 hour 16 min in the first link. There was some other guy named something Ricky using Viper/Doom/Vergil also.
Well that sucks -__-
Noel making a name for himself!
Are you serious? Again?
Damn that dude needs help fast