If you do the beacon bomb fast enough, they’ll be out of range of the first King Servbot attack that pops the person in the air. If you do it this way, you have to do beacon bomb > king servbot REALLY fast or they’ll get out before the king servbot touches them. But if you do it this way, it’s easier to link all three hypers. You also lose out on damage this way.
guess i need to just practice the timing, honestly what i started doin was dhcing from king serve> to lunch time> taskmasters arrow hyper it does pretty good damage and i can link sentinal in after wards if need be
So I’ve been experimenting w/ sticking Tron in the middle of my Wolvie Akuma team instead of Taskmaster. Works nice and Tatsu can lift them up after OTG kinda like drones, but Im wondering if anyone can finish this combo better:
jH, land sM fwdM, jcMMH, land MS launch, sjMMHS, land call tatsu then cH, then I get stuck! Doesnt seem like fwd+H after cH does anything, unlike w/ Drones. I was able to juggle w/ qcf+L off the tatsu, but then when I did Kobun super, I wasnt able to juggle sH into lunch time.
Just wondering if anyone had any tatsu assist Tron combos, OR was interesting in messing with what I started above and improving it.
My combo for now -
j.H, c.M S sj.M…M…H land s.M(1) f.M j.MMH s.H S sj.MMHS c.H f.H Thor Smash Assist qcf.L King Kobun s.H Servebot Takeout.
earns 2 meters, burns 2 meters. 920,000+ damage
Thats the combo is use into dante for a touch of death combo I reckon wesker and a couple others could make use of it unscaled king servebot
Combo normally up until qcf+A… but then since you haven’t used your ground bounce, jump up, air dash forward and immediately jS, land, stand C xx lunch time. I’m not sure if this works with qcf+A but I have an assist combo where I catch them with qcf+C and then the square jump S makes the spacing right to connect supers after.
jC, land, 5B, 6B, jBBC+dante jam session, land (and backdash if cornered), qcf+C, super jump air dash forward jC, land, 5B, launch, sj.BBCD, land, 2C, 6C+cold star assist, lunch time super. (meter building combo)
or since dante is my point character on this team and often dies without getting out safely (might be corner only?):
jC, land, 5B 6B, jBBC, land 5B, 6B, jBB+cold star jC, land, qcf+C, jump air dash forward jD, land, qcf+A, king kobun xx dhc glitch. Haven't worked out an optimal amaterasu finisher without meter yet. Can also replace the square jump D for "dash jCD, land 5C xx king kobun" for a combo into lunch time instead.
Been trying to find combos that build 2 bars with just tron and ammy and unfortunately only found 1.9 meter building combos earlier. Although with that relaunch just linking after jC I could probably do it easy.
DHC glitch setup off throw:
throw, 2C, 6C+cold star assist, qcf+C, jump air dash forward jD, land, qcf+A xx king kobun, DHC
EDIT: Yep this relaunch is baller.
3 bar combo, 1million+ off jC:
jC, 5B, launch, sj B..B..C, land, 5B launch, sj BBCD, 2C, 6C+cold star, qcf+C xx king kobun, 5C xx king kobun, 5C xx lunch rush
872k off throw in corner if you just start with throw -> launch.
Hey so I was messing around in training mode last night and I thought I’d post this combo I came up with. It’s a 100% combo, did over 1,200,000 and I believe that’s the most health anyone has, right? Anyway, this combo involves the DHC glitch with Dante and a little bit of extra damage with Taskmaster assist. This costs 3 meters but builds two and a half if you get enough hits. This probably only works on bigger characters because of the way I start it, probably not the most practical but, meh.
j.MMH+Taskmaster Assist ->, st.M xx RDP+H, st.M, t.M, jc. j.MMH, st.M, S jc. j.MMHS, cr.H xx t.H+Jam Session, QCF+H, j.HS, land, QCF+L, DP+AA, DHC before giant servbot comes out to Dante QCB+AA, S jc. j.MM dj.MH xx QCF+H, land, QCF+AA
I let all standing M’s hit as many times as possible to build more meter.
I’m willing to bet there’s a Devil Trigger combo you could do to save meter instead of using another hyper at the end but I haven’t spent much time figuring out Dante stuff yet.
