Anyone know off hand what ClakeyD’s combo utilizing sent drones was. I saw it on the stream last night while laying in bed dozing off so i couldnt exactly jot it down. It was pretty sick, though! Shehulk Tron Sent.
j.:h: st.:l: st. :f: j. j. j.:h: st.:h: :s: j. j:m: j.:h: j.:s: Sentinel Drones Assist call :d::h: :f::h: :qcf::h: j.:h: j.:s: :qcf::l: :dp::atk::atk: st.:h: :qcf::atk::atk: is the one he uses, although personally I like to use:
j.:h: st.:l: :d: st.:h: :rdp::h: st. :f: j. j. j.:h: st.:h: :s: j. j:m: j.:h: j.:s: Sentinel Drones Assist call :d::h: :f::h: :qcf::h: j.:h: j.:s: :qcf::l: :dp::atk::atk: st.:h: :qcf::atk::atk: for about 950K damage. The Clakey D one does about 800K I think.
Edit: I figured it out. Thanks for the combo(s)!
is it possible to do either of these combos off of either task or dorm assists? task seems unlikely and i play him on point so i doubt it would be an option anyways. i have yet to land any of dorm’s either.
Doesn’t look like it’s possible with either one.
i have been able to end the first combo(clakey)with dorm black hole assist but had to cut out essentially everything after the down h. so i land after the air series call dorm hit down h and do my king serve which looks to hit about 75 percent of the time as long as the character is not too high in the air so that when they come out of the black hole they do not have time to flip out. i am working on just timing the serve assault m so the king serve lands more consistently but the timing is obviously tight for if i call it too soon the dark hole will hit them out of it. when i land the clakey combo without anything after the down h but the two supers and standing h in between i get around 740 k i think.
Does this build as much or more meter then clakey d’s sorry i love meter building lmao
The one that uses drill builds about 2.3 bars if you use st. instead of cr..
What’s tron’s best solo combo? Like most damaging or most meter building? I can do the clakey D combo with Ammy asist, but most of the time I play tron 2nd with Magneto beam assist. It’s hard to use magneto assist to combo with.
I think overall the most damage of cr.l or something is
cr.l,cr.m,s , cr.m, f+m, jump cancel mmh, st.m,st.s jump mmhs cr.h,f+h. Thats like 500kish. If you want to use super you can not do the second relaunch and either do st.m into drill into super or during the jump part to jump s to beacon bomb to king kobun… stuff like that.
Most damaging I could find for you:
Solo, uses three bars, 947,300 damage. j.H st.L cr.M st.H Bonne Strike H st.M f.M j.M j.H j.S Beacon Bomb L King Servbot st.H King Servbot st.H Lunch Rush.
Don’t forget you can use a Bonne Strike H after the H before Lunch Rush if you time it right. Only if you need the extra damage, of course.
I have been mucking around with tron on my team of Viper/Mag/Tron, and worked out this combo for Tron with Mag in second spot. Usually use it after viper has died. You need to start with one meter, and you build enough for the rest of it. You also need to have carried them to the corner By the time you DHC in order to get king Kobun to connect. Mags set to E. Disruptor Assist.
j.H, down+M, H, H drill, down+M, forward+medium, jump cancel, j.M, j.M, j.H, land, H, launch,j.M, j.M, j.H, Up exchange, hyper grav xx Magnetic tempest DHC glitch into King Kobun, forward+M jump cancel, j.M, j.H, j.S, land QCF+L, H+Assist xx QCF+M, H xx Lunch Rush
At the moment it just barely clears 1,049,000 damage. Wondering if anyone else has any thoughts on connecting more hits after King Kobun maybe? I have tried a relaunch after it, but the timing on OTG into E disruptor so that I can lunch rush is really tight.
Yeah I dunno UltraPanda - if you can’t use Magneto to pick up after the OTG then that might be the best you can do. Maybe do a Bonne Strike M after the King Kobun and then go into the same combo above, I don’t think that will be too much hit scaling. Also maybe you can do that beam bounce thing someone posted a video of since you’re using Magneto.
With magneto A assist, you can do combo > cr. H OTG and use mag assist to get another st. M xx drill xx super. Thing is after long combos they might tech out before the M or the drill.
Here are some throw combos I typically do with team Mag/Tron/Chun - I usually use Mag on point then if he gets hit or comboed once and still left alive I’ll move Tron to point. They all work ANYWHERE on the screen.
There’s room for a little more damage in a lot of these combos, but they are what I use because they are highly consistent and still solid damage. Nothing really new or original, I just thought I’d post in case someone hasn’t seen the power/cheapness of Tron’s throw…
Normal sized character with Chun assist
Normal sized character with Mag assist
Normal sized character with Mag and Chun assist
Zero size character (works on all cast, too) with Mag assist
Zero size character (works on all cast, too) with Chun assist
Zero size character (works on all cast, too) with Mag and Chun assist
…and just for fun, this is what I use for bnb for Chun assist out of a j.H (her assist is so good for tron). These are extremely practical for tournament play - very consistent and verifyable. They’re like the Clakey D combos…
Normal size character bnb with Chun assist
Zero size character bnb with Chun assist
So I managed to get 3 Super Servbot supers into Lunch Rush in one combo and repeat it several times. It appears to be very character specific. I’ll post more information when I figure out who it actually works on.
I had no idea you could drill after mid-screen King Servbot. That was one of the main problems with doing follow ups on mid-screen King Servbot. Gonna have to look into that more.
Yep. Be sure to cancel the drill into Lunchtime (instead of letting the drill finish), or the combo will usually drop due to hitstun decay.
im having problems liking to king servbots is there any advice u can offer to land the second, i usually just go into lunch rush