Tourney sounds cool. There’s probably no chance of getting the buttons/sticks fixed before then, eh?
Aww man, if we do this Saturday, is there any way we can do it at night like after 8pm? I gotz work…
The joysticks do feel better when I played CvS2 today, Abel was telling me that he was going to get the 360s into CvS2 some day, but I didn’t notice since 360s usually are more stiff and the joysticks today felt as they always have been.
Nice avatar, Allen. If you find Homer look like Geese, let me know.
get well soon
Yo Alan, where did u get that av?
The YBS section is up. Eugene, what’s your email so I can invite you to join the blog.
got it from abel
john:can you lower the entry fee? to maybe $2-3 instead of 5…maybe we’ll get some players other than uci players to come…
S-groove is in favor of me, eh…how funny…
Ok guys, here are the (almost) full details:
UCI Zot Zone CvS2 Tourney
Saturday, February 28, 2004 (8th week of school)
32-Man cap, so sign up quickly!
Players will be paired according to the system of RANDOM
Double elimination
-best 2 out of 3
-losers bracket will only be ONE match
No character cloning
No game freezing glitches (tech throw reversal, etc.)
Double K.O. results in…a win for both players!
(So don’t get another Double K.O…or else…cuz…)
…if there is another Double K.O., then you guys both lose…
5 minutes to report to your match, otherwise you get sent to the loser’s bracket or eliminated (no exceptions for bathroom or food!)
Prize pot:
1st - 60% of pot
2nd - 25%
3rd - 15%
As for the entry fee…I think I’m gonna keep it at 5…unless 3 other people (along with allen) say otherwise…
So about the MvC2 and 3S tourneys…my boss said that she would get back to me on that issue, since that would require a crapload of quarters…she needs to talk to Primetime and see if they’re willing to like, I dunno…calculate the costs or something? I’m not really sure.
Likewise, the controls still haven’t been fixed. I also told my boss that the controls (especially the buttons) need to be checked out…ummm…details on that coming soon hopefully.
So here’s the deal: If the controls aren’t fixed by…monday of 8th week, then I’ll re-schedule the tournament. Or make it an S-groove tourney
wow, i didn’t know there was actually a zz thread in shoryuken. David just told me about it like last friday or thursday.
so i guess i’ve missed out the last 2-3 years for this thread, but i’ll try to keep it short… i think
yeah i’m doug, and i know so many people hate me at zz, lol. man, i’m sorry guys…i have a horrible temper when it comes to games. i’ve been tryin to be cool, and i think i’m succeeding a little BARELY.
for allen and eugene, yeah my bad i feel like utter shit when i start to lose my temper around u guys. u guys have gotten better and i should acknowledge it. i do acknowledge it. a lot of the times, i get mad at myself, but i find myself transfering it to the other player. this goes in general for all the other players i play against. if i get angry or show it, don’t mind me and think “ok that fagget is gonna start trippin out and shit, so fuck him.” so what i’m tryin to do now is just stay quiet and just look casual. haha, not to say that i’m not actually casual, but just to look chill, i guess in order to keep myself calm.
Woah, I think that’s more than I’ve heard you say than the whole time I’ve been goin to ZZ. But hey, welcome to the thread.
I know we don’t talk much when gaming, but it’s amazing how it seems like I know you pretty well just from playing and losing so many times against you.
PS, do you game anywhere else besides ZZ?
Wow! ZZ first CvS2 tourney and I can’t be there. Good luck to all!
don’t worry doug. i get pissed more than you do. anyway, i’m down for this tourney. i hope to see everyone there.
Tournament sounds fun. If you include the stipulation of “No roll-cancelling” and if it’s after 9 am, then I might consider entering.
Welcome Doug. Get back into Diablo, hopefully I’ll free up some time to play again.
Wassup CvS2 beast. Play more Marvel.
i never hated you. I was actually more along the lines of ‘afraid’ >_<, which may hold true for a lot of other people in ZZ as well
but the times i actually talked to you, you seemed pretty coo, so i didn’t let the temper problem really get to me. I must say though, you have a insane mind game when it comes to fighting games. i can see why it’s frustrating when random shit just happens. anyways it’s good to know that you don’t hate me or something.
edit: now that i think of it. I’ve seen some of your posts in other threads before. I never knew it was you. Some of the post you made were funny as hell.
"i’m sorry…are, are you…are YOU from boston? lmao
don’t you naturally suck at this?"
hey dudes, the tourney rules have been changed slighty…check back to that long post I made for the details. Umm…once I get this all official and stuff, as in, having the cabinets fixed and getting all the details straight, I’ll try to APEX it, for those that wanna be famous…haha…
On a side note…what the heck does “Millionaire Fighting” mean???
Again, suggestions very welcome; I’m new to running tournaments
john: announce this in the Tournaments and Events section. let’s see if we can get some visitors in.
I could have sworn i told your ass about this site before anyway, i’m abel. And, I think you’re succeeding a little with your temper, at least in third strike; maybe it just has to do with the fact that since some of the stuff is new to you, you have a little more humility when you play. who knows, but, try to carry it over to cvs2 man. I dunno, you never get mad when i play you, but then again, i suck.
John: eliver has a point, put up some info on the tourney & events thread when you’re sure about the stuff, and if you need help running a 3s tourney, ask anthony, who’s been running all the zz ones. Oh, and “millionaire fighting” is most likely a grammatical mistake, i think the insinuation’s supposed to be fighting to get lots of money in the end. Even though a lot of the back story for the characters is that they just want a reason to beat the hell out of each other.
Need Roommate
OK, guys, this is totally off-topic, but I’m seriously at my wit’s end here. I am trying to gtf out of Irvine, and have been for like a month, but for the life of me I can’t find anyone to replace me in my apartment. If anyone needs a place to move into, or if you know anyone who needs a place, then please feel more than free to contact me. You would be living w/2 people…one guy and 1 girl. You can read an ad for the room here:
Thanks for reading. I do apologize for posting this here, but like I said, I’m at my wit’s end.
EDIT: Oh and let me offer a further incentive…you are almost guaranteed to be subjeccted to some heinous titty shots if you move in here.
ps this has been one of the most ridiculous weekends in my entire life. I should be suicidal.