UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Cause he enjoys it more or whatever.

Does the Tron/She-Hulk infinite not work in Ultimate anymore? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen Abegen do it.

nope, no one knows what spacing is anymore. they just call it some lame shit like neutral game which that blanket term is used for everything.

You can airdash out of it. You can also press buttons on it because of the weird box for She Hulkā€™s grab. A good amount of characters canā€™t escape it, though.

I actually disagree with lots of this, even though I know where youā€™re coming from. Especially regarding point Tron, Iā€™m not going to make any comments about whether or not he knows how to play neutral with that team, but it lacks the speed and the commitment opportunities to operate effectively against Dante/Disruptor.

Tron has interestingly designed anti-projectile tools, but they are all for use at a slow- to moderately-paced neutral. Yipes is using Teleport+Disruptor in situations where Tron canā€™t just do s.:h:. The important part about Tronā€™s anti-projectile moves is that aside from s.:h:, j.:h: and j.:s: (these moves all just rely on the active frames which are huge and contiguous), Tronā€™s other tools only have periods during which they nullify projectiles and are extremely vulnerable otherwise; Bandit Boulder is risky if your timing is not extremely on point (and a reasonable distance away), s.:m: is okay, but you pretty much have to cancel into Bonne Strike immediately to stop from dying if you clip a projectile but miss the enemy point character, Servbots need to float down to actually get into position to absorb projectiles, etc.

The part that really blows is that almost all of Tronā€™s options in this Dante/Magneto scenario regarding anti-projectile tech loses to half-screen Stinger, so Tron can probably employ these strats maybe a few times in game one and maybe once or twice in game two, but if youā€™re playing a smart player or (sometimes even worse) a stubborn player, they can sniff out these techs and just bulldog their way in and Tron then has to play much more passively, which isnā€™t a good thing when Dante/Magneto make the game feel as if itā€™s going faster than it actually is just because of the speed at which they flow when theyā€™re in their zone. Tron s.:h: would be cool against Teleport+Disruptor but not only does she not have the time to just do the move, Dante can also Hammer out of Trick to avoid s.:h: and pull out a full combo. If you really wanna get pessimistic, we can also talk about how airdash j.:h: out of Trick is extra ambiguous on Tron and one of the big big reasons why she doesnā€™t want to block or play a passive neutral game against Dante/Magneto, but she canā€™t do much else with the way this team is constructed.

Itā€™s a shame, because the team is actually well built in a few dimensions, but it doesnā€™t do that thing we do in the West, which primarily involves using other characters to cover weaknesses. This team compliments each other on several levels, but it only really does that at slower neutrals and when the team is on the offensive. I still like it, but Tron by herself has a very difficult time with Dante/Disruptor mainly because of the speed of the assist along with Danteā€™s availability of a half-screen offense.

I saw him do it a lot right around when he started becoming noticed in the Marvel community, but he stopped. Itā€™s still there, but itā€™s a lot like a harder to escape version of the Haggar corner reset. It isnā€™t truly inescapable. I assume the people he was playing with adapted and learned how to beat it.

It used to force neutral tech and now it doesnt, it was an infinite and now its not.

I thought Spider-Mans web ball assist was what caused a neutral tech that got removed in ultimate? Pretty much only Shulk could use it. I think they specifically removed that effect just to nerf She-Hulk more because they fucking hate her.

Itā€™s a shame too, because she is extra fun. I can see why she was semi-popular in vanilla (besides her obvious strengths, of course).

is megaman playable yet

Abegenā€™s Thor is awful. Iā€™m much better and I ainā€™t shit compared to what the character can do.

His She-Hulk is beastly though.

Yeah, again, if he built around his She-Hulk and Tron? He could potentially demolish anyone. I mean his She-Hulk is amazing and he has her at ANCHOR. Imagine his She-Hulk backed by a good assist.

But as it is now his type of character loyalty is the type I hate. Thereā€™s good character loyalty and bad character loyalty and his falls in the latter.

thatā€™s the opposite of character loyalty. if you were loyal to a character, wouldnā€™t you want to play the character at his/her maximum potential? and that would require a solid team built around that character.

playing shitty teams is the opposite of character loyalty. not only are you making yourself look bad, you are making the character look bad by not putting him/her on an optimal team.

Itā€™s possible to really like more than one character - to really like three even - but I see where youā€™re coming from too. My 3rd-favourite character is X-23 after Zero and Dante (I canā€™t believe how lucky I got with that) but Iā€™m not gonna put her on the same team as those two. ABEGEN might just really really like all three of his characters. Itā€™s the same shit with Royal Flush; how many people you think have been telling him for years to switch one of his characters for a real assist? People just have different motivations to play.



Seriously though I canā€™t believe how lucky I got with my favourite characters. In order they are Zero, Dante, X-23, Strange, Iron Man, Doom, Magneto, Wesker. My week 1 tournament team in vanilla was Zero/Dante/Wesker because I am a prophet

Any streams on right now?

Looks like a smallish Marvel tourney from Big E is on at Bifuteki. Dunno whoā€™s there:

Forward and Tsumuji are running a set on Tsumujiā€™s stream: will have marvel eventually. Injustiff on now though.

I actually like Abegenā€™s team, some of my favorite characters. Probably was the only one geeked as hell from the She-hulk and Tron reveals. His Tron is great and his Shulk is the best Iā€™ve seen. Looks like his Thor holds him back immensely. Sometimes you gotta bite the bullet and pick a top tier.


But Marvel

nvm seems to have overlooked an earlier post

Itā€™s not even pick a top tier. Itā€™s pick a character that actually works better with your damn team!

Who is a good Thor player?

mike ross