Tron's MvC3 Combos, DHC, and Assist Combos Living Guide!

2.BnBs and Loops
4.Character Assist and DHCs

Intro/Plea for Help(last updated 2/25/11 pre post#10)
So right now the forums are not organized at all. This is a effort to clean up the Tron forums and seek a knowledge about the character and her abilities. I can’t do this myself though and will need help. If you have more information to add to this guide I will add it ASAP and give you credit at the end of the guide. Right now the DHC list is need of help. If you want to lend a hand you can do the following.

  1. Test Tron’s DHC from Servebot Take(ST) and Servebot Surprise(SS). Make any special notes if need(corner, last hit, on startup ect…)
    2.Fix my Fail Numbering System For Assist
    Thats all! You can either post your info in this thread or send me a private message. Also feel free to proof read the guide for any spelling mistakes. Once the DHC list is done we can start working on the Assist Combos!



** 1. Starters-These are the moves that allow you to get in and start the ability to cause damage.
1.1 Ground to Ground

1.1.1 -:l: :m: :h: :s: - Standard opening for all characters. With Tron I feel going only to :m: is a better option cause of her limited air combos.

1.1.2 -Throw-This will cause a hard knockdown and can only be combo’ed off in the corner with a fast OTG

1.1.3 -Mixer-This is has similar properties to regular throw accept it leaves the opponent close enough to combo outside the corner with a quick OTG.
** 1.2 Air to Ground**
1.2.1 -J.:s:- This will cause a ground bounce that will allow you to go into any normal, drill, :l: or :h:capture, Takeout Hyper, or Surprise Hyper.
1.2.2 -J.:h:- You will be able to catch the opponent before he hits the ground with this move with :l: or :m:

  1. BnBs and Loops

[details=Spoiler] 2. BnB and Loops- These are the mid point of your combo after your starter. This is where the loose engine of MvC3 allows for some fun, interesting and damaging combos. Each of these combos may be able to be linked together. Example: doing Drill combo 2.1.1 after drill link Flamethrower 2.2.1 end in st:h: :s: Air Series 2.4.1. Anything listed as ?loop? may be done repeatedly, sometime up to 3 or 4 time depending on the situations. Anything ending with ?launch? is able to be launch canceled. Anything ending with ?SS? means it can be canceled into Servebot Surprise and ?ST? means it can be canceled into Servebot Takeout. Also keep in mind of hit stun deterioration when preforming long combos.

2.1 Drills
2.1.1 st.:m: xx :h: drill (loop/launch/ST/SS) To cancel into SS drill must be cancelled very early and only can be done on the first rep
2.1.2 :h: drill mash(loop/luanch/ST/SS)

** 2.2 FlameThower**
2.2.1 st:m: xx(1st hit prefered) f:m: xx jc, :m: :m: :h: st.:h:/:m: (loopable/luanch/ST) This is only works if the opponent is not touching the ground use J.:s: J.:h: or drills to achieve this. End in st.:h: for ST/luanch. End in st.:m: for a loop/luanch/ST.

** 2.3 OTGs**
2.3.1 cr.:h: xx f.:h: Can be extended with use of Assist.

** 2.4 Air Series**
2.4.1 j.:m: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s: Keep in mind that if you use air :s: to start your combo it will not cause ground bounce agian.[/details]

  1. Enders

[details=Spoiler]** 3 Enders-**This is your final move set where you can no longer loop or possibly used all your OTGs and ground bounces. When you see DHC listed scroll down to your character and see what DHCs work!
** 3.1 Meterless-**You should never be out of meter while pointing Tron. Her combos provide atleast 1bar but if you are saving bars for Phoenix or something else here are some enders.

