UMvC3 Stream & Commentary Thread v3

Dickwin in the lab:

People just donā€™t know what the hell Doom even wants in support, or theyā€™re just ass with him. Properly assisted point Doom beats tons of characters.

Doom/Iron Man can legitimately fight Zero/Dante if your spacing isnā€™t ass, ohfuck itā€™s Marvel 3, no wonder nobody knows how to utilize spacing. Or what spacing is.

While I suck I know more about Doom than most people, people arenā€™t taking advantage of how vulnerable moving with Doom is. He has a ton fo really good tools, Footdive being like near the bottom. J. L, J. M, J. H, F+H AD Cancel, and his great DHC setups with Photon Array. The character still has alot of toruble with specific MUs assisted and even more if heā€™s one on one.

He doesnā€™t have the projectile durability or movement to fight a lot of important matchups in the meta. Heā€™s just strong enough in his support and kill on touches well enough to have him be on a lot of teams regardless. Not that Iā€™m a results guy, but I donā€™t find it very surprising that he didnā€™t make it into the grand finals at Evo.

I love playing Dante, but I only like him in the anchor spot and these matches are showing me for sure that I probably donā€™t enjoy him on point because I donā€™t use extremely strong assists for him. I know it probably goes much deeper than this, but Disruptor makes Dante look really easy (close to autopilot, as someone noted for me on the last page); it doesnā€™t help that Tron canā€™t cover that specific sort of offense, but it still looks strong.

Regarding the set, I do have to say that Iā€™m a little disappointed that Magneto got in scot-free so often, but I donā€™t think Abegenā€™s team can do terribly much about that. Itā€™s a shame, because anchor Magneto (another character I like in the 3 spot) really just does whatever he wants if you let him in and I think his anchor matchups are much MUCH better than his point matchups, so Abegen would just kinda have to take a game loss whenever Magneto got to do his thing. Vergil was surprisingly quiet in this set and even though he did some work, wasnā€™t the overpowering force we usually know him to be. Digging the use of Crystal assist; I want to use that assist more oftenā€“I might use it to counterpick teams where Jam Session isnā€™t necessary or doesnā€™t work (Abegenā€™s team definitely makes Jam Session not a strong assist choice).

Teleporter/Teleporter/Magneto is always a fun shell.

I like Wesker/Dorm/Magneto for that, been meaning to try out Dante too though.

All those amateur Thor mistakesā€¦

Do tell us more.

ABEGEN is the best Thor, Yipesā€™ team is a hard counter for every character on ABEGENā€™s teamā€¦

ABEGEN has to make so many reads while Yipes can just do whatever he wants most of the timeā€¦pretty uphill battle for ABEGEN.

Just like anything else, Dante/Magnus shell is really cheap until you learn how to deal with it. Itā€™s not as popular as it should be because of Danteā€™s lack of popularity. But once you learn the basic setups (Stinger + Assist, Heavy + Assist, Weasel Shot + Assist et al., etc.) youā€™ll know how to block the cross up teleports. Itā€™s kind of like getting ready to block Viperā€™s cross up Burn Kick in SF4 if you see TK cancels - flashing lights = block the opposite direction. Any variations involving an Air Dash isnā€™t safe because Magnus beam doesnā€™t provide enough blockstun and gets Dante Air Thrown. Luckily, itā€™s an extremely versatile shell that doesnā€™t have to rely on the gimmick of the teleport crossup to be successful - but at that point it just becomes honest and honest isnā€™t tops in this game.

hahaā€¦ that was some fun read. Abegen mind shut down when playing his characters. Thats why his Thor sucks.

Emil, even I have a better Thor than Abegen. His Thor is pretty mediocre.

If he actually decided to drop Thor and build around She-Hulk and Tron with a really good assist, Abegen would be immensely scary.

What he needs is a raccoon!

Abegen lands the Snackish Special more than Aquasilk could ever hope to

Yipes has nice reset setups, but why the hell does he even practice resets in a team that has vergil dhc and magneto tac infinites?

Havenā€™t heard the hardcounter thing since post EVO last year when Abegen won the ft10 against Champ lol

Thats actually false. Abegens team is actually a decent match for Yipes team.
ABEGEN doesnt know how to play neutral with his characters and puts himself in bad situations

Trons standing H is enough to blow up teleport + disrupter cause it hits on both sides.
Bandit boulder and servbot launcher also eliminates disrupter
Lets not forget all the command grabs and guardbreaks his team has to deal with Vergil as well as XFGCs
Anchor Magneto should be hardpressed to make a comeback vs his characters seeing as magneto has to
tap dance his way in cause of how fair he is.

Fighting characters with such high health is also a drain on resources.
Also that Thor is butt cheeksā€¦ Its as if Mighty Spark doesnt exist. He should be tryinb to harass instead of trying to terribly place those Mighty Strikes

All this is coming from someone who likes to watch Abegen play too

What is disagreeable about my post regarding Dante/Magnus shell? This expansion of the ā€œLikeā€ system is retarded. It stifles real discussion. Is this a competitive FG forum or Facebook?

All it does is instigate this bullshit:

Sadly, Yipes just isnā€™t a hungry player anymore.
He is established in the community, and is recognized world wide as a face of the FGC.
Itā€™s really not necessary for him to be a top placer or dominating player when youā€™re in that position.
Thatā€™s the reason why he is mostly trying to be stylish instead of effective when playing (IMO at least).
Heā€™s my all time favorite player, but we would be playing blind if we didnā€™t recognize that he does need an update.
On the other hand, I would have said the same about Justin Wong just a few months before EVO, but hell was I wrong.

Iā€™m really hoping Yipes will make a JWong style comeback to the top 3 in the next majors.
I remember last year Yipes had an amazing run tourney wise after Sanford called him out in that video.
Sanford said he got lazy, and wasnā€™t playing hungry anymore, and then snap, wins a couple of majors in the next months.
I kinda think thatā€™s the reason why FChamp kept fucking with him on Curleh. WE WANT THE IFC STYLE BACK!!