Ultimate Guide to Cap: Combos/Tech/Resets/Set Ups/Videos/etc

Hahaha, the perfect cap team… the perfect cap team is a team without cap :*( … jk lol

but really, you have to look at it the other way. Cap does have some good matchups. I feel that c.viper, spencer and wolverine is in cap’s favor. Magneto, zero I feel are almost impossible if the opponent plays it right. So my solution is simple: Use cap against his good matchups, use nova against mag/zero. I’ll use doom mainly, but use strider if the opponent plays dormammu, hawkeye, dr.strange in the back. Always play Vergil, since he has no bad matchups (I think).

Against haggar, hulk, wolverine, I usually play the keepaway game and try to chip them out with jump back shield throw (This move isn’t very safe from close range, so be sure to cover yourself with an assist). Are you going to NEC by any chance? we should try and get some games in.

I disagree on some of those. if I could but together a match up list of solo pairings: Haggar, Hulk, Trish, Wesker, Wolverine, MODOK are just terrible match ups he needs assists to beat. He simply has no answers to their attacks or movement options. Wolverine for example has at least 4 moves that beat anti-ground kick, lot of his normals beat charging star on reaction, you lose air to air baaaaaaad, shield slash is a death sentence if not perfectly thrown, etc… It’s a terrible match up, add in Doom’s completely OP beam assist and you can’t do anything besides hope they get cocky and get too close for a charging star.

As much as I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate Zero. The matchup is not as bad as i once thought it was proper spacing and shield slashes can be hell for him and anti-ground kick has great angles on him. You have to bait out his buster if he’s not going in, but that match is no free like I used to think. Zero still has insanely retarded snowball wins after 1st hit, but neutral game it’s not worse than 4-6 and really I’m leaning 4.5-5.5.

There’s a lot of other characters that are not fun for Cap too, pretty much any character with good normals and air superiority. If you have air movement and a projectile that shield slash can’t get around Cap is really in trouble. I’ve been stressing between: do I front load Cap with the assists or do I use counter picks and swap things. I’ve had a lot of success building individual Cap teams, but have yet to find one that has a game on every strategy. I’m beginning to embrace characters like Cap/Mag despite the lack of direct confirm/block synergy and just appreciate the neutral game disruption that allows cap to have a way in.

I’m not sure I’ll be able to travel…but every EVO I will be there for games.

Oh geez Cap loses pretty hard to Viper imo. I play KBeast on the daily and the laser/seismo prevents you from throwing shields.

yeah. On my end I’ve been trying to form the perfect Cap team and a team without him as a fallback. I love Cap, but it’s sad to say he’s “capped” in a game with so many over the top shells. It’s very easy to build a shell with Cap to counter things, just not 1 team that can fight it all.

I’ll be spending a lot of time in the next months labbing new characters and exploring match up potential. I think with Cap tech we’ve tapped 99% of his solo potential and some strong straight forward shells. Now it’s time to think of the games top tier meta and flow charting out “is there an answer” and starting to realize that if I want Cap + ‘character’ I need to do ‘this’ to cover that issue. I feel my small write up on dynamic team reorder will be a very strong influence on how to form Cap teams. The reality is you may want teams that can swap order without putting Cap in an anchor roll (secondary/back up anchor, Cap, anchor). So my Cap/Vergil/Task team is ordered: Vergil/Cap/Task .

[*]Team 1 = :a1: hold, Cap/Vergil/Task - primary team. Front loaded for ground game with Cap that swaps to Vergil. Task is a decent anchor but not amazing.

[*]Team 2 = :a2: hold, Task/Cap/Vergil - Corrects most Caps bad MUs. Task can fight zero, zoners, and characters that have to go in at the loss of raw hyper DHC. Primarily a keep out game. Cap comes in with movement options to evade mix ups. Vergil is strong anchor.

[*]Team 3 = nothing, Vergil/Cap/Task - Blow up front loaded teams before they can start. If you see a strong front load and weak anchor (Doom or sent), blow hypers and x-factor early with Vergil and blow it up before it can start. Cap/Task are good for clean up.

I don’t think this is the best team using this strategy, but it does work. I’d like to find stronger synergy in some of the orders. So I ask the community to consider these type of builds and post your theories…mind you this is probably best for the team thread so post over there.

Sidenote…I’m still sad I lost to Kbeast 2 years ago. I had him beat at EVO and I didn’t get the hyper CS after CS :h: FTW, because he fell behind my head and I got lvl 3. I’ll have my revenge!

Here are the videos, as promised: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOramt_WE9sJEyH5fl_C6Wxd2KrCTa4ze

Any vids? I have a friend who would probably love to see that.

Zero beats Cap pretty handily too IMO. While anti-ground kick isn’t bad, Cap’s mobility (even with double jump) is very limited or in other words, predictable. If I try landing with double jump kick, the zeros in my area consistently dash under launch or back dash, buster, run forward convert. Zero can also just fly around with impunity. Strider may help that, but can’t Zero just j. h on reaction to hit Strider out of the air?

Probably the best example is when I played him at NCR.

Love the vergil stuff! Cap BnB can be improved though! Try these:

c.:l: s.:m::h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), :a1:, j.qcf+:l: (OTG), ** strider hits**, slight dash into immediate, j.:qcf+:l: (OTG), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:

midscreen to corner
c.:l: s.:m::h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), :a1:, delay till strider is next to Cap, qcf+:l: (OTG), back dash, ** strider hits**, return shield hits, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: (the 2nd CS is tight, go into hyper if you have DHC meter or simply don’t want to risk dropping)

He can definitely dance around strider calls. In vegas we have a LOT of zeros that run around so I’ve had more practice with that asshole than I care to and the match up isn’t as horrific as I once thought. What I’ve learned is it’s all about your positioning. You want to sit right at tip range of lightning and try to stay above him ( i like to be within the cross up threshhold and jump back block outside of it). Zero takes risks if he’s below Cap. You want to be at the range you can throw preemptive shield slashes and not provide him enough time to dash in and punish. If he zones you super jump in and double jump to throw off what his mix up is as you land. NEVER be on the ground close to him and if you see an opportunity where he jumps and you’re backed in a corner, CS H out and react with hyper to counter any punishments he tries if he chases. Having an assist that makes CS safe or a DHC safe is VERY important. Making zero fear using buster for free can be everything in a match up. Also do not forget about roll > immediate hyper SRK > safe DHC if blocked. That’s a great way to get you out of the corner. You can hold back to block, mash roll and the second you see it activate immediately hyper SRK and you should be fully invincible for the whole process beyond throws.

Cool info. I know Zero is one of the few matchups where I feel helpless against a really good one. It’s made me consider not picking Cap against Zero teams. I’ll reconsider assists though.

Yea I tried those. Those combos are pretty hard lol… (the strider parts) that’s why I wanted to see some videos to see if I there was something I was doing wrong.

1 more video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fbWiGnPFnA

I lied, here’s another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f8QCqx6ax8&feature=youtu.be

Ha. I never really tried and I usually try not to copy other people’s combos, but I didn’t know you could get l. cs, h. cs off of just a grounded shield slash OTG.

Yeah that surprises me too…is that hit stun reliant? is it tighter?

As for my strider ender, simply do only CS :h: and not the 1st one and it’s a very easy extension. Cap really only needs assists for beginning and ender extensions, it’s very rare that anywhere else matters because it’s going to fuck with the ender launch hit stun and you’re already doing mostly :h:, :s:, specials after the 1st launch.

Also SmokeMaxX, what’s your team? The can mean the difference with your MU on zero. I personally like to counter zero with Taskmaster. So I encourage all Cap/Task teams to swap them at start for counter picking. My Task/Cap/Vergil is hell for zero, you have so much keep out and you save all your hypers for utility punishes in the neutral game. Magneto also does this well.

Also pro tip abuse double jump at matches start. Jump at zero then double jump and be a pixel off the ground right as it says “GO!” and do d+:h:, c.:l: at the start. Zero’s only escape is to jump and risk throw, or jump back at start of round and lose ground.if he does then your goal is to back off if you’re not already on him.

Double jumping at start never really gets me in trouble, but I don’t abuse it. It’s more throughout the match. Zero controls neutral far better than I do and he can get me in bad positions way easier than I can get him in bad positions. My main team is Cap/Sent/Mags. Granted I run hypergrav assist which doesn’t do great in neutral against certain other teams. The main Zero I play against and the one that gives me the most trouble plays Zero/Dorm/Task. I’ve switched to Cap/Nem/Haggar as a secondary team. It shouldn’t really do better against the Zero teams, but it does seem to win more matchups. I’ve been considering running task, but the general mentality of players down here is to each have our own characters so almost nobody uses anybody else’s characters. It’s kinda a bizarre mentality to have, but I did play a little task in Vanilla and I’ve messed around with him in training mode.

That’s sort of a weird thing to say… What’s wrong with using combos that the members of this community are sharing with one another?

Nothing’s wrong with it. I just prefer experimenting and using my own combos. It’s easier and funner to learn a combo that you discover yourself than to spend X amount of time in training mode copying and pasting combos. It’s not really my style. I go into the lab to discover new things which is partially why I’m not the best player in my area. Too stubborn to just play to win. That’s why my playstyle revolves more around gimmicks than optimized combos lol.

You gotta break those habits. I understand the pride in wanting your own thing, but it holds you back and the reality is that once you learn other peoples stuff that knowledge can expand upon that info. The reason I’ve discovered so much Cap tech is I’ve taken what people here have posted and pushed it further.

As for your team i would just run beam. Hyper grav isn’t going to give you much with Cap and Sent won’t need it if you’re doing optimal combos. Beam, while not great for cap to capitalize off of, lets him get in and allow you to set up pressure into sent. Also you should be ordering your team like this: Sent/Cap/Mag. Why? Because now you have 2 valid teams and a zero counter pick!

[]Team 1: :a1: - Cap/sent/mag, Start with Cap exactly how you already do things!
]Team 2: :a2: - Mag/cap/sent, Start with Magneto who has great match ups on Caps bad ones including zero. You are now front loaded with SS and drones assists for insane pressure.

Cap can’t win every match up, let the other characters play the field as needed.

So I randomly thinking about Cap and had a light bulb moment. I’m sure someone has thought of this, it’s so simple. Hopped in the lab to test and sure enough, if you xfc the first hit of light s&s you can combo with a j.hss into combo of your choice. Haven’t tested in jumping so I’m not sure how useful this really is and I’m sure someone has brought this up before. Tell me why I’m wrong and this is stupid tech.

It’s not stupid tech, but it is situational. Timing, opponent height, and etc… make it hard to rely on. Very easy to drop. Also S&S L is not invincible on the 1st active frame, so you will often trade. I believe all version can be XFC into this combo.