** 3.1.1 Air Series** :m::m::h: xx :h:drill :m::m::h::s:
3.1.2 OTG cr.:h: xx f.:h:
** 3.2 1bar hyper**
3.2.1 ST
3.2.2 SS
** 3.3 2bar hyper**
3.3.1 Corner: Capture Gun, SS, st.:h:, ST
3.3.2 SS DHC
3.3.3 ST DHC
** 3.4 3bar hyper**
3.4.1 Corner: Capture Gun, SS, st.:h:, ST DHC
** 3.5 X Factor **
3.5.1 ST XFC ST(2bars) DHC (3bars)
3.5.2 ST XFC dash forward SS (3bars) st.H xx ST DHC (4bars)[/details]

4. Assist Combos(COMING SOON WITH YOUR HELP!) and Working DHCs.
DHC OUT means going from Tron to Assist. All DHCs are 2bars unless stated otherwise. 2A means 2 attack buttons.

4.1 Akuma

[details=Spoiler] 4.1 Akuma
4.1.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A QCF+2A hold :h: DP+2A (best used in corner)
4.1.2 SS DHC OUT QCF+2A QCF+2A hold :h: DP+2A[/details]

4.2 Amaterasu

[details=Spoiler]4.2 Amaterasu
4.2.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A(may drop part of QCF+2A if servebot line hits after DHC) QCB+2A(Allows for Combo after servebot line) DP+2A(4Bars Corner only)
4.2.2 SS DHC OUT QCF+2A QFB+2A(Allows for follow up combo) DP+2A(4Bars, Corner only, must DHC on first hit of King Servebot)[/details]

4.3 Arthur

[details=Spoiler]4.3 Arthur
4.3.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A QCB+2A(allows for follow up combo) DP+2A(4bars)
4.3.2 SS DHC OUT QCF+2A QCB+2A(allows for follow up combo) DP+2A(4Bars)[/details]

4.4 c. Viper

[details=Spoiler]4.4 C. Viper
4.4.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A(Aim to DHC toward end of servebot line to get flame kick to connect) QCB+2A(Corner only, Aim to DHC toward end of servebot line to get flame kick to connect) DP+2A(4Bars, Aim to DHC toward end of servebot line for most hits)
4.4.2 SS DHC OUT QCF+2A(flame kick will not push opponent upwards for full hits) QCB+2A(Corner only, Aim to DHC on 9th hit of King Servebot) DP+2A[/details]

4.5 Captain America

[details=Spoiler]** 4.5 Captain America**
4.5.1 ST DHC OUT DP+2A QCB+2A QCF+2A(Must be close to opponent or Cancel early or Corner. )
4.5.2 SS DHC OUT DP+2A QCB+2A QCF+2A[/details]

4.6 Chris Redfield

[details=Spoiler] 4.2 Chris Redfield
4.6.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A(Not able to get full hits, best done early in servebot line) DP+2A(Do at end of servebot line in corner for full juggle) QCB+2A(DHC as early as possible and fire when opponent on ground,4 Bars)
4.6.2 SS DHC OUT QCF+2A(DHC on growth of servebot for full combo) DP+2A(DHC on growth of servebot for full combo) QCB+2A(Unable to get more than 1 shot to combo)[/details]

4.3 Dante

[details=Spoiler]4.7 Dante
4.7.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A QCB+2A(May combo out of) DP+2A(4 Bars)
4.7.2 SS DHC OUT QCF+2A QCB+2A(may combo out of) DP+2A(4 Bars)
4.7.3 (a) Assist Cr.:h:+:A1: (SS, ST, Ground Series, Beacon, F.:h:)
4.7.4 (b) Assist
4.7.5 (y) Assist[/details]

4.4 Deadpool

[details=Spoiler]4.8 Deadpool
4.8.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A QCB+2A(Best done at end of servebot line)
4.8.2 SS DHC OUT QFC+2A QCB+2A(Best done late)[/details]

4.5 Dormammu

[details=Spoiler]4.9 Dormammu
4.9.2 SS DHC OUT QFC+2A QFB+2A[/details]

4.6 Dr. Doom

[details=Spoiler]4.6 Dr. Doom
4.6.1 ST DHC OUT HCB+2A DP+2A(Best done in corner) QCF+2A(4 Bars, Corner Only, Best Done Late)
4.6.2 SS DHC OUT HCB+2A DP+2A(Only will falling beams will hit) QFC+2A(4bars)
4.6.3 (a) Assist
4.6.4 (b) Assist
4.6.5 (y) Assist Cr.:h:+:A1:(Ground Series, Air Series, F.:H:, ST)[/details]