Sorry if the notation’s a little weird, I’ve never posted a combo before lol. What do you guys think? Useful? Stupid? I’d appreciate any feedback.
I didn’t see anything on the OP about it, and will edit this out if this exists elsewhere, but does Tron have a good combo continuation after being arial exchanged in?
After crossing up with a low super jumped jH, which has a better hit box to continue to combo, sL or sM? I’ve seen both recommended in different places. Both can work, but is one definitively better?
On an un-pushed block string, any fun sequences or setups you like after jump canceling forward off of fwd+M? In theory a fast fly over into crossup H seems like a good idea, but damned if people don’t like mashing buttons. So I’m thinking a continued string is probably better until they show you they block.
Tron generally does not have good combo continuation after being air tagged in. She is unable to combo off of her OTG (d.H) without the aid of an assist.
After you hit with a j.H, I would recommend using s.L instead of s.M simply because s.L starts up in 7 frames as opposed to s.M’s 9 frames. If you hit them too high, you can only combo with s.L, and if you manage to hit them low enough for an s.M followup, it’s a slightly tricky link.
I would go for a late-canceled drill into Shakedown Mixer. However, you have to time it so that they actually are out of blockstun when you pop the Mixer.
I’ve been working on a couple of combos with my Tron/Wesker/She-Hulk team:
j.:h:, land, :l: xx xx :f:+:m:, jump cancel, j. xx j.:h: xx j.:s: (ground bounce), :h: xx :s:, superjump cancel, j. xx j. xx j.:h: xx j.:s:, :a1: (Wesker-?), :qcf:+:l: (Beacon Bomb L) xx :dp:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Surprise), :h: xx :dp:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Surprise), :h:+:a2: (She-Hulk-?) xx :dp:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Surprise), :h: xx :dp:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Surprise), :h: xx :rdp:+:h: (Bonne Strike H) xx :qcf:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Takeout)
-Requires at least three meters to start (Preferably more than three unless you want to risk dropping the opponent while mashing the Bonne Strike H, see below.)
-The Beacon Bomb after the Wesker assist needs to hit pretty late; if it hits too early, the second Servbot Surprise will not connect and you’ll simply have to omit it.
-The timing on the She-Hulk assist is pretty specific; you have to hit it at the same time as :h: and then cancel into the Servbot Surprise as quickly as possible. If you don’t, either the opponent will drop out entirely or She-Hulk will hit them too early and away from the initial hit of Servbot Surprise.
-This is not at all a practical combo and actually will not work on a fair amount of the cast.
-Deals approximately 1,265,700 damage (CKC)
-Builds almost two meters (Builds two meters if you mash the Bonne Strike H at the end, but be careful as you have to cancel it on the hit right before it pops the opponent up.)
j.:h:, land, :l: xx xx :f:+:m:, jump cancel, j. xx j. xx j.:h:, land, xx :h: xx :s:, superjump cancel, j. xx j. xx j.:h: xx j.:s:, :a2: (She-Hulk-?), :qcf:+:m: (Beacon Bomb M), :atk::atk: (dash), j.:h: xx j.:s: (ground bounce), :qcf:+:l: (Beacon Bomb L) xx :dp:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Surprise) xx :qcb:+:atk::atk: (DHC to Rhino Charge, DHC Glitch), :df:+:h: (OTG), c.:l: xx xx :h: xx :qcf:+:m: (Ghost Butterfly), c.:h: xx :s:, superjump cancel, j. xx j. xx j.:h: xx ( :d: or :f: or :u: )+:s: (air tag to Tron), j. xx j.:h: xx j.:s:, :a1: (Wesker-?), :qcf:+:l: (Beacon Bomb L) xx :dp:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Surprise), :h: xx :rdp:+:h: (Bonne Strike H) xx :qcf:+:atk::atk: (Servbot Takeout)
-Requires at least 75-80% of a meter to start (This means that if you land a lucky hit at the beginning of a match, your opponent’s character is dust!)
-If the opponent is cornered, then the Beacon Bomb M can be replaced for a Beacon Bomb H for an additional 1,500 damage. (Also, you won’t need to dash to get to your opponent.)
