Transformers: The war for Cybertron- release date June 22nd!

Official site:

Eh I’ll update the thread title another day-

Designs look nice, especially Soundwave. Here’s hoping I can send out Ravage and co. to help bust some heads.

Also, since I feel someone will bring it up; let’s not bring the movie designs into this discussion please?

Thanks to dn3000 for the link :tup:

New trailer
Thanks to Satomiblood for the link =)

Gameplay vid-
Thanks to sonichuman for the link :tup:

EDIT: Thanks to sonichuman for multiplayer trailer stating release date-

‘Megatron?..Is that you?!’

ugly, still better than rotf designs, but not close to g1 in terms of greatness. not even close.

Please, just give me ONE good TF game. Sandbox roaming action would be good, but ignoring that, PLEASE just ONE. We had a good Batman game this year, let’s keep that streak rolling.

I have joined you in prayer my brother…

But really, a publisher should just invest a bit (poor timing I know…), the market for TF-games is plentiful.
Especially with 20/30’ers who grew up with it.

Free roaming sandbox/Twisted Metal/Battlefield style should be good.

megatron is badass

I liked the japanese G1 game.

The designs in this look good, I hope it’s worth playing.

This looks great, but I kinda wish that they would make a Beast Wars game. There was one for the PS1 that was pretty mediocre, but the soundtrack was gdlk ( [media=youtube]-5dBu_A924w[/media] ).

The US PS2 game (y’know, the Armada one) was actually pretty good. Yeah, it was based off of a shitty series, but the gameplay was solid and the graphics were some of the best on the console. Besides, it really drew a lot from G1, possibly more than Armada itself.

wow, armada was one shitty ass title. if thats the best a tf game can do we dont need more tbh. thats like saying heavenly sword is a great game, which it aint.

edit: its like ratched and clank with tf but way shittier.

I’m wondering if this is what the new cartoon and toyline will look like.

Moar trailers? - Omega supreme!!



ax looks badass. Hope they’ll show a new gameplay vid eventually :3

I thought i saw ratchet running along side prime…

Hmm…the designs appear to be a blend of G1, Animated, and movie. Looks pretty good. I just hope it actually turns out to be a good game, not just decent.

["]Here’s a TFW2005 interview with Hasbro’s Aaron Archer and representatives for Activision/High Moon Studios](

Hi all,

I did the interview/discussion for

I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.


Check out the latest trailer on IGN

:wow: Awesome trailer!! Trypticon vs omega supreme:woot:

Trailer was indeed awesome.