Transformers: The war for Cybertron- release date June 22nd! gets you Demolisher Decepticon.

Most definitely plays like Unreal Tournament, this is a great thing. :3

SO where are the reviews on this game? Normally we’d see something for a game that’s about to come out in a day.

Goddammit, I’m really wavering on this game. I love TF like nobody’s business, and the demo was a blast, but Continuum Shift comes out in a month. Then again, I’m getting a discount on my new place’s rent next month. GAAAAH I HATE DECISIONS LIKE THIS.

Maybe I’ll just get the DS version for now. Played a bit of it in TrU, and it seems really solid. I can pick up the 360 version for the multiplayer when it gets a price drop.

…But I really want a new deathmatch game to play.


I’ll be picking up my copy a week after it drops (want to wait until my next pay day).

PC version is $40. Reserved it last week.
So if you have a gaming pc as a alternate system it’s $20 cheaper…which is nice.

It’s also nice I didn’t reserve this for 360, since mine decided to rrod saturday :rofl:
At least I can still get my TF fix in tomorrow :slight_smile:

There must be a review embargo in place for up until release date. Lame.

Rockstar had one for Red Dead Redemption, which was weird because the game didn’t need one.

It is very odd that there are no reviews up yet. Usually you can at least find some oddball reviews up on metacritic or gamerankings, but there’s nothing whatsoever for this game. That pisses me off, too, because you have no idea how bad I want to pick this up first thing in the morning. I still see $60.00 as a lot of money to spend on a game with no reviews, though, unless it’s from a franchise or developer that I have a lot of faith in.

Plus it’s post e3. There was some small review site that gave it an 83, I think. Even though I’m buyin’ anyway, I still want to see a decent score.

Just finished Chapter 9 tonight (out of 10). Not a spoiler since it was in all the preview vids, but part 1 of the Trypticon fight was awesome.

IGN review is up. It got a fucking 9.0!

Is IGN usually that generous with their ratings? 9.0 seems too good to be true.


G4TV Review gave it 4/5

Kotaku review. They liked it as well:

IGN usually awards scores based on how much the company pays them money for a good review( Or so the urban legend goes). Still, a 9.0 is better than usual from them, and overall it seems to be getting good reviews from everyone. I just hope the lag issues and host drops not awarding whatever XP you got is fixed in the final version, picking up my copy on pay day.

Oh fuck I just found out this shit is on Steam. I’m buying it now lol. Wont even have to get dressed and go to Gamestop. PC ftw. Those reviews sealed it for me. I loved Transformers too much while growing up. I just hope someone eventually mods the PC version to add G1 characters. Either way I’m sold.

Campaign mode with multiplayer is fucking fun as all get out.

Kyord, too bad our connection fell apart.

If you’re an 80s kid, you owe it to yourself to grab this. Sell blood, work the corner, whatever you have to do.

Now if only they could make a decent GI Joe game…

Are all the versions of the game identical? Im torn between the PS3 and PC. Leaning towards the PC but not sure how the servers are.

Just got off work and I’m about to pop this bad boy in and play the Decepticons. Nice to hear that reviewers are diggin it.

PC version does not have dedicated servers. limited graphic options, capped at 30FPS and no control editing.

Well, I still picked up my pre-order this morning despite the fact that there were no reviews. I’m too much of a Transformers fan to not have I guess. Just got off work, about to play it now. Looks like it’s getting great feedback so far, which is awesome.

Why am I not suprirsed I’m hearing Steve Blum’s voice out of one of these characters? :rofl:

Edit: Megatron’s dialogue is comedy.