Nice something my lazy ass will travel too! I need to holler at you guys about something I’ve been working on. Just when I thought people gave up on hattan tournies. We gotta meet up flux if you’re ever tired of training LLs on the computer lol
Dante Dante Mirrors are such random clusterfucks. Dante is the most random character in the game if he has an assist, and the entire matchup is just a messed up scramble. You can see how mediocre Dante’s abare is in those matchups, I liked the sequence where VXDante and Yipes trades air throws 5 times into no pickup(although Disruptor and Phoenix Assists both give pickups).
One thing Yipes incorporated into his play that more people should do is simply whiff punishing helm breakers by dashing under them. The helm breaker hitbox does not cross up if you are not pressing a button, you can simply dash under it if your character has a good dash and then whiff punish.
Have you tried it before? With a character like Wesker/Dante/Task/Vergil who all have good ranged fast ground dashes, you can easily dash under helm breaker and whiff punish it. Not to mention if it’s a Dante player he can’t cancel into Hammer/Killer Bee/Airplay due to the cross up mixing up his inputs. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Vergil can cancel into SH on whiffed Helm Breakers.
Saltybets is amazing. They honestly need to step it up and create an app or something, multiple stream set ups, especially for bigger e-sports games with high viewership. They have a VERY good idea that has a ton of untapped potential. They have made an interactive way of watching people’s favorite games which keeps people more invested and interested. IMO it could really blow up soon.
It’s matter of logistics. Does Salty Bets have enough money to hire someone to make an app? Does Salty Bets have enough money to set up multiple betting pools at once? Can Salty Bets just show up in a StarCraft II or DotA 2 or League of Legends stream without getting banned? Does Salty Bets have the connections to get actual permission at such an event? Do the “e-sports” events want this kind of thing? There’s hella variable, and while I could see this kinda thing growing, it will take a bit of luck.