UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Dashing under shit sucks in this game.

Wesker can just counter shit like that, no need to dash under. (⌐■_■)

Well, at least you finally got the laugh you wanted, 2 posts later. :slight_smile:

People uploaded Mugen shit to youtube for years and people just lost interest after awhile. Just another fad.

Bee, joker, combofiend, kbrad.

Or something like thatt

Yeah, except random MUGEN videos on Youtube don’t have a betting game/contest attached to them. Pretty different situation.

I mean, if VGCW still has a following, I don’t see why this would fare any worse.

VGCW x SaltyBets when?

as long as stuff like this continue happening in the Saltybets stream i will be watching

edit: also, that Bayonetta voice every 30 seconds <3

I’m sad I missed most viewers’ introduction to this character

Also every game should have this announcer

people still dont plink dash so its too risky lol. im curious what makes you think Dante’s abare is bad though. maybe its cause i play him with Vajra which turns everything into a combo.

Fuck this. Fuck this very moment. Made me lose all my 6k salties because of “Always bet on Marvel”.

so you bet against the phoenix bronze saint?, makes no sense.

Pensacola aka North Florida is streaming now. Full Schedule brought his stream equipment and is streaming with his crew.

DotA has betting rares. We have Salty Bets. Is betting the new big thing in competitive gaming?

I have a way that I tag into doom and then call phoenix when I launch so it TACs to magneto and I do it all the time which works everywhere on the screen. But the setup he did looks pretty nice, I’m gonna have to try it out.

[details=Spoiler]Shameless plug but I had a way of doing it in my most recent Phoenix video though that was at the end of a combo so no launch (works midscreen):


FGTV is streaming now

3 day dallas tx event that i might go to. starts aug fri 16

Do we get to see the god of magneto and his girlfriend?

What’s with the WC OBS shit?