What’s the key to getting the jump qcf l after the knockdown S in the reliable bnb? Cap has a really floatly fall/jump so after I knock them down it takes a while for him to land. And when I do he seems to always jump higher than what I’m seeing the video–causing me to get the qcf L too late.
I’ll expand a few details in the OP (As I’m adding more right now!). But always do the air enders listed in “Ender Launch into Tiger Knee Shield Slash variations”. These detail which ones create optimal spacing and timing. Generally sjc:m::h: u+:h::s: is my go to ender in most cases for consistency unless I’m very sure of the hit stun from the opener wont interfere with more optimal versions.
On the actual execution, I input neutral jump, qcf+:l:. I have a Hitbox so this is very practical for me, stick/pad not so much. Neutral jump tends to make the spacing more consistent (especially with small opponents), but the standard qcf, uf+:l: will also work. j.qcf+:l: has a unique property that if you do the qcf motion before the 1st available frame that it can come out due to height restrictions, it will buffer and automatically do it for you when it can. So a perfectly timed qcf+:l: as soon as you leave the ground, will result in the perfect height.
You can also use positioning tricks such as a very quick dash forward/backwards before jumping to make any small adjustments. Typically you’ll want the the launch enders with more hits, as they allow for much more time to land and adjust. If hit stun scaling is making it too tight to get the better enders, consider a less optimized 1st launch series.
This is the backthrow combo involving Strider assist that I want to share,it does 400 damage meterless
and builds 1 bar off from a backthrow. You can also use the Ground Ender in many types of combos depending on location
Opener(Your opponent is in the corner)
Back Throw qcf+:l: s.:h: qcf+:h: :s:
Ender Launch
:h: :s:
Ground Ender
Call Strider assist j. qcf :l: Strider hits j.qcf :l: dash qcb+ :l: dash qcb+ :h:
I’m finding that ender launch very tight for Strider assist to properly combo. It’s do able but for consistency I’ve been doing less optimized combos to ensure :h: d+:h::s:. Any advice or is this likely the best solution?
I forgot to add d+ :h: after :h:
:h: d+:h: :s: is a better solution because Cap lands faster. After Strider knocks them down after full shield slash hit, just walk forward a little bit and just j. qcf+ :l:
Heres a combo involving Rapid Slash assist + Charging Star if you end up in the corner where you can’t follow up with qcf+ :h:
qcb+ :h: “Rapid Slash assist hits” d+ d+ :h: :s:
Ender Launch
:h: “backward double jump” :s:
**Ground Ender **
“call strider assist” backward j.qcf :l: “strider hits” backward j.qcf :l: dash "qcb+ :l: qcb+ :h:
**-------------------------- **
A free combo if strider assist hits , you can dash to the other side of the screen before strider assist hits if you want to do a midscreen combo instead of corner combo
**Opener **
“Strider assist hits airborne opponent” qcf+ :l: “dash” s.:h: qcf+ :h: qcb+ :l: :s:
Ender Launch
" because of hitstun scaling you have to do the air combo very fast or else they will fall out of the combo"
:h: “double jump forward” U+ :h: :s:
**Ground Ender **
forward j.qcf+ :l: “dash” qcb+:l: qcb+ :h:
SO! I had noticed while playing through arcade mode(bad idea I know, only do it to practice hit confirms) that if you can corner the opp and get them into a block string in to the charging star/rapid slash call, it would ALWAYS let me hit with a crouching light. I just thought the computer was being stupid, but I started trying it against the guys I play against and low and behold, they got hit by it too. I’m guessing it’s a decent frame trap, but I have no idea how to check the numbers on something like that, I just know that I got a lot of hits with it. Then they started just blocking, which of course is the best time to go for that back throw, which with new combos posted in other threads leads to 1.2 million damage at only -20% meter loss, with Cap/Vergil/Doom. Was just in the lab, just kinda messing around and for some reason I got the idea to test and see if it was a guard break setup if they where stupid enough to push block it. Set the comp to push block and throw tech. Called Vergil, did the charging star, comp starts push blocking like mad, I stay right on top of him and BAM back throw, no tech out. I don’t even know if this is even useful, not many people have tried to push block once I put them in that situation, but hey, if they do, free throw to dead character.
That could be huge. Once again I need to hit the lab with these new finds and update the OP.
Added a few more combos right now my suggested BnB is:
j.d+:h:, c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, sjc.
:h: d+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
j.d+:h:, c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.:h: u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash (side switch), :s:, sjc.
:h: d+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
Also added a new corner combo to the OP.
[edit] After further testing I felt tinies needed a different combo (namely zero, -_- ):
c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l:, (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, sjc.
:h: d+:h::s: (land), j.qcf+:l: (OTG), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l:, (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), dash, :s:, neutral sjc.
:h:, dbj.
:h: d+:h::s: (land), dash, j.qcf+:l: (OTG), dash, qcb+:l:, qcb+:h:, qcb+:atk::atk:
Nothing hugely revolutionary, but I feel these are the standard BnBs to now strive for. I’m growing away from combos using j.:s: (land), qcf+:l: (OTG), relaunch… and qcb+:l::s:. I find these combos to provide too much hitstun decay and can make the ender launch combo rather inconsistent. Ideally sjc.:h:d+:h::s: seems to be the most consistent ender in terms of setting up proper distances for the follow up OTG and various other things and these types of combos often make even
:h:u+:h::s: a bit tighter than it should be. As well those combos are very hard to work with in happy b-days and often resulted in an early hyper before a relaunch. As well your starter often can interfere with hitstun and make managing which combo to use a bit hectic. I feel these are safer and anything “more optimal” is not exactly to a practical extent as the damage and meter gain is negligible.
added more explanation to the combo variations and a small section on confirms and adjustments. Adding newer BnB suggestions.