-The timing on the j.:s: is a bit tricky; you want to hit them when you are as low to the ground as possible so that the Beacon Bomb L will hit.
-If you DHC too late, then the Servbot will actually remain on screen and mess up the combo! Avoid this by inputting/buffering the command for Rhino Charge during the cutscene for the Servbot Surprise.
-After the Ghost Butterfly, you have to wait a bit before inputting the c.:h:; inputting it too early will cause you to attack when they’re still cornered, before they cross you up, and inputting it too late causes it to whiff.
-Since you need to air tag in this combo, if the opponent guesses right, you will only have dealt approximately 815,900 damage when they air counter you.
-After you come back down with Tron, you may want to dash while calling in the Wesker assist if you used a side or down air tag. It’s a little easier if you’re right next to the opponent when Wesker pops them up.
-Deals approximately 1,289,800 if you used an up air tag, 1,283,700 if you used a down tag (CKC)
-Builds between 3.4 meters to 4.4 meters, depending on which air tag you use
some tron DHC glitch options w/ haggar and doom:
Just a little something I came up with with my Tron/Sentinel/Wesker team.
It only works in the corner, if you manage to be really really close when you hit the j.H, or if the character is ginormous like Sentinel.
j.:h:, st.:l:, cr., st.:h:, :s:, sj.:h::s:, (land), Wesker OTG Gun Assist, (if not in corner dash), st.:h:, :s:, sj.:h::s:, (land), Sentinel Drone Assist, cr.:h:xx:f::h:, :qcf::h: j.:h:, j.:s:, :qcf::l:, :dp::atk::atk: st.:h:, :dp::atk::atk:, st.:h:, :qcf::atk::atk:
Requires about 1 stock meter, does 1,173,000 damage, and in case it’s ever patched, no use of DHC glitch.
I was curious if anyone out there who knows much more about this game than me (and if it hasn’t already been done) could make a consolidated list of the assists (and timings for calling them during the combo) that allow Tron to connect the OTG into Beacon Bomb xx Hyper? I’ve seen that Akuma and Sent can do it just fine, and I use Chun Li’s LL assist myself, but for team experimentation purposes, I think this would be a great resource for Tron users.
Dude, you can use almost any assist in the game if you still have your ground bounce. Just otg, boulder(optional pending on assist), stand B, gustaff flame, jump C, S at minimum.
I’m having trouble landing the :l:Beacon after Akuma’s Tatsu assist outside of the corner.
My combo is something like this
j.:h: > > :s: > j.:h::s: > :d::h: > :f::h:+:a1:(Wolverine in this case) > :s: > j.:h::s: > :d::h: > :f::h:+:a2: > :l:Beacon
I dash forward to try and land the second beacon if I’m not in the corner, but the Tatsu assist doesn’t knock the opponent high enough to give me enough time to land it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, the timing is weird :x
I could do iad j.S to catch the opponent, but assume I used the ground bounce in the opener I guess.
Here’s my touch of death combo for my Tron/Hulk/Akuma team. Please let me know what you think. The video is posted on my blog here: http://kil22.blogspot.com/2011/05/dim-mak-tron-hulk-akuma-touch-of-death.html.
I am now aware this combo is exceedingly similar to another on Youtube that uses the same team for slightly more damage. My combo, however, does not require Hulk’s Gamma Wave (otg) assist, which is convenient since I rely on his Gamma Charge Anti-Air assist for defense. Both combos do more than enough to kill any character, anyways.
I have successfully used it in online matches. Nothing like seeing a Hulk or Thor on point geting killed off of a first attack. Teh Lolz.
[j.H xx H Drill (mash) - M xx f+M - j.M - j.M - j.H - H - S - j.M - j.M - j.H - j.S - d+H + Tatsu Assist - H Beacon Bomb - j.H - j.S - L Beacon Bomb - King Servbot DHC* Gamma Quake - S - j.M - j.M - j.H - j.S - L Gamma Wave xx Gamma Crush]
Touch of Death on any character in the game. (1.3million+ damage)
Works midscreen (carries opponent to corner).
