TVC UAS Tier list speculation thread

I think the word tht I’ve bolded may be your problem.

No-one is saying “Yeah we know this **** here’s your accurate tier list”, it’s just speculation, just like all the theory fighter about the new characters before UaS came out.

Speculative still requires good sources, though. I wouldn’t go into a GGXX thread and start speculating about their characters. Sure, I’ve played GGXX, but do I know enough to judge? Definitely not.

I dunno man I mean we don’t really have that many sources for UaS yet and imo that’s what makes this kind of thing exiting right now, you can see ideas being bounced off eachother, find experimental strategys people are talking about and everyone is just as uninformed about the new stuff.

It’s not like going into an older game where most of the stuff is already established like GGXX and spouting on how you think their tiers are all wrong, but seeing the development of the characters in progress and what people are doing with them, and that, to me at least, is exiting.

While the game has a lot of changes, it is still TvC. And even those of us with a year of it under our belt are still no where near close to being able to speculate about tiers.

Matchups on the other hand, are a worthwhile discussion.

Well like I said, by all means lets talk about matchups. :lol:

Maybe we could discuss one character a week and what those matchups are till we’ve got an entire matchup chart to fill out?

I think that’s a great idea, I’ve seen other forums do this and when the community is active it become a very valuable source of information.

Sounds good to me.

Lightan can’t punish Blade’s projectiles with Stomp. Stomp is just too slow.

Another thing that PTX got this time around is automatic shield on his 5A and 2A as well as riot tackle.

So you have to do stomp before the projectile hits you then I guess? Hmm… it’s possible though, just not online, lol.

Does riot tackle have full body shield?

This is what I’ve been saying here and in Unity. Unfortunately, it seems that the mentality among the average Wii owners is to simply look for a tier list and just go for whoever’s on top and not care about why that character is on top.

Well unless there is a low that can actualy knock the robots down and outprioritise his tackle, is there any way to tell?

It’s a mentality of people who don’t play fighting games period. It’s not just in the Wii - even SF4 scrubs do that. OMG BOGSAGETISBROKEN

I honestly think that Zero isn’t going to be in the higher tiers when all is said and done. Zero is somewhat limited in his combo options, and he doesn’t go well with most of the cast. I can only think of MAYBE 3 characters who can go well with Zero at this point. He also has a hard time with Giants, due to his slow projectiles.

Then again, the game just came out, so this all could be wrong.

Well you only need 1.

True. But in Zero’s case, I would think he would need more than one partner.

really top synergy only really exists in a handful of cases. most teams will have synergy kinks in dhc or assist one way or another.
roll cashern in cgoh is the only example i can really think of for near perfect synergy both ways, but even though they toped the list of having lots of horrible things that they can do together, both characters had alot of bad matchups so it wasn’t a really top team.

having 2 characters that fight well on their own is still a good plan in this game. most strong teams will be
really strong with either on point alone minimal synergy.
2 strong characters slightly buffed with either on point with partner backing
one extremely enhanced with an ideal partner but partner isn’t particularly good on point.

lots of characters benifit from a DP assist and a easy way to dhc out.
and alot of characters assists can work with zero’s mixups as far as i know.
if zero ends up being very strong alot of teams with him will be great.

With Chun is it just her pokes that are keeping her up there for people? I’m playing her and having played her in CGOH i feel the nerfbat hard. Level 3 costs 4 bars as other than Vair’ing into it has bleh damage for the meter. I think she’s solid not top.

Ryu however is top don’t doubt just believe he is monstrous as ever.

What do you guys think of Ken the Eagle now? I feel that he isn’t that fun to play anymore. I miss now being able to run around the stage doing j.623A in re-jump combos and doing multiple 623B’s in a corner air combo.

I also feel Ken isnt that good anymore, his combos do average damage :(…I think Chun-Li isnt too great anymore either…I wonder about Polimar though, I dont use him but I’ve seen so many combos do like 50 billion damage, what are his downsides? I guess he might have problems getting in…I think Zero, ryu, and joe the condor are pretty good…well joe has some problems, but his corner combos with shuriken can do like 50billion with no assist/bbq…thats insane…

Wasn’t Chun-Li actually buffed in this version, aside from Lightning Legs pushing back?

Also, as downsides, Polimar has trouble getting in,one of the slowest footwalks in the game (or THE slowest), and I think that’s about it. someone like RoyalFlush should be able to give you something more detailed.