Looks great pleasssssssssssssssssssse have badass multiplayer!!!
nah they can leave MP out of this game, just focus on the game play and story!
Well its already confirmed to have multiplayer (co-op & competitive) soooo…
I saw the footage on gametrailers earlier today. This might be the first Transformers game I’ve cared about, since it appears to have Generation 1-ish designs. Yeah, if it isn’t looking like Generation 1…it isn’t really “Transformers” for me. This is the main problem I have with those recent movies, and why I have no desire to see them…not even for free(*why in the blue hell does everyone look like giant, sentient piles of garbage? Get outta here with that). Prime is a big red truck with blue legs, dammit. I can’t really accept anything less.
Well I’m officially hyped!
I actually thought the old PS2 game with the mini-cons was quite good so if this plays as good as that then I’ll be happy.
Some more tidbits:
Nintendo DS version featuring Grimlock and Jetfire
Kotaku’s Hands On Impressions of WFC
Wow the transformers fan in me is acting like a little 5 year old over these trailers. Must have!!!
GTTV did a nice section on this game that I think most people should watch. Has some new footage, talks about how the story is working out, and about multiplayer.
watch it through Chapter 3
A interview and a Doc that I don’t think has been posted yet. Has some nice new footage strewn through out it here and there plus it’s nice to hear the developer’s plans and processes.
Transformers: WfC - GDC 10 Civil War Interview
Transformers: WfC - Designing Cybertron Doc
This was already posted in the 360 thread earlier today but it needs to be here
Transformers: WfC - Multiplayer Character Trailer
Holy crap, create a transformer!
A june release date huh? Well at least game releases for the next coming months won’t be too close t each other.
I guess everyone knows who my main us gonna be. Since it is two campaigns, my bro (who has a 360) and I will have to split campaigns.
I would have loved a HUUUUUGE transformers battle game. Gimme major areas of real cities, with fully destructable buildings, a SHITLOAD of transformers (gimme all of em…G1, movies, fuck even Beast Wars)…make it similar to the recent Godzilla games
Just running around, transforming into vehicles, and battling. Deathmatch, CTF, etc etc etc
IGN Transformers: WFC First Hands-On
He mostly played the multiplayer.
Transformers WFC - Multiplayer Overview Trailer
lol @ :19 I already know what my favorite thing to do is going to be if I pick up this game. Also are they really gonna be talking trash like that during MP? They need to have Optimus say ‘GIMME YO FACE!’
I would have posted the GT one but it cuts out in the middle.
Transformers: War For Cybertron - E3 2010 Trailer
can you guys explain why their in post earth vehicles if this takes place before earth?
They have ‘cybertronian vehicle’ forms.
I’ll be honest here: I’m skeptic. High Moon Studios, the developer for the game, hasn’t really produced anything noteworthy. Their only game was The Bourne Conspiracy, which did above average in reviews, but other than that, they have not produced anything.
Hoping the game will be good though.
Thius game can’t really be that hard to make good. They are taking already established concepts and slappin a fresh paint of Transformers on it. 3rd person control, team based abilities and multiplayer… this is nothing new in games. Take a little Gears of War, add some Team fortress, maybe a dash of Twisted metal…and there you go.
With that siad, if they manage to make all the different things mesh well, with Transformers, I’m so fucking sold!
Some of the people who have been previewing the game have been hailing this game as the next Batman: AA. Personally I don’t think this game is going to live up to that BUT what I do expect is this game to be the best solid Transformers experience so far. It has many things going for it. Hasbro likes the story so much that they’ve apparently added it to the canon. This game isn’t tied to any of the Bayformer movies so it’s not being rushed and like people in this thread have already the gameplay that is in it has already been established. The chances of this being a horrible game are pretty slim…not non existant though.