Yo pwnstar or anyone else that may have some input. Happy bday combos? Different sized characters always cause problems in my normal bnbs. I’ve resorted to super low damage double jump combo just to keep everyone in the combo. I normally get the assist kill but just wondering what your go to bday combo was.
Funny you should ask. In the OP I actually just labeled all the b-day friendly combos!
Really with B-day combos you’re looking to avoid combos that use an OTG or qcb+:l::s: for the relaunch. However if you have an assist that makes them work go for it. My lazy combos to ensure I get my b-days:
mid - c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, s.
:h: u+:h::s: (land), dash, qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk:
corner - c.:l: s.:h::s:, super jump back sjc.u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), back jump j.
u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, s.
:h: u+:h::s: (land), qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk:
assisted corner - c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.u+:h::s:, qcf+:l: (land), j.u+:h::s: (land), qcf+:l:+:a1: (vergil RS), :s:, s.
:h: u+:h::s: (land), qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk:
Actually sry lil misinforamtion there. The correct combos are:
mid - c.:l: s.:h::s:, sjc.
u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), j.
u+:h:, qcf+:l: (land), s.:h::s:, s.
:h: u+:h::s: (land), dash, qcf+:l: (OTG), qcb+:atk::atk:
Also it won’t work on some characters like Zero who pretty much flips out on anything besides normal only launches in happy B-days.
[edit] Recheck the combos listed. After some testing some of them required changes (I had some wrong so go back if you looked!) and in the end i wound up modifying some preexisting combos that were missing free damage. Cap’s b-days are still a little hard whenever shield slash is involved so consider that when you have an assist relaunch and maybe just do normals. Zero and tinies are a pain at times and the safest option is better than optimal
@ifbpwnstar a couple or so posts above, one of your bnbs starts with d+:h:, c.:l: s.:h: - wouldn’t .d+:h:, s.
:h:… do more damage?
Yes. However I try to implement combos as that since it’s very likely in a match you will do d+:h: and immediately c.:l: incase they block. This way you know the combos will work with that opener. c.:l: has slightly worse hitstun and can effect the ender launch. Naturally any confirm you can verify with d+:h: should go to s., but the reality is more likely you will use c.:l: if you can’t.
Happy Birthday Combos that kills assists that have 1 million health
cr.:l: cr. st.:h: :s: “super jump forward” j.
“double jump forward” j.:h: (delay) j.d+:h: “land” qcb+:l: :s: “super jump forward” j.d+:h: j.qcf+:l: “land” st.:h: :s: “super jump forward” j.
j.:h: “double jump forward” j.u+:h: :s: “land” forward j.qcf:l: “dash” qcb+:l: qcb+:h: qcb+:atk::atk:
cr.:l: cr. st.:h: :s: “super jump forward” j.
“double jump forward” j.:h: (delay) j.d+:h: “land” qcb+:l: “wait for the character to fall lower” :s: “super jump forward” j.
“double jump forward” j.:h: (delay) j.d+:h: “land” qcb+:l: qcb+:h: :atk::atk:
**Corner **
cr.:l: cr. st.:h: :s: “super jump forward” j.
“double jump forward” j.:h: (delay) j.d+:h: “land” j.
j.:h: j.d+:h: j.qcf.:l: “land” st.
:s: “super jump straight up” j.
j.:h: “double jump straight up” j.
j.d+:h: :s: “land” qcf+:l: qcb+:atk::atk:
st. tends to whiff when the tip of cr.:l: hits the crouching opponent at the maximum range/farther away and j.
j.:h: “double jump” j.
j.:h: j.d+:h: :s: is impractical unless you can triple jump cancel after j.
Lol you’re insane using those combos. I just sat in training for awhile thinking “I’m going to have like 5% success rate in a real match with this stuff”. Do you use these commonly in play or is this all lab tech? I’ll be very impressed if you’re doing this in your games consistently. I feel like if I get my Hitbox U/D set to last input and not Up > down, I think I can land these, but for pad and stick players that’s a lot of work and difficult timings with not a lot of hitstun to spare.
I only use these combos in the match if I caught both point and the assist in a combo. After failing practicing my midscreen Happy Birthday combos during a training mode so many times, I feel that Jint’s New BnB is more consistent for midscreen Happy Birthdays that also kills 1 million health assists. Corner Happy Birthday is easier but you won’t kill 1 million health assists unless you can DHC.
I wouldn’t practice my midscreen Happy Birthday combo because its really difficult to keep the combo going after qcb+:l: :s: j.+:h: j.qcf+:l: and its sometimes don’t hit both characters.
Yeah it felt like swag tech for awesome combo videos but in a real match I’m just not gonna wanna take that risk. I already get uppity dropping ending launchers I think are guaranteed.
Also for different sized characters in happy B-days, sometimes characters just have weird float compared to the other and you may have to resort to day 1 simple combos to make sure they work.
I found something interesting about Cartwheel against Spencer
If Spencer tries to punish your assist with Bionic Arm , do a Cartwheel as Spencer does his bionic arm. What is
happening is that Cap and the assist both pass through bionic arm as if assist were invincible. The timing is not really that
hard if you don’t want your assist to receive damage.
Dafuq O_O…to the lab!
Can you elaborate more on the team/assists test and the scenario?
I’m having mixed results. There seems to be something there when i do it with vergil at certain distances and timings…but i can’t find a reasoning between the inconsistencies