This is a comprehensive living guide detailing all solo and core assisted tools for Captain America. These should provide all up to date tech and practical to fully optimized combo segments.
Version Notes [Updated - 12/25/2013]
new info will be mentioned and dated here in order to keep track of new finds
[*]Expanded upon Cap’s best shells with place holders for write ups and more info and suggestions on pairing with a 3rd and placement
[*]Added Corpse Hop in the set ups section.
[*]Added a section about Dynamic Team order that goes over teams that use counter pick arrangements.
[*]Removed Standard BnB section with updated combo segment section. The new write up explains usage better and the list would be a repeat or too limited with an air of bias to use those over other options in other scenarios.
[]Added new BnBs and included descriptions to each key launch segments to explain why to use one over the other. This should clear up the differences between preference and practical usage options so you can find the mix you like best.
[]Added a small section on conversions and salvaging combos. This covers small fixes to convert an awkward hit or a combo that’s falling apart.
[*]Updated all combos. There were some overlaps and missing or impractical hits. The new list should be far more useful.
[*]Added new side switch and corner BnBs
[]Added new throw and BnB conversions. These are more consistent for the damage and meter gain than previous combos.
[]Added a front throw conversion
[]Added write ups on Cap’s assists and THC tech. Covers interesting Alpha Counter and utility uses.
[]Slightly expanded on use of j.qcf+:l: and improving consistency as a combo ender extension.
[*]Added a small write up on why to play Cap, various concerns, game plan, and basic team building
[*]XFC Fuzzy Guard Instant Overhead added to Advanced Tech > Set Ups section
Why Play Cap?
To start things off Captain America is a mid-tier character who needs assists and properly planned team shells to operate. That said, while he has flaws, he has unique strengths that can punish common strategies. Cap’s strengths are his solid normals, 3/4s screen projectile punishes, invincible hypers, cross up roll, and heavy damage. He has a very low execution level and is great for beginners, but has many subtle tactics for advanced players. Typically Cap is a very capable point character with the right assists, but he can also serve as a decent assist or DHC himself for certain characters.[/details]
Issues Cap Must Overcome
Cap is a risk/reward character that requires careful use of assists and patience to offset his faults. While on a technical aspect he is easy to learn, it takes time to pose a threat without leaving yourself open to punishment or kept out by better players. Cap’s main issues are that his specials and hypers are extremely unsafe, he has no full screen projectile to get in, little to no solo mix up game, and can’t compete with superior air zoners that can stay away from charging star and beat out shield slash. Due to these issues, your team and the match up dictate a lot of what Cap can and cannot do.
If Cap is dealing with superior air zoners, his only solo options are to patiently use double jump to bait out a mistake and punish with air shield slash or mount an offense on your way down, or simply evade by using charging star and roll till they come to you. On the ground it’s important to attempt to keep them grounded by throwing preemptive shield slashes above them whenever safe and to keep above them and threaten with d+:h:. Remember Cap only needs to hit once or twice to kill, so be patient and make use of your 1mil+ lifebar till the moment is right.
Cap suffers from many unsafe moves, so using assists to keep you safe is essential. Charging Star is a great way to get in and harass opponents, but outside of reacting to an opponent for a punish, it is too unsafe to use without an assist. Some assists will let you combo as well as give you free frames on certain versions of charging star and give Cap a way to get in and stay in, making his mid screen game even more threatening. His shields slashes suffer the same and often need an assist to cover him if the shield misses. His hypers are an amazing tool for punishing opponents, but outside of combos and guaranteed punishes, you take a major risk if your opponent blocks it such as using an X-factor. Having a safe DHC can greatly improve Cap’s game by giving him more room to take risks, such as punishing an assist even if the point character might block or countering a counter hyper. Keeping Cap safe is one of the most important things when playing him, if you don’t have a team set up to do so, you likely are leaving him without tools he could be abusing like safe charging stars or lock down shield slashes.
Lastly your assists also need to help Cap form an offense and get in. Solo, Cap suffers from a few bad matchups and can be kept out of range to attack or beaten by certain defensive moves that limit Cap’s ability to attack, EX: Haggar Lariat or Taskmaster counters. Your assists need to provide a way for Cap to stay within midscreen range and either get in or maintain distance.[/details]
Standard Solo Combos
Cap combos tend to follow 4 parts: opener, launch series, ender launch, ground ender. For the most part you can make modifications with these segments to create a vast array of flow charts based on hitstun, assists, DHCs, distance to corner, changing direction etc… So rather than post various combinations, here is a list of the pieces that make up Captain’s combos to form your own. They are listed mostly in order of highest damage/meter, but typically higher hitstun scaling. Some of the top ones may not always be practical due to this, so find what suits your needs best. Optimal midscreen and corner listed at the end. Several modifications can be made on some parts, but overall these cover optimal pieces to strive for given assumed remaining hit stun deterioration. These are listed in order of damage/meter (highest first). Due to this style of displaying info, final damage is not listed.
[]Maintain Direction
[]c.:l: s.:h::s:
[]any normals into :s:
[]Side Switch
[]any normals into c.:h:, qcf+:h:, dash x2 (side switch), s., qcf+:h:, dash, qcb+:l:, :s: (Skip Launch section and go to Ender Launch section from here)
Launch Series
[]Maintain Direction
[]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), qcb+:l:, :s:, sjc.d+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), :s: (Body must slightly fall after qcb+:l: and d+:h: must be done ASAP)
[*]sjc.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:
[*]sjc.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:m: (land), dash, qcb+:l:, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:m: (land), dash, qcb+:l:, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h::s: (land), qcf+:l:, s.:h::s:
[*]sjc.:m: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.:m: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:
[*]Side Switch
[*]sjc.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash x2 (side switch), s.:m::m::s:
[](flush with opponent in corner) anything into s.:h: (slight pause) :s: (neutral super jump)
[]any normals into c.:h::s: (backwards super jump)
Launch Series
[]Maintain Direction
[]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), jump backwards, j.u+:h:, qcf+:m: (land), dash, qcb+:l:, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), jump backwards, j.u+:h::s: (land), (dash backwards if needed), qcf+:l:, dash, s.:h::s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), jump backwards, j.:m: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash, s.:h::s:
[*]sjc.:m::h: d+:h:, delay, :l::h: (land), qcb+:l:, :s:
[*]Side Switch
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), s.:h::s:, sjc.d+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), :s: (d+H must be done ASAP)
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), :s:, sjc.d+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s: (d+H must be done ASAP)
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), s.:h:, qcf+:h:, dash, qcb+:l:, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:m: (land), dash (side switch), neutral jump, j.u+:h:, qcf+:m: (land), dash, qcb+:l:, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), neutral jump, j.:m: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash, :s:
[*]sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), :m::m::s:
(Go down the list in order based on hit stun remaining. These are also valid replacements for first launch air combos when minimal hit stun scaling is needed.)
[*]sjc.:m::m::h:, dj.:m: d+:h::s:
[*]sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s:
[*]sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s:
[*]:h: u+:h::s:
Cap must adjust many of his combos based on distance to corner and distance to opponent after relaunch. sjc.MMH, dbj.Md+HS, sjc.MMHd+HS, and sjc.MHu+HS are interchangeable on placing the opponent at optimal distance away from Cap. Cap can dash forward or backwards to attempt some adjustment to maintain the best ender when the corner is of issue.
far from corner lvl1:
[]sjc.:h: d+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[]sjc.:h: d+:h::s: (land), .qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
far from corner lvl3:
[]sjc.:h: d+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, qcf+:atk::atk:
[]sjc.:h: d+:h::s: (land), .qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:h: (1 hit), qcf+:atk::atk:
[]sjc.:h: d+:h::s: (land), .qcf+:l: (OTG), slight pause, qcf+:atk::atk: (time it so you dash into them just as qcf+:l: hits them on return)
close to corner lvl1:
[]Any relaunch (land), qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk: or dp+:atk::atk:
close to corner lvl3:
[*]Any relaunch (land), qcf+:l: (OTG), qcf+:atk::atk:
Timing is very strict, but Cap is able to do qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk: immediately after lvl 3 ends.
