Nini Heart just confirmed he could do 5 reps.
I you continue sj.H in the second rep you can add more reps to it just tried it. After doing the second rep with the sj.H they are pretty much at the corner if you started midscreen.
Interesting. If you wouldn’t mind, try the 2nd rep sj. addf :h: and trying the normal jump FROM (fraud rom) from there
Just did the third rep and got him all the way to the corner and started continuing it with the hyper grab loop. Full combo got 800k+ damage, used an otg assist, made 1.75 meter. Here’s the results:
Damn right I like that!
Haha, so Swag. Just awesome Kong, the swag [S]has returned [/S]NEVER LEFT.
Good stuff everyone!
I just uploaded a new vid for the beginner Mag players that might be lurking (I’ve gotten quite a few pm’s asking this), but yes, a modified, but basic fly loop exists – many of us knew it still worked, but anyways… the most basic fly loops from vanilla are back, with just an M initiating the first hit after the S, sj…
I love how this forum has managed to keep the gameplan of vanilla Magnus alive. Good shit guys.
But seriously though, I hate you all for having this game before me.
My fucking game is in the mail, but I can’t go get it already. Seriously, fuck the world. Fuck you guys. I love you.
I love the christmas music on your video MeleeSparks, SO GODLIKE xD
Awesome, Capcom loves my scrubby ass afterall! Thanks Melee!
i dont know if anyone cares or if they posted it before but he still has his fly fierce loops midscreen. You just have to set it up differently. Most reliable to me is
launch, sj. H, ad forward L, H, fly, f.L, f.H, and start the loop from there, worked on everyone for me midscreen but i didnt test it on Rocket Raccoon.
Might be old news, if so sorry.
Grav loop works for 5 reps in corner. Rom works in corner as it did before, it works midscreen as well with some tweaking but i’ll have to try it more later, i was putting in most of my lab time with vergil =x
I was wondering about that because I saw it on Nini’s combo video. Thanks for confirming!
Why is nobody trying out S SJC Gravitation combos in the corner?
once you use any of the gravitation moves it resets the opponent, so unless you have an assist to keep them from resetting nothing will “combo.” I posted a combo where i use fatal attraction but, i have to use doom missiles to keep them from dropping. basically I drag them all the way to the corner > s.H xx attraction shockwave in the other direction. the attraction pulls them from the corner and to the otherside (crosses up) and you get full damage on the shockwave. still not better than doing s.H xx hyper grav xx tempest.
edit: messed around a little in training mode. i guess you can convert off of a s sjc xx gravitation, but you have to x factor to cancel the recovery of the gravitation.
Hey guys, just got the game and was messing with Magnus to see if he can do most of the stuff he could in Vanilla. And he can! every single thing can be done, you just have to adjust the combos for the knockback of the H and voila… I predict he will be even more beast…especially when you add his new moves.
Are you the same tatsumarublack who made those godlike DMC3 combo videos?
Just saw these, looks like my BnB still works!
lol…yeh, a long time ago.
Has anyone been trying to hit the stiarcase loop when magneto’s tagged in? Been trying to get it down but haven’t figure it out. Hopefully someone will post soon!!!
i can do h, addf h, fly, h, add h, adf h x3, unfly h, h, hypergrav…BUT it only works from a simply lmhs initial combo with taskmaster…anything longer and the opponent will recover before the hypergrav hits in the staircase i mentioned
it either has something to do with the hsd timer or increased hsd from tac, but if anyone can find a quicker staircase that works after a standard task bnb that would be great =)
Yeah, I remember it being confirmed that hitstun deterioration happens after a TAC now. Before, there was zero hitstun deterioration until the enemy hit the ground.
He isn’t normal jumping at all. The addf is slower but H still won’t come out fast enough in a normal jump. If you look at the input he did input down then up everytime.