UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Then get CC’d into Sent Hard Drive or Bionic Armed. Balanced.

One retarded thing people never bring up with Vergil, WHY THE FUCK DOES BLISTERING SWORDS KEEP GOING EVEN WHEN HE’S GETTING HIT

Costs 2 meters. Balanced.

Mech pls

Cause it’s Marvel baby!

That thing with the auto-correct magneto dashes isn’t too complicated, but it’s still confusing to apply and you still need to jump quite high, making it slightly easier to react to.

[details=Spoiler] You can do it with j.L and shit, it’s really fast, but unless Mixup can do this shit very fast and very freely/consistently, I don’t see the danger of it. [/details]

I’m curious about Mixup and Shoultz now.

When is this???

SaltyBet came out of nowhere, gets like 6 or 7 thousand veiwers a day, has a subscribe button, for streaming mugen.

Bum has been working his ass off for months and can’t crack 900 on a regular night, so he can’t get a subscribe button.

Even MUGEN streams body FG events man.

Peoples priorities for what gets supported are fucked up.


Capcom was so smart to remove his j.HK from this game. That normal was so fucking sick.

Yeah I think it would be pretty busted against anybody that’s not like top 5. It hits like his j.L, but at a downward angle with more range.

He also needs to get back his 1 frame c.LK.

SaltyBets is pretty legit. Especially when your bored and not doing anything and just turning into the stream since it’s 24/7 and the video game music is pretty good too.



Magnetro2k is one of my favorite creative people as far as vids are concerned. I’ve heard from multiple people reasons to like him less though. :frowning:

Why argue with that fool? He doesn’t win anything. He’s not relevant.

That went for a considerable amount of the Marvel 2 players really Some things don’t change too much.

Christ, there’s a meetup in Long Island?!

Where specifically?

Uh… You mad late. lol
These have been happening for ages.
If you have facebook join the Strong Island Crack Session group please.
From there it’s pretty simple.
