UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

You of all entities should know to trust no one. If I’m Dormammu and you’re Shuma-Gorath, and we team up to defeat Strange, what do you think will happen if/when he is defeated and Earth under our dominion?

I love Marvel 3, but I can’t deal with having to turn my brain off to win matches. Not anymore. I’m losing more brain cells over this game than any of the viewers of FGTV(rip) did listening to Triforce squawk last night.

Top 1 Thor too much for you too handle

I can’t remember where I read it, but somebody said that the character in the games is actually Magento, which is why he uses purple beams instead of magnetism.

Common denominator?
Shoutouts to Triforce being a master of misdirecting conversations away from him being the problem.

I just wanna see Mag Tri-jump mixups in the movies. Plz Marvel.

The rent has become too high and Video Bob can’t afford to keep things running any more. For a good while Starbase united many areas of NorCal and our weekly was always fun.

I have heard of a lot of Top Players say they are coming, but here’s hoping they actually do. One last time!

:rofl: :rofl: too good
At least Triforce can be entertaining. He should do stand up FGC comedy and give his conspiracy paranoia some type of value.

Magnetic Blast is like the projectile version of Dante’s Vanilla Hammer


Verdicts out on Mr.Too Fair. Don’t blame me, blame FChamp.

Marvel is on now at the tally tourney. Tong Lee, Asian Demon, Full Schedule among others are there.

So whats with Saltybet and the amount of views? looks like a fun game to watch and I’m really digging this song, but apart from that. I’m assuming you can bet on the games/characters and its computer based who wins? Step, step up

Anybody have the link to that full triforce interview? That shit sounds like gold. Sorry if I missed it posted earlier.

empty air dash down forward into ground grab.


I agree, Capcom should buff Dante back to his Vanilla state so he can be on par with Magneto.

Alberta Beat Down with Marvel right now:

FGTV archives are sub only so I dont think you will ever get to see it :sad:



Actually it makes perfect sense that Magneto can shoot beams. Magneto controls electromagnetic spectrum in comics. Which means that Magneto control gamma, infra-red, ultra-violet,etc. Essentially Magneto can control light, and how human perceives it. In Animated series/movies nerfed Magneto to only control metal because complete control over electromagnetism spectrum is broken.
Magneto’s power scientifically speaking is fucking broken.

The only thing that silly about Magneto in fighting games is his crazy ass offensive.

Jdownloader 2. That is all.