These are not practical in light of more consistent and nearly as damaging options, but these are Captain’s highest damaging lvl 1’s.
[]midscreen - j.:s:(land), s.:h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), qcb+:l:, :s:, sjc.d+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), :s:, sjc.
:h: u+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[]corner - j.:s: (land), s.:h::s: (neutral super jump), sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), s.:h::s:, sjc.d+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), :s:, sjc.
:h: u+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*]Forward/Air Forward/Air Back throw, qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk:
[*]Forward/Air Forward/Air Back throw, :a1:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hit, combo... (begin executing the OTG and assist call earlier than you would expect)
[*]Back throw/Forward throw, dash backward, qcf+:l: (OTG), dash, s.:h:, qcf+:h:, qcb+:l:, :s:, sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s: (land), ender... **(Forward throw conversion is EXTREMELY tight and will vary from character to character)**
[*]Back throw/Forward throw, dash backward, qcf+:l: (OTG), dash, s.:h:, qcf+:h:, s.:h::s:, sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), ender... **(Forward throw conversion is EXTREMELY tight and will vary from character to character)**
Confirm and Salvage Tips
[details=Spoiler]Many of Cap’s combos, while simple in basic execution, often require forced delays and monitoring the opponents position to make adjustments in timing. These are some basic adjustments you can apply to your combo to help convert hits or salvage a combo getting away from you:
[]:s:, neutral super jump, sjc.:h:, dj.
:h: d+:h::s:, etc… - When the opponent sits too high or to close above you, it can be risky to attempt a standard forward super jump conversion as they may fall out or behind you. This is a simple and consistent way to convert if you have the hit stun available.
[]j.d+:h: - Sometimes the opponent begins to float too high in many of Cap’s BnBs. In some cases with j.:h: and u+:h:, this can be substituted to lower the opponent.
[]j. - While the j.:h:'s are typically the go to air confirm and optimal combo conversions, adding this can improve consistency on some combos at a small cost to hit stun.
[]Do a “dpb, b” motion for qcb+:atk::atk: - In the occasional case of doing a qcb+:atk:, the opponent will fall behind you or sit right above you as you go for your hyper. To prevent an accidental lvl 3, you can do “b, d, db, b” instead. If they remain in front, you will do qcb+:atk::atk:, if they fall behind you, it will register as a comboing dpf+:atk::atk:
[]j.:h:/u+:h:/d+:h:, qcf+:atk: (land), j./sj.u+:h:, qcf+:l:/, repeat if necessary - This is a very open ended conversion of any random air to air. Even at super jump height Cap can pull off 3 sets of “j.:h:/u+:h:/d+:h:, qcf+:atk: (land)” and end with a standard launch ender.
[]c.:h: - Combos with s.:h: often require well timed delays and can often result in too high of a float to follow up with :s: or :s: will require a neutral super jump adjustment. In combos where the opponent will fall low enough, c.:h: is a great alternative and keep the opponent low for the :s:.
[*]Walking and dashes adjustments - Many combos require proper spacing and also suffer from inconsistencies in how the opponent will get positioned. Simply be adding walks or dashes in the gaps where you’re delaying a hit or have time to, you can make the adjustments necessary to make the combo more consistent.
Ender Launch into Tiger Knee Shield Slash Variations
[details=Spoiler]These are listed in order based on damage and hitstun used. If you start your confirm with an assist or something to add more hitstun decay, go down the list (the second and third are purely preference on timing the qcf+:l:). It is noted that doing a neutral jump j.qcf+:l: is more consistent than a forward jump so try to learn either u~qcf or qcf~u if possible. The more optimal launch enders allow for more time to make any small dash adjustments after landing, so consider this when deciding your 1st launch series and how much hitstun you have remaining. If you buffer qcf+:l: before the move can come out due to height restrictions, it will come out on the first frame.
