I like to think I’m pretty good.
Probably wrong though, stupid skrub carries me a lot too.

OBS Ep 94: You F Gee Tea Aftermath
I like to think I’m pretty good.
Probably wrong though, stupid skrub carries me a lot too.
That one dude on SRK that exaggerates Thor’s abilities. Syruptaurus or something.
I know there’s a player who had been good with Thor in SoCal, forget his name though. I think he’s abandoned Thor for Shuma/Strange now though.
Open the stream, sound but no visuals
Standard Bifuteki stream experience
Don’t even joke about that.
I know there’s a player who had been good with Thor in SoCal, forget his name though. I think he’s abandoned Thor for Shuma/Strange now though.
you’re thinking of Foo.
Best Thor is clearly the guy who just says all the other Thors suck.
Who is a good Thor player?
Royal flush know his Thor stuff, and Thor/Modok(beam) is not THAT bad. It pales in comparison with Thor top partners synergies and Joe does absolutely nothing for the team, but the way Flush play Thor is ok; he play some matchups taking way too many unnecessary risks, and in some matchups it looks like he has no idea how to play (Morrigan matchup >_> , etc ), but other than that he know the basics of Thor movement and how to space mighty strikes/sparks and when to go for a mighty hurricane. The fact that he always make top 8 at the runback and made top 32 at evo twice says a lot about his Thor knowledge and marvel fundamentals.
In other news, ChrisG plays the “I have a life” card.
So who should Abegen ditch Thor for? Doom?
Abegen should exchange his Thor for an auto-block H&H card.
He should ditch Tron imo. I think Thor works really well with Shehulk tbh, but he needs to run Thor point. The Mighty Punish => Taking out the trash gimmick is ridiculously strong, but not as much the other way around however.
I mean, I know he’s good with Tron, but she’s total ass as opposed to merely terribly flawed, but workable, lol.
I think Strange or (preferably) Ammy, would work better as anchors.
Iron Man is also a nice fit on that team, but, you know. Vergil anchor could also work well, and then there’s obviously Doom.
So Chris G is on on OBS but I rather watch UltraChen, can anyone keep us updated if anything fun happens?
Hey guys, I’m JamesMK, and I hate everything good or that can be good for the community, and I’ll shit on it for hours.
Tune in!
We got a Rocket Raccoon at The Break. And it is glorious.
At this point though, I believe that he should keep Tron and ditch Thor. As we’ve seen from others, it tends to be best to stay with your best characters. Since he isn’t very good with Thor to begin with, ditching him isn’t too much of a problem and he can use her to pray on the lack of matchup knowledge people will have on her because the community is somewhat lazy. People will learn how to deal with Thor far faster than Tron.
If he hasn’t taken the time by now to level up his Thor, he’s not going to do it. She-Hulk is his money character, all focus should go on her, not his weakest character.
i recently learned of the date for UCC (upper cut championship) this year. a 3 day event in dallas, tx. starting friday august 16th.
i’m also kind of mad that i just learned about it recently, and i’m going over ways to try to communicate with the UCC organizers.
anyway it has a big marvel round robin thing going down to figure out a 3-5 member “dallas team”
i wanted to post this to see if anyone else is like “dang i wish i knew earlier i might have gone”
Chris G and Crying Brian singing together lol OBS Ep 94: You F Gee Tea Aftermath
MastaCJ & JRosa not playing their Mains in Grand Finals of The Break made the set 1% more interesting.
i recently learned of the date for UCC (upper cut championship) this year. a 3 day event in dallas, tx. starting friday august 16th.
i’m also kind of mad that i just learned about it recently, and i’m going over ways to try to communicate with the UCC organizers.
anyway it has a big marvel round robin thing going down to figure out a 3-5 member “dallas team”
i wanted to post this to see if anyone else is like “dang i wish i knew earlier i might have gone”
I’m actually going to this since I’ve got enough airline points to get a free flight to Dallas. Missed the $98 rooms though.