Added a small section to the OP on Dynamic Teams that use counter pick team arrangements to curb out Cap’s match up issues.
Aw snap! Friend alerted me to this from reddit a few hours ago…
I’ll be labbing ways to abuse this for more layering, but pretty much the tech goes once you roll, you switch the sides of the incoming character, then immediately change them. This can be VERY powerful with assists added in the mix.
Interesting. More like something to pull out at a tournament than something regular though unless the assists make it really ambiguous. Curious how Vajra would do in this setup.
Already tested and it’s VERY dirty. Simply stand on body, call vajra, roll last moment and you get a very ambiguous hard knock down you can full combo
Very interesting. captain mostly gets the kill in the corner though, but I guess luckily a bunch of us are also using vergil, which gives a high chance of dhc and end with the kill closer to midscreen
I went online shiver, and doing the corner set up works pretty well. Roll into corner, jump over body, double jump backwards with d+:h:, land and do s.:l::h:, etc… Other then that you might be able to set up some mix ups on landing by throwing a qcf+:h:, and dashing under when you land and then attacking. It’s kinda tricky to follow.
Saw that vid this morning on reddit, been talking to the guy. Told him to get his ass on here and start posting. I’ve been doing the very first one in that video for a long time, figured everyone knew that, but it gets super tricky there at the end. The though of having varja and that makes me sick. I think every time I’ve actually timed the body hop air SS it has hit. Blows my mind how many people get hit by j.qcf+H dash under S in the corner. I thought it was just a cross under for the longest time till I noticed that the shield hits them as you’re crossing under for a stupid left right mixup. I don’t even know what side it hits on. Almost as good as Dante’s acid rain teleport mixup I get hit with all the time. KEEP UP THE TECH PEOPLE! We might make Cap top-mid tier yet.
I’m going to take a nap but I’ll leave you guys with another cross up idea.
Stand on corpse, Whiff St.H to reach other side, throw standing H SS so it hits them in the face as soon as they come in. I’m going to test this later, but if someone can do it before I do that’ll save me some time.
EDIT: Just tried it because of reasons, only works midscreen or at least angled to get the return hit, and doesn’t work on a KO that leaves crumple. Kinda hard to do and doesn’t always get the 2nd hit. So not very practical, but it was an idea.
oldie but goodie lol
When are you getting a capture card? Share some videos man!! I’ll start recording new stuff eventually… but yea I’ve been having fun with Shield Slash assist for the past few weeks now. I’ll try and share some stuff myself soon. Anyone here going to NEC?
Lol I have been musing a video with the Hitbox team for awhile, but they’ve been doing videos with Hitbox Sora lately. I really should do it soon. I’ll talk to them tomorrow. I’ll try to do a comprehensive video like they did for Zero May Cry. It’ll pretty much be a showcase of the entire OP and maybe some commentary on theory at parts.
plz do this. Even though I know all of it, I’m getting kinda tired trying to teach all of it to people. I always end up missing something important.
Also found…apparently this has been known awhile, but I had only heard of theory concepts, not a working one. Has anyone elaborated on this further? I’m betting we can fit in more hits than this per rep.
Cap infinite TAC
double jump ASAP, u+:h: last moment, [jump and do , heavy delay :h:, d+:h: as you land] repeat.
Well, if someone can figure out a up and side tac infinite as well, it would be pretty useful
I think the main reason people don’t try to learn the Cap TAC infinite is because it would be silly to see him doing it in the first place, lol XD. Just because a character has one, doesn’t mean you have to use it. And he only gets like 3 hits on the other guy, which would get really boring to watch him slowly gain meter.
But, that’s just my opinion though.
Yeah I’ve known about it and I thought I discovered it myself when I was streaming but turns out someone beat me to it. You can swap to Down+H instead of Up+H to change the height but I couldn’t get to rep it long enough to make a video. I’m pretty bad at infinites.
Used to mess with that infinite back when it was first posted, could never get it to work on anything but Hulk. On the ambiguous incoming, one thing to note is dorm doesn’t seem to follow the same rules as most characters when coming in; which can lead to it being ambiguous for you if forgotten.
I’ve managed to get a couple of reps of the infinite. It works the same as other infinites just with less hitstun then most others therefore has tighter timing on ‘normal’ sized characters.
I haven’t been able to think of any other infinites for Cap so this may be it.
On the subject of TACs:
[details=Spoiler]Captain America can take advantage of the kind-of-glitch where you can prevent your opponent from breaking a TAC by whiffing a TAC attempt with a double jump or so, which you can check up on here
Non XF TAC Tricks. Different types and who can do them?
I’m still not 100% on how it works (if you read the comments in the link you’ll see so lol). However, it would be good to get this down if you intend on implementing TACs into your game.[/details]
Also, I’ve been experimenting with raw-tags with Cap/Mags (yeah i’m still trying to make them work lol):
It’s possible to shield slash =>raw-tag into Magneto and hit the ROM, but is virtually corner only. You can only get a couple of reps of the ROM mid-screen before the character auto techs out, and the damage is significantly lower than solo Cap or solo Magneto bnbs.
for ifbpwnstar: I have some really cool cap/vergil/strider combos/tech that I will be recording tonight. Look forward to it
^^ Sweet.
I will be honest though as much as I’m a die hard for Cap I’ve really been getting bent out of shape on covering all his bad match ups. I’m still finding things that team does not cope with well such as wolverine, hulk, and haggar. Also people that know how to zone me while punishing/evading strider have been an issue. I’m really starting to lean to the fact Cap NEEDS a projectile assist in some matches as he can’t safely get in or call an assist. Pretty much these characters beat Cap clean on ALL hit moves and using your assists often winds up in them getting punished with few options to fully cover them. My solution has been starting vergil point in those cases but it’s still pretty rough since if he dies, then I’m even more limited. My theory is that Cap teams should have a strong zoner to fix those issues. I’ve been running Vergil/Cap(ss)/task(h arrow) as well where i hold either :a1: or :a2: and start either Cap or Task for match ups. It’s not nearly as dominating as the strider team, but it struggles less against the bad match ups. I’m still looking for the perfect Cap team…