If your family members were porn stars, would you watch? I’ve been thinking about this since I recently read a Ron Jeremy interview where he indicated that his sisters are proud of their pornstar brother, and also since a recent conversation I had with Anthony, who not only watches his sisters’ pornos, but also films, produces, and ocassionally stars opposite them.
So, assumming your sister/mother/other family member was the hottest in-demand snatch in the porn industry, would it be inappropriate to watch their movies?
Personally I think sisters/younger cousins would be ok. Aunts would almost be ok if they weren’t old and creepy-looking. Anyone else would be a negative. Though I gotta say I don’t fully understand the level of taboo behind incest.
you homos
hey fool, whatever it takes to stop the pc game discussion.
since it seems like you really want to discuss this
i wouldn’t mind watching a sister in a porn, mainly cuz i dont’ have a sister so i dont’ feel weird saying it. however i do have a cousin, who i guess most people would say it good looking, and i can’t imagine myself watching a porno of her, so i guess if i did have a sister i wouldn’t watch her porn. so my answer is no…
however…if it was john’s sister in a porn …hehe jk
haven’t posted in some time and just been looking back at some past posts…
doug, i’m not in there too often, but i’m the guy that always, ALWAYS just picks mai cammy sagat in k groove. welcome to the thread, and anger is a virtue.
marcass, good brownies, told ya ghiradelli was the way to go
allen, i too would want to meet this rc mai…as long as he doesn’t pick the pink one…then he dies.
eugene, i’m becoming desperately broke and i’m in need of work, are they still hiring techs? if so, which one, where, and what exactly would i do?
nate, if it wasn’t for your previous post, i would of been safe in assuming you were dead
and for the record, vegas is evil…evily delicious!
Yes, welcome Doug, I’m the always P-groove playing guy with the long, girlish hair.
Other Randomness: http://www.teamcontrol.net/ybs.php
Maybe I’ll have some real content on there sometime, hopefully when my own comp is back up and running.
Maki: "Tiara"
Kyo: “Ohhh yeah” and “KORAIGHDEWAIGYEAH”
It sounds to me that choi actually says “kill the answer.”
There’s a FAMILY fun (as anthony would say it) tournament coming up this saturday for third strike. There’s a 3 on 3 and a singles, so maybe some of you could come. There’s cvs2 singles going on too, I think.
Well, i’m sort of in the clear this evening if anyone’s up for some cvs2 or 3s. Allen, what time are you going to want to come over? 'tis ash wednesday so i gotta go to church first. Yes, you filthy no-goodniks, i am a church goer, and I will hurt you if you joke about it…well, no i won’t. Anyway, let me know if anyone’s up for it.
I was at ZZ this morning at 11am to play my dollar’s worth of Street Fighter against someone who appears to be a regular. So Im gonna assume he posts here.
dude, what the hell is your problem?? No matter how much I suck you shouldnt be such a sore ass loser.
chill out, it is just a game. Let’s try to keep it fun for those of us like myself who do not take playing seriously.
on a side note, there are some people who go to ZZ with hella long hair. get dreads!! our school doesnt have enough people with them (I see like one random guy every quarter or so…). btw I’ll help too.
The person you’re talking about might not post here. If you could describe the guy to us then I’m sure we could all collectively figure out who it is that you’re talking about. What game was it? (Hey, I care about this drama crap.)
Actually, I have a good idea of who it might be right from the ghett go, lol.
Unrelated, but there were some major lols going down at the marvel machine today later in the day. David knows what I’m talking about :).