[*]sjc.:m::m::h: djc.:m: d+:h::s: (land), dash, j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:
[*]sjc.:m::m::h: d+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:
[*]sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (land), dash, qcb+:l:
[*]sjc.:h: u+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG) (due this before landing) (land), dash, qcb+:l:, etc... (very strict timing)
The main reason for learning these isn’t so much their damage, it’s the meter. You’re gaining the meter off two charging stars and a returned shield slash before doing your hyper, improving you chances of a DHC or simply making good calls on meter management for later.
Assist Extensions
[details=Spoiler]Cap usually has little benefit to assists mid combo. Typically assists are used to start the combo or extend the final part. This is a basic listing of common combo enders using qcb+:atk: which fully ignore hitstun deterioration.
[*]BnB combo, hard knock down from j.:s:...
[*](Vergil rapidslash) corner...:a1:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hits, :s:, qcb+:l: (TK cancel with 'u'), qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*](Taskmaster horizontal) corner...:a1:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hits, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*](Taskmaster horizontal) corner...:a1:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hits, qcb+:l:, qcf+:atk::atk: - lvl3
[*](Dr. Strange bolts) corner...:a1:, qcf+:l: (OTG), assist hits, qcb+:l:, assist hits, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*](Sentinel charge)midscreen....j.qcf+:l: (OTG), :a1:, dash, qcb+:l:, assist hits, :s:, super jump, huge delay, sjc.:s: (on drones last hit), qcf+:l:(OTG), qcb+:atk::atk:
[*](RR log)midscreen...j.qcf+:l: (OTG), :a1:, dash, qcb+:l:, assist hits, dash twice, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*](RR log)midscreen...j.qcf+:l: (OTG), :a1:, dash, qcb+:l:, assist hits, dash twice, qcb+:l:, qcf+:atk::atk: - lvl3
[*]Hyper into hypers
[*]Doom (missiles): BnB combo, hard knock down from j.:s: in corner...
:a1:, slight pause, qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk: (full mash), assist hits, :s:/:h:, qcb+:l: (TK cancel with 'u' if you did :s:), qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*]Sentinel (charge): BnB combo, hard knock down from j.:s: midscreen near corner...
j.qcf+:l:, :a1:, dash, qcb+:atk::atk:, assist hits, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk: (very distance from corner specific!!!)
X-Factor Extensions
[details=Spoiler]Cap can typically kill anyone in the cast with a properly timed X-factor, especially with a happy b-day. These are more useful methods of use beyond hyper into hyper.
[*]XF3 infinite: opponent above you anywhere on screen... qcb+:l: (repeat)
[*]Midscreen Hyper into combo: qcb+:atk::atk:, XFC, dash, qcf+:l:, dash, :s:, sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s: (land), qcf+:l:, dash, :s:, sjc.:m::h: u+:h::s:, ender...
[*]Midscreen B-day Hyper into Hyper: qcb+:atk::atk:, XFC, dashx2 (ASAP), qcf+:l:, qcb+:atk::atk:
[*]Early combo corner Hyper into combo: qcb+:atk::atk:, XFC, c.:l::m::h::s:, ender...
Near Corner and Corner Corrections
[details=Spoiler]Many of the combos listed above have side switch variations with the intent to control direction and gain access to more optimal combos whether it be Cap’s solos that require mid screen enders or assist extensions that prefer corner variations toward the end. Typically when starting a launch near a corner, always attempt a neutral super jump into sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l:, unless flush with the corner this should always connect and allow you to make any adjustments needed to optimally combo. You should avoid using forward super jump extensions as they will only allow difficult and low damaging normals to be use as well as a much harder relaunch, these are best used when a mistake is made and you need to salvage the combo. Using s.:h: flush with the corner is not only optimal for all openers, but will cause Cap to push himself out of the corner as it hits, allowing for a very easy corner combo confirm.