Spo drunk!? Dayum! He fugged up mane!!
in completely unrelated news, Its so Cooooold in tha D! How da fuc do we posed ta keep peace?
BTW you guys know what NEEDS to happen? …LEGO Street Fighter II. …Boom!
Spo drunk!? Dayum! He fugged up mane!!
in completely unrelated news, Its so Cooooold in tha D! How da fuc do we posed ta keep peace?
BTW you guys know what NEEDS to happen? …LEGO Street Fighter II. …Boom!
Agreed Mike. lolol they should let you in charge for the 2012 version.
Yun is really strong but as I keep playing more against him with Mak i realize its not as bad as it seems. If i anti air 1 dive kick and dash in his face he’s already in bad position. Her st.mp stuffs all lunge punches on reaction and can dash in for meaty/OS situation just like the AA situation and she can punish palm from full screen on reaction. I’ve never been forced to go to the lab for these kinda things against a character ever though lol. I guess a lot ofppl complain because you realy have to focus 100% of the time against yun or you’re screwed. He’s a threat from all distance. I think if they just make his lunge punches unsafe at any distance on block and tweak his command grab he should be fine.
^ I agree. I’m not saying I want to see him become ass. lol Just take him down a freaking peg! Even with a nerf or two he’d still be really solid. As it stands, he basically gets to just do whatever he wants *anywhere *on screen with little to no risk whatsoever. That’s honestly the only problem I have with Yun. I think the twins are really cool characters. I just hate how Yun specifically makes bad players ok, ok players good, and good players great; it shouldn’t be that easy.
Thought this was badass:
Dropping all games for this Lego SF2.
its so damn hootttttt
Milk was a bad choice!!!
is ryu really that bad in ae? should i not be playing him?
You play whoever you want. Don’t be like some people who switch to Yun for free wins coughdenniscough.
Release the kraken!!!
He still got all the tools for every situation. Great normals and zoning game with good offensive game too. But you’re gonna be have to be REALLY on point with your footsies with low forward because it lost about half of its active frames lololol… It doesn’t stay out there anymore. And because of the decrease in active frames lowforward xx hadouken has more gap in between that few characters can fish out and punish.
also c.mk lost range
yeah james i noticed that too but since it wasn’t in the list of changes i kinda passed it off O_o
but yeah while i was playing ryu i noticed like half of his foot lost the hitbox, it just passes through…
lol just played online using ryu against ken.
Im sorry but there’s absolutely no reason to use Ryu over Ken in this game.
That’s like saying there’s no reason to use other characters over Yun in this game
Which is an accurate statement
While that is an accurate statement, it’s wrong in that some people might prefer a defensive character like Guile while in Ryu vs Ken… well, anything Ryu can do, Ken can do better lolol while their playstyle can be kinda similar.
Ken is the best shoto in the game (although akuma is still probably better).
Also E.Ryu is arguably better than Ryu.
In AE if you want to do well either choose yun, yang, fei, makoto, viper, bison, sagat, gief
U forgot rog sir- yeah he got some nerfs but he is still good enuf for other matchups and against twins he is one of few that has at least even matchup lols
O yeah and Abel still seems fine…he got nerfed HARD but he still has good normals/mixup ability/pressure game. Only stupidly hard matchup IMO is fukin yun, yangs fine tho
And I think u can add juri adon and Sakura to the “can do well with” list but juri so damn awkward so I’ve nvr tried and no nothing about her, i add her solely from what I’ve seen and read~
The “can do well with” list is pretty long, imo.
I feel like this might be a bit more accurate. There are still quite a few viable characters in AE, but if your goal is to place at majors, then I’d have to agree with James for the most part. As the cast currently stands there are just too many characters that will struggle when they [inevitably] run into the aforementioned 8 or so characters further into the brackets. This isn’t to say that it’s impossible, but the odds are heavily weighted against them for sure.
I’ve already accepted that my character isn’t great anymore, so I’m pretty cool with just playing the characters I enjoy to the best of my ability. I have no illusions of ever winning a major (or even a minor lol), so getting Guile up to a ‘Master’ rank online is sort of my personal goal. If I can at least be a top-ranked online Guile, I could be alright with that. Heck, once I get to where I’d like I might just start working on other characters just for funsies – at very least Oni. :tup: