Please, just give me ONE good TF game. Sandbox roaming action would be good, but ignoring that, PLEASE just ONE. We had a good Batman game this year, let’s keep that streak rolling.
But really, a publisher should just invest a bit (poor timing I know…), the market for TF-games is plentiful.
Especially with 20/30’ers who grew up with it.
Free roaming sandbox/Twisted Metal/Battlefield style should be good.
This looks great, but I kinda wish that they would make a Beast Wars game. There was one for the PS1 that was pretty mediocre, but the soundtrack was gdlk ( [media=youtube]-5dBu_A924w[/media] ).
The US PS2 game (y’know, the Armada one) was actually pretty good. Yeah, it was based off of a shitty series, but the gameplay was solid and the graphics were some of the best on the console. Besides, it really drew a lot from G1, possibly more than Armada itself.
wow, armada was one shitty ass title. if thats the best a tf game can do we dont need more tbh. thats like saying heavenly sword is a great game, which it aint.
edit: its like ratched and clank with tf but way shittier.
Hmm…the designs appear to be a blend of G1, Animated, and movie. Looks pretty good. I just hope it actually turns out to be a good game, not just decent.