4.7 Felicia

[details=Spoiler]4.7 Felicia
4.7.1 ST DHC OUT QCF+2A(Corner cancel end of servebot line, Mid Screen Cancel Mid of servebot line) DP+2A(may be comboed out of)
4.7.2 SS DHC OUT QFC+2A DP+2A[/details]

4.8 Haggar

[details=Spoiler]** 4.8 Haggar**
4.8.1 ST DHC OUT
4.8.2 SS DHC OUT
4.8.3 (a) Assist Cr.:h:+A1(Ground Series, Air Series,F.:h:,ST)
4.8.4 (b) Assist
4.8.5 (y) Assist[/details]

4.9 Hsien-Ko
4.10 Hulk
4.11 Iron Man
4.12 Jill Valentine
4.13 M.O.D.O.K.
4.14 Magneto
4.15 Morrigan
4.16 Phoenix
4.17 Dark Phoenix
4.18 Ryu

4.19 Sentinel

[details=Spoiler] 4.19 Sentinel
4.19.1 ST DHC OUT
4.19.2 SS DHC OUT
4.19.3 (a) Assist
4.19.4 (b) Assist
[4.19.5 (y) Assist Cr.:h:+:a1: xx F.:h:(Capture, Air Series, ST, SS)

4.20 She-Hulk
4.21 Shuma-Gorath

4.22 Spencer

[details=Spoiler]** 4.22 Spencer**
4.22.1 ST DHC OUT
4.22.2 SS DHC OUT
4.22.3 (a) Assist
4.22.4 (b) Assist
4.22.5 (y) Assist Cr.:h:+:a1:(Air Series, ST)[/details]

4.23 Spiderman
4.24 Storm
4.25 Super Skrull
4.26 Taskmaster
4.27 Thor
4.28 Trish
4.29 Viewtiful Joe

4.30 Wesker

[details=Spoiler]4.30 Wesker
4.30.1 ST DHC OUT
4.30.2 SS DHC OUT
4.30.3 (a) Assist
4.30.4 (b) Assist Cr.:h:+:A1:(Air Series, ST)
4.30.5 (y) Assist[/details]

4.31 Wolverine

4.32 X-23

[details=Spoiler]4.32 X-23
4.32.1. ST DHC OUT
4.32.2 SS DHC OUT
4.32.3 (a) Assist
4.32.4 (b) Assist Cr.:h:+:a1:(Capture, Air Series, ST, SS)
4.32.5 (y) Assist[/details]

4.33 Zero

Top contributors!

Hi my first post on srk.

My otg ender with sentinel drones is:

:d::h::a1::f::h::qcf::h:j:h:j:s: :h: :qcf::atk::atk:

I don’t know why this thread isn’t getting more attention, but I’m going to add in my 2-cents. This is not optimal (doesn’t even feel optimal), but I think I’ve got the basis for Tron / Dante (A) assist combo + DHC. (Please note that numbers in parenthesis notate number of hits for that particular special / normal)

This combo requires 3 meter, but builds about 2 by itself. Did 996K on Captain America.

j.:h: > :m:(3):h: xx :h:Drill > :m:(1) :f::m:(2) jc.:m:j.:m:j.:h: > land :s: jc.:m:j.:m:j.:h:j.:s: > :a1:+:d::h: > :h:Beacon > j.:s: > land :h: xx King Kobun > :h: xx Lunch Time Rush xDHCx Million Dollar

Basically, I wanted to keep Jam Session, so I worked Tron’s OTG (:d::h:) into the combo and used the assist to suspend the opponent. The problem is that the opponent would keep floating too high for :l: or :m: Beacon, so you have to do :h: Beacon and then jump up with :s: to hit them back down into :h: before going into the double super. Even though it’s a bit pricey on meter, the fact that she can consistently perform such high damage BnBs (easily over 800K without the last DHC) proves that she’s going to be quite capable.

EDIT: Just tried this combo with level 1 X-Factor. If you X-Factor right after the first :h:Drill into the :m:, the damage becomes 1,922,000 on Captain America. Granted, he was dead before the first super even happened lol.

I basically use this identical combo, but with doom rocks assist. Admittedly, I don’t bother going for a j.S -> land -> s.C -> king kobun. Doom rocks leaves the opponent low enough for the super to hit raw.

Edit: But the j.S -> land -> s.C does more damage. Does 850k on cap with no DHC.

If you’re worried about execution, I have a super easy xfactor (can be done with any level of xfactor) combo that requires 2 bars and no assist (You only build 1/2 a bar during the combo, I made it only to use with tron as my last character)

Starts with the typical j.:h: > :m:(5) :h: :qcf::2p: xfc :rdp::h: :dp::2p: :s: sj.:m: sj.:m: sj.:h: sj.:s: :d::h:(4) :f::h:
1,050,700 and its so easy that execution is almost gaurenteed 100%
If further away then heavy drills range from the corner, throw in a dash before :rdp::h:, if you’re in the corner already you can throw in another :h: there instead or really whatever you want.

I just like it because it’s nice and simple to execute

This guide is so great, thanks so much for it. Just a question, how many flamethrower loops do you guys normally do before doing air series? I can only do 2 before it gets inconsistent.

Hey, I made 2 vids over the past few days that I feel would be perfect for this thread. I’ll give notation if anyone wants it.

[media=youtube]_UClT0COIwE[/media] (combos with spencer/haggar assists and DHCs)

[media=youtube]lSaAyN-hfJA[/media] (bnb with X-23/wesker assists)

Will be updating with new information. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP.

EDITED:Cheshire typically i do a drill then a flamethrower ending air s for extended Assist capture then a ender

DOUBLE EDITED CUZ I CAN!:ShoMeYaMoves I will go through the videos later tonight and add them to the guide! Thanks!!!


You can totally combo off of throws from mid screen. forward/back throw -> dash -> wave dash/call assist ->2.H->assist hits->M(1)->heavy drill->take out

I do this with taskmaster horizontal arrows. after the throw simply dash, crouch cancel and dash again(for taskmaster I hit two attacks + assist 1 for the dash), then pick up with 2H. You can do lots after this. M->6.M->jump cancel combo. S into combo. M -> H -> H drill.

Also for what it’s worth any combo ending in either of tronnes level 1’s can go into legion arrow from task master, though if you do it to early on SS he’ll shoot them out of the servebot hammer.

I’m also not sure how to use the graphical buttons, I’ll clean this up a bit after I figure that out.

I’m making use of Magneto-A (EM Disruptor) with Tron Bonne-B (Gustaff Fire). These two have so much synergy it’s crazy.

With Tron Bonne on point…

Any combo into Servbot Takeout can DHC into Magnetic Shockwave or Gravity Squeeze anywhere on-screen. If you do the Magnetic Shockwave DHC as quickly as possible, Magneto is free to act well before the Servbot Takeout stops hitting, and outside the corner, both the Magnetic Shockwave and Servbot Takeout hit fully so no damage at all is wasted from either hyper. He can actually dash across the whole screen in time to hit with a c.:h: and begin a combo from there, but the hitstun scaling is going to be pretty severe since even with just the raw hypers (that is, ignoring any combo Tron Bonne did to lead into the Servbot Takeout) the enemy is going to be at 47 hits which is way too many for Magneto to do any of his loops or anything so his best combo with normals is going to be c.:h::s:, air :m::m::h::s: at which point you could just be happy with 568,100 damage or combo into Magnetic Shockwave or Gravity Squeeze. If you want a more efficient way to blow one more meter (the former was the best way to combo into Gravity Squeeze), you could instead combo the Servbot Takeout into Hyper Grav :h: xx Magnetic Shockwave for 693,700 (the Hyper Grav :h: guarantees the Magnetic Shockwave will get full hits), but you could also do Hyper Grav :h: xx Magnetic Tempest if you want to be completely ridiculous and then DHC back into Tron Bonne for another Servbot Takeout (Magnetic Tempest -> Servbot Takeout is a pretty easy and clean hitting DHC). Lastly, if you want to just start up Magneto’s great zoning game, you could instead of dashing in at all just combo two EM Disruptor :h: while the Servbots hit for 547,700 damage and a guarantee at full-screen (using lighter versions doesn’t let you hit with more). If your third character has a helpful assist, you could call it too and use any options that opens up.

Any combo into Servbot Surprise combos into all three of Magneto’s hypers via DHC with Magnetic Tempest usually being best. The giant Servbot just holds the enemy in place while Magnetic Tempest hits fully. It’s pretty awesome. I suppose the flipside is that Magnetic Shockwave won’t hit fully (though it will hit better than minimum), but when you can combo Magnetic Tempest, that’s not really a problem.

I never got around to mentioning it, but Magnetic Shockwave -> Servbot Takeout also is a very clean DHC so this pairing works both ways. Even in situations in which Magnetic Shockwave hits very poorly you can always land a full Servbot Surprise with a DHC though from full screen it does require a fairly particular timing.
To briefly summarize the DHCs that work here…

Servbot Takeout -> Magnetic Shockwave (mid-screen for good damage)
Servbot Takeout -> Magnetic Tempest (corner)
Servbot Takeout -> Gravity Squeeze (everywhere)
Servbot Surprise -> Magnetic Shockwave (inferior option but works)
Servbot Surprise -> Magnetic Tempest (everywhere)
Servbot Surprise -> Gravity Squeeze (everywhere)
Magnetic Shockwave -> Servbot Takeout (everywhere)
Magnetic Tempest -> Servbot Takeout (everywhere)

Magneto-A can be used to combo after Tron Bonne’s c.:h: -> f.:h: combo. Somehow it’s odd and I’m not able to get a lot of things to connect, but one thing that does work is Bonne Strike :h: (mash), standing :m:, Bonne Strike :h: (mash), Servbot Takeout. That’s pretty much guaranteed to corner the opponent unless you were starting from the other corner (the combo drags the opponent something like 75% of the way across the stage) so you can DHC to pretty much anything out of the Servbot Takeout. If Magneto is next in line Magnetic Tempest is the go-to option with Gravity Squeeze always working of course. If he’s not, well, just about every character in the game is going to have a good hyper to DHC in with after Tron Bonne lands a Servbot Takeout in the corner. Magneto-A is also pretty great just for letting Tron Bonne get in from full screen in general, something she seems to really struggle with by herself.

Tron Bonne-B for Magneto is a great “get off me” assist since it’s one of the only assists in the game that is invincible from the moment it comes out, and as a bonus it can help him win projectile wars (not that he needs much help at that!). He can also combo pretty easily into his BnB off it hitting, and that ends in a hyper which, either way, lets him DHC into Tron Bonne if she’s next in line.

So the two of them are both really good assists for the other and open up a lot of DHC opportunties for each other.

Newest batch, with Wesker and Spencer.



Here is a little tron combo using 3 level 1 supers in one combo…nothing special but good and basic for players starting to learn Tron :slight_smile:

When you’re using She-Hulk you can DHC into tron by using servbot surprise when she hulk gets to the ceiling and begins the downward movement of the last hit of her super (emerald cannon) has a kind of strict timing. I can explain in detail if anyone cares.

Anything worthwhile for Tron using Trish’s Peekaboo assist? I haven’t been able to find anything. It seems like if the hit counter is too high, the opponent will break out of Peekaboo immediately so no follow up is possible.

Using Trish’s Hopscotch assist, I’ve been doing:

jump:h:, standing:m:, :f::m:, jump:m:, air:m:, air:h:, standing:h:, standing :s:, jump:m:, air:m:, air:h:, air:s:, OTG:d::h:, (Hopscotch Assist), :f::h:, jump:h:, air:s:, :qcf::l:, :dp::2p:, :h:, :qcf::2p:

It does about 792K, but I’m not really a fan of that assist so I’m hoping that someone has some stuff with Peekaboo.

