While this is true, you do realize how many awful games try to mimic the same formula of other games and fail, right? Not saying this game will, but making a good game is a lot harder than just following examples of good games.
We’ll see, I suppose. I’m just wary since its hard to get behind hype for a game whose developer is largely inexperienced.
Old-school, G1 Transformers? The robots looked EXACTLY THE SAME in robot form both pre/post Earth. Like Bumbleebee looked like a VW Bug in robot form, but then tranformed into a space quesadilla.
“All of which goes to explain why War for Cybertron feels so damned good. Paced similarly to old-school shooters like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3, WFC is fun and very fast. The transformation element adds a fantastic amount of options to both combat and strategy. Transformations for now are handled by clicking in on the left analog stick, and each form offers its own advantages and weaknesses. Vehicle forms are faster and highly mobile, but can withstand less abuse and can be locked onto by tracking weapons. Robot forms have more combat options and can use special abilities - like the scientist’s ability to heal other Transformers, or powers that prevent the opposing team from transforming or activating their own powers. Other abilities include sentry drones (particularly useful for the Conquest modes, where you’ll hold points on the map as long as possible) to a shockwave that damages all enemies around you and hampers their vision. It’s hard to know exactly what to expect as you wade into combat, leading to battles that feel frantic and unpredictable.”
Your waryness isn’t unwarranted. I’ll probably be playing it day 1 so I’ll give impressions on it to try to prevent people from wasting money if it does happen to bomb. I’m sure others will too.
Is it me or has Peter Cullen’s Optimus voice sound more bad ass now then back then?
pretty hyped for this, think I’ma drop off a reservation this week.
though I don’t play fps games…I don’t really like them at all, but if there’s any game that could convince me, it’ll be a customizable tf game.
just curious if srk people are getting this for pc?
my vent server is looking to get it for that platform, which is why I think I’ma pick that over 360 or ps3.
plus most people prefer shooters on pc, but I have that wireless 360 usb plugin in case I don’t like the pc controls.
Reason being…the controls (since I’ve played it a good deal already).
Transformation is attached to the left analog stick and I found it way to easy to accidentally press that down when playing on the 360 pad. The PS3 controller has better resistance to prevent that from occuring.
Getting it for the ps3. Man the multiplayer looks intense as hell! Definitely going to keep up my fellow bots as a Scientist. At least it looks like he is the medic.