Transformers: The war for Cybertron- release date June 22nd!

only had a few minutes to play it last night (DL took forever lol), but the best I can describe the game is like a gears of war/transformers hybrid. multiplayer was extremely fun…just jump in and start blasting shit.

tank v car dynamic (even tho those are the only two available in the demo) seems really fun between those 2 classes…tank can maul in close combat but car can get away and pummel in bursts with speed instead.

I suck at fps games but since this is tf, I’ll play it regardless. Gonna get PC ver day one and maybe 360 version down the line if there’s a bigger community there to play with.

Not to be a “prick” but this is not a FPS in the least. Neither is GOW or ME 1 or 2.

That’s why I said FPS like games. Me1 and 2 may not be straight fps but they have fps gameplay in them.

Anybody gonna be on tonight? I wanna bust some Decepti-chops.

I’m on right now. I’ve always been good at shooters but due to TF being a mix of UT04 and GOW2 (2 games which I’ve spent a lot of time playing competitively) I see mto be especially good at this demo, it’s so fluid and fast exactly my type of game.

Has anyone noticed the stats are out of whack? for example scout’s null ray combined=27 but the scatter blaster=19:rofl: Scout’s guns suck compared to soldier but cloaking+surprise attack is pretty awesome. Still the soldiers whirlwind ability is the chainsaw of TF and when combined with poke alpha+flurry of blows then you can take out multiple guys at once!

Day one purchase for me. I’m going to be using soundwave and starscream like crazy on the campaign. Going to preorder from gamestop so I can use Shockwave for escalation mode. Multiplayer I’m going to create a scientist class so I can be a jet. I see myself with hit and run tactics while healing my teammates. This game is a transformers fans wet dream.



I tried the demo out and I’m loving that shit. I reckon this may be a buyer guys, definitely more fun than I anticipated and better than ROTF. I can’t wait to see what the other classes do.

The movie was terrible. CG overkill. I thought I was looking at bunch of legos for 3 hours.

Yeah, it’s a good thing this game has nothing to do with the movie, except that they both share the “Transformers” name.

I rarely get games on release date since I have enough to play for quite a while but I’ll be getting this for sure. Back when I was big into Transformers, all of the shit about them being on Cybertron was always my favorite… that comic that Dreamwave put out, War Within, I think it was called… that shit was awesome. To be able to play it will be even more awesome.

I just read the 1st post…

Sorry about that.

Got my copy pre-ordered today. Man, I’m getting really pumped for this game. Gonna play through it with my best friend since childhood, who I used to play Transformers with every day after school. Times like this is when I love how far gaming has come, since he lives in another state now and we’ll be playing via online co-op.

There’s a guy streaming retail version on right now.

Dude at least put a link lol:

Also, anyone else really torn about what system they will pick this up on? I’m trying to decide between PS3 or the PC. I’m leaning very heavily toward the PC version because I’m a mouse + KB whore when it comes to FPS and 3rd person shooter games, plus the PC version may have mods in the future. A total conversion G1 mod would make me cream myself.

mrzero20 is streaming right now, scientist look fucking sick.

Game is out at the exchange here on my base. If I had the money I’d cop it.

I’ve got a copy already. Hit me up on PSN.

The lack of Host Migration is really going to hurt this game’s multiplayer. I predict that in a couple of months only TF fans will be playing it once the hype has worn down. WFC multiplayer is not better than RotF, it was just unfortunate that the game was tied to a licensed movie and movie games have a reputation for sucking. I’m sure WFC single player campaign will shit on RotF though.

I knew about the exclusive Shockwave character from reserving the game at GameStop, but apparently you get Jazz from reserving it from Best Buy.