I’m working on the DHC glitch using Tron. I’d like to be able to aerial exchange to Tron, then follow it up with her regular combo into :d::df::f: + :p: xx King Kobun, but using a down aerial exchange uses up the ground bounce for the combo.

Are there any other ways to hit with the :d::df::f: + :p: that don’t involve a ground bounce, or a lengthy assist? I’ve gotten it to work with Sentinel drones and Dr. Doom’s Hidden Missiles assists, but can’t find anyone else who holds them long enough while also not staying out for too long (and preventing a DHC out of King Kobun)

Short answer is no, KJunk. There are plenty of assists that allow Tron to OTG and then catch with Beacon Bomb, though.

I’ll contribute a bit with my team:

With X-23

Tron to X-23
4 or 5 meter DHCs:
Both SS and ST can be DHCd and combed into X-23s lvl3 (Silent Kill, aka Dirt Nap, QCB+2A).

In either scenario, DHC into Dirt nap as soon as possible - the servbots will still come out. While the servbots are hitting the opponent, run up with X-23, and hit S as late as possible. If you’re fast enough, you can even get in a few extra hits before the servbots are done.

Interestingly the damage from Dirt Nap doesn’t scale - it always does 400,000 damage, even after a ridiculous Tron Combo -> King Servbot -> Lunchtime -> x-23 ground magic series -> Dirt Nap

If you didn’t get to start your combo with King Servbot, you can still get a 5-meter combo in the corner - X-23 can combo Dirt Nap into a charged Ankle Slice (QCF+:M:, hold, OTG) into Rage Trigger (QCF+2A)

Obviously, this uses a lot of meter - use wisely.

Standard 2 Meter DHCs:
ST (Lunchtime) can basically always be DHCed into Weapon-X Prime (DP+2A). Time it so that X-23 “chases” the servbots to the opponent for optimal damage.

SS (King Servbot) can be DHCed into Weapon-X Prime as long as the opponent is low enough to the ground. It won’t work if the opponent is getting hit high in the air by the Servbot’s head.

SS can almost always be DHCed into Rage Trigger.

ST can be DHCed into Rage Trigger if you’re close enough… but since weapon-x prime does more damage, there’s not really a point.

X-23 to Tron
You can DHC ST (Lunchtime) out of rage trigger, before the end of the combo (X-23 does two flips, then an uppercut-like ender. You must DHC before the ender)

You can DHC ST(lunchtime) out of Weapon-X prime at any time. Do it immediately after the last hit for optimal damage. If you input the hyper too late, the combo will miss. (Note that Weapon X-prime will cross-up in the corner - midscreen, DHC as if you’re starting on the same side as X-23. In the corner, input the command from the opposite side.)

With Deadpool:

Deadpool to Tron:
2 Meter DHCs
In the corner only, you can DHC Happy Happy Trigger (QCF+2A) into SS (King Servbot). This can only be done when the bullets have lifted the opponent a fair bit off the ground, so DHC late. If you’ve caught them in the air with Happy Happy Trigger, the DHC will not work if they’ve “bounced” too high. DHC when their feet are getting hit by the stream of bullets.

You can usually DHC Happy Happy Trigger into ST (lunchtime) If you’re absolutely fullscreen it may not work. DHC late for optimal damage, but not too late - the tracer has the be “following” the stream of bullets in order to combo. DHC soon after Deadpool finishes saying “bang!” 8 times (It goes: Bang! BangBangBang! BangBangBangBang! -> DHC).

You can DHC Cuttin’ Time (QCB+2A) into ST, but you must do so BEFORE the last hit. Do it immediately after the 4th hit for optimal damage.

Piggy back on jaytoo’s post, Servbot Surprise (aka King Kobun) also covers X-23 well enough to make any Lv1 DHC to her safe (big problem for X-23 players, believe me)

Just stopping by the Tron forum here and wanted to say that while I haven’t been to probably even half the character forums, this is the best character thread I’ve seen so far. Good stuff.