Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Matchmaking thread

GGs last nite bud.
You caught me when I was pretty loaded so sorry I snapped on you for T-bagging I just think that shits annoying. you know necro-philla gives me the creeps.

yo anybody down for a lobby or sumthin later

I’ll be online around 9:30 central time
thats like 7:30 PST I think

u need to be on at 7Pm Eastern TIME

oh yeah I know that
I meant yesterday night, refering to the post above mine

whoops my bad

Anyone playing right now? Ranked match is boring.

good games to anyone I played tonight
Lobbys are much more fun than ranked

Too bad I work all day and night. It looks like there’s mad players anyways. Add me if your tryna get some good games going. I hate childish bitches that Tbag, and pick Sentinal and Ryu. I’m a 5th lord, for now, 72% avg, cause i started ranked matches early when I first started.

On another note, is anyone going to the MVC3 Tournament in Santa Barbara, CA? PM me.

I’m down!! :slight_smile:

Wait what’s wrong with Roo?

anyone holdin a lobby

If you ever play me I don’t mean to “Tbag” its more of the jitters/joystick check. I call it “Dancing”.

Hello everyone ^_^. My Names Lauren. I just bought an Xbox 360 today, and MVC3 piqued my interest…since I read alot of Marvel Comics. This is my first foray into fighting games, period. Now, I live by the idea that its much easier to learn by practicing against humans, so I jumped online for a few player matches,after playing through story mode a few times to unlock characters, and got utterly destroyed,online at least (I played on Very Easy in arcade mode =/) as expected. Now, what I’m looking for is a few people to maybe play against me and give advice to me, because I really do want to get better at the game, I’m just…struggling right now. I dont really have a team yet, im trying to figure out who I like. So Far I like Hsien-Ko, Felicia, Chun-Li, Captain America. My gamertag is Rikkulu. Thanks, and I apologize for the textwall :I.

The Epic Ninja will hump your corpse.
Did you go to Power Up?

ROFL!!! I was going to but it’s finals week here at college so I’m in lock-down mode trying to get everything finished for the semester.

Add me for some mvc3 Fun iam still learning but i am decent iam forever changing my teams :smiley: anyone is free to add me
GT: CrunkxKiDz

GGs to anyone I played

playing right now. Lets go.

i had to leave, who won?
the canadian master lord right? he was doing really good
I didnt get to play him :sad: