Demo is up on the Marketplace. It’s 788.79 MB, pretty big.
gonna dl it when I get home from work
So much fun and the 2 classes are well balanced (so far) whirlwind is a great ability and scouts superior speed is useful because soldiers are slow enough to get away from somewhat easily. It plays a lot like UT:lovin:
Ill try the demo if i like it ill probably buy it… the online shop which usually by my games from are including a starscream toy with it, if you pre order:
meh that just looks like the cybertron legends ss, a toy that retailed for about $2.50 lol.
really not a deal maker/breaker for a pre-order, lol.
Unlike MW2 you can see what all the abilities and perks do before you unlock them:tup: The ability and perk combos possible with scout look more powerful but soldier’s whirlwind ability is basically the GOW chainsaw of TF and in a fast paced game like thisI think soldier has better weapons.
lol what does the ss stand for? super shitty, super small?
lol what does the ss stand for? super shitty, super small?
demo vid low quality though… [media=youtube]ahfayRYGh-Q[/media]
man I wanna play
5 more hours
This is the “Batman: AA” of Transformers games, shit is fucking awesome.
Argh, the wait is killing me. Finally, a decent transformers game.
Snipers and any long range weapons are pretty bad or at least in the demo level. I’m raping fools left and right but having a much easier time when using soldier mostly due to whirlwind being a guaranteed kill and the mini gun is GDLKE!
this game is awesome… This level along is all i need to ensure i purchase this game.
Sad that the demo is 360 only. But oh well. From what it sounds like, the game is good. That’s all I need to know.
I’m not really feeling the multiplayer. I have a hard time distinguishing the bots from the background. I always have that problem with shooters =/
Ehh, game is fun. When I opened it up I thought it didn’t look great, but ended up mashing on it for two hours with some friends.
Downloaded the demo but won’t get a chance to play it probably until tomorrow. Tonight I’ve decided to hunt some monsters instead of doing cybertronian warfare.
Can’t remember the last time a demo got me this hyped. Definite day one purchase.
Although, I hope the Scientist or Leader class has something that can rip people out of stealth. Otherwise Conquest mode is just going to consist of scouts.
Is there going to be a PSN demo?
Never been a fan of FPS games, mainly because I find the “main stream” FPS’s (Halo, CoD, CS) really generic and boring. Plus I’ve never been good at them save Turok 2.
But after playing a lot of FPS’ish/action hybrid games (Borderlands, Uncharted Series, Mass Effect series) I’ve became a lot more comfortable with FPS games. Though I still think the main stream FPS’s are boring and generic. I don’t care about 'nam, WWII or fake middle eastern terrorist groups anymore. But I digress. This game looks really, really, really fun. It looks good, from the demo feed back plays amazingly well and it’s fucking Transformers.
I’m broke as shit this month but I will definitely get it next month after I get back from Evo.