Requires 1 meter at start of combo. (Can kill off of a First Attack.)
Builds 2+ more meters, expends 3 total.
I am still trying to get the most out of the King Servbot-Gamma Quake DHC trick. I extended the initial Tron series to get as much damage as possible before the Delayed Hyper Combo resets the damage scaling and hitstun decay. This version can kill any character from the start of the round as it only requires one meter to start, yet builds enough to use three hypers. The Gamma Crush finisher is only necessary for the top tier of health characters; without it, the combo uses 2 meters to do 1.1 million damage. A large portion of the cast cannot survive the DHC trick, anyways. Obviously characters that can easily avoid Tron’s j.H (i.e. Amaterasu) will need a different approach.
Made a combo video that highlights starting off combos with tron’s bonne strike
Its not exactly high end rediculous combos but hopefully its good enough
Just made a video of my Tron B+B with some tips on using it with different assists. Might make a whole project out of figuring out how to do this combo with everyone (or who can’t for that matter like magneto can only give me 2 supers no matter what I do) If this is useless I can delete my post, otherwise…
If you want to squeeze more damage out of the Tron part you can start it with j.H - cr.M - H - H Drill (mash) instead this also allows you to hit confirm so it might be better all around, gives you the same distance covered if not more.
yours (@ the second beacon) tron is almost at 3 meter (just barely shy) 481,400 dmg
mine (@ the second beacon) tron already above 3 meter 575,700 dmg
Who knows if this is useful to you but hey everyone loves more dmgs right? Honestly the hit confirm stuff is amazing, and the cr.M hits from huge distances allowing you to cross up more effectively.
This is what I use to catch tiny characters with tron. I don’t know if it’s going to work with the dhc trick but you can try this one:
j.S - j.M - j.M - j.H - H Drill (no mash) - M - f.M - j.M - j.M - j.H - H - S - j.M - j.M - j.S - cr.H + Tatsu Assist - L Beacon Bomb - Servbot
To get the beacon to connect low just delay it, it catches down there pretty far. Test it out and tell me if it works with your DHC trick! Gonna be honest though you wont have to DHC trick to kill small characters they don’t have enough HP. Use this combo instead and kill them off right away.
j.S - j.M - j.M - j.H - H Drill (no mash) - M - f.M - j.M - j.M - j.H - H - S - j.M - j.M - j.S - cr.H + Tatsu Assist - H Beacon Bomb - King Servbot - H - King Servbot - H - H Drill xcancel first hitx - Lunch rush
1,086,900 dmg… only 1 meter needed just like the others.
The last drill is just to get the meter for the last super. Leaves your stock dry but it does the job, most small characters die during the second King though. Well if let me know if I can annoy you further with my probably useless Tron knowledge!
Combo that uses Wesker Assist
j.:h: :l: c. :h: :rdp::h:(don’t mash) :f: JC j. j. j.:h: :h: :s: SJC j. j. j.:h: j.:s: Call Wesker Assist :qcf::l: j.:s: :qcf::l:/:h: (finisher)
If you don’t want to DHC glitch: add xx :dp::atk::atk: :h: :dp::atk::atk: :h: :qcf::atk::atk:
Using the DHC glitch: add :dp::atk::atk: xx :qcb::atk::atk:
I’m still playing Tron/Sentinel/Phoenix and was wondering if anyone would care to comment on my standard combo.
j.H, M (3 hits), f.M, j.M, j.M, j.H, M (3 hits), f.M, j.M, j.M, j.H, H, S, j.M, j. M, j.H, j.S, Call Sentinel Drones, cr.H (3 hits), f.H, H Beacon Bomb, j.H, j.S, L Beacon Bomb, H, H Drill - 505,200 dmg
I use this combo because:
-It works on almost everyone (stupid Zero grounded hit box)
-Does the best damage I’ve come up with without using meter
-Builds 2.5 bars
-Always ends in the corner
-Leads to good corner mix-ups
-L Beacon Bomb to DHC glitch if I feel the need to use meter
It’s also nice because the damn thing last so long you can sometimes sneak in a reset just because your opponent isn’t paying attention. :wgrin: