Ah yes, the “Modern Warfare” snipers. They damn near ruined the Bad Company 2 experience with their recon whoring (and as stated, not even sniping toward an objective, just bolstering their KD ratio, ugh).
Anyway, I said before that the game is great as it is, but I was just on a Cybertron high. There are a few things I think could be added that wouldn’t be game breaking.
As far as I know the B button does nothing in the Scout’s car mode, so I suggest a break/hand break mechanic (to be honest all the vehicles need a ‘hard stop’ ability, inertia’s got me killed a few times). For the car pressing B while turning during turbo should initiate a drift so you could round corners similar to how you would walking in any FPS. Otherwise you turn a corner full speed head on not really knowing what you’re getting into. The hover mode doesn’t need breaks. Drifting and breaks could be applied to trucks as well, I guess.
I can’t help but feel like the jet should have tricks to change directions mid air. While the turning is tight as it is, a 180 twist should be added somehow. Also the barrel roll should include up and downward spins so you could dodge in two extra directions.
yeah I dunno about the console versions, but there are several glitches in the pc version I’d want fixed.
I find myself or teammates falling through walls or floors too often because of hard collisions. There’s been occasions where someone gets stuck and we just have to tell them “kill yourself and respawn”. This is shit that shouldn’t be happening, but with the inclusion of all the alt modes and the inertia of the vehicles, I suppose it was inevitable.
collision boxes on teammates is retarded. especially when you’re all rolling out at the same time, trying to rush. I’ve been flung half screen distances, pushed off ledges, teleported into enemies that just happen to be melee’ing, you name it. I’m totally fine with enemy faction having collision, but please not teammates. really fucks things up in vehicle mode.
online interface. allow people to host/create games at will, without risk of being flung randomly into a random laggy game. give boot/kick voting abilities (and/or) boot/kick command to game host only.
voice/text chat in PC…anything so you could talk to teammates in game and allow some kind of communication.
all minor shit, but still things that would make the game much more enjoyable. it’s a great game as-is, but things can always be improved/patched.
So, yeah, MP is gonna get broken . . . . .real quick. Talk about being a Decepticon. I saw a leader drain with War Cry, a cloaked soldier with WW. . . . .
I still have only played like 2 multiplayer matches. I really just need to group up with some folks from here and get down. After playing a few games and seeing people just respawn and charge in to die I just quit.
This is not a new glitch. In fact, it’s probably the oldest known glitch for this game (it worked in the Demo too). High Moon definitely knows about it. Also, GameFaqs moderators delete any topic that tells how to do it (which I think is retarded, because GFAQs allows glitches under the Cheats section for every other game).
Exactly, just posting in case someone see’s a scout use War Cry that’s all. I have only counted the instances that I have reference earlier.
The team that I play with we just mess with your mind. We were playing Countdown to Extinction, Beasted two plants within the first 2 minutes of the game. After that we just had the scout player run around with the bomb and played TDM for about 8 minutes. It’s sad cause the other team didn’t realize that you are supposed to kill the person with the bomb. They kept going after the everyone else but carrier. If you are worried about kill count, then play TDM :lol:
man I kept seeing scouts doing this shit the other day and I thought I was going insane (or way higher than I usually get).
out of curiousity, how is it done? I don’t wanna do it, but like crab walking and slide pickups, I’d like to be able to do it in case I have to deal with it.
@ Scout Sniping Complaints: I totally agree. But I love it when I am on my Scout and another fellow scout essentially “camp” a node in Conquest. We stay somewhat close to the node but not close enough to eat random grenades/AoE’s/Or get instant-spotted by Sentries. Run in, decloak, shotgun to the face and then melee the bastards. Recloak and hide again.:badboy:
I love multiplayer in this game but god damn, some of the people are stupid. Nobody works as a team. If you want to be a one man army, go play regular deathmatch. Fuck.
yeah…like I said earlier, it’s even worse when peeps do it in conquest.
people just don’t get the idea and want to go for killcount instead. I mean there’s several other modes where the objective is killing…just go there if you don’t want to play as a team.
but I noticed one dude I was playing with in conquest was high on the kill charts…so I’m guessing he just sits in conquest where he knows people are going for point caps and kills them just to keep his kill counter up, never actually having to point cap himself. so while his team doesn’t win, he still gets his xp and gets to move up the kill boards. pretty gay that’s allowed to work on the scoreboards like that, but whatever.
What sensitivity do you guys use for this game? Just curious. I’m using the default sensitivity right now but I haven’t experimented with any other levels of sensitivity. I’m thinkin about testing one notch lower than default to see if I like it better.
no problem, I should be able to at least help out (I may not be amazing, but i know which doors to open lol).
I haven’t had that bad of a problem with lag lately. Sure, you get a few games here or there that are virtually unplayable, but u can just quit and search again.
Try playing a game where you see a fucking Scientist attacking some dude with the healing ray, then you run up to him to get healed, and he flies off to go fight some other random fuck, or sits there shooting his shotgun at an enemy standing 80 feet away.
I should also mention I literally have no finished out of the #1 spot in ANY match I play, in almost a month now. One game, the other team was bitching afterwards because I went 25-0. I had more kills than the rest of my team. My leaders if fucking pimp
scientist should be capped today…then all I got left is scout.
after playing leader/soldier, scientist is probably my favorite class yet.
yes, if you get hit you’re done…but the pure joy of flying into a 3-4 group point, transforming, planting a turret over their heads, initiating drain, dropping a grenade, firing repair ray, while trying to melee anyone you jump on top of is just too fucking hilarious. I can just imagine the other team going “WTF JUST HAPPENED” when the whole team gets taken out by a piddly scientist
I did see some more bs last night from a player on another team, which really only works in conquest cause he’d just shockwave a point, get murdered, then proceed to respawn and shockwave the point until his fusion jumping leaders could take it from us. Pretty gay, but it worked. But yeah, only something that’s really practical for conquest. I guess that’s why you got 3 build slots -_-
I cant wait for my leader to get capped (almost there lol) so I can start REALLY playing the other classes. I loved playing as a scientist, and will go back to him soon. But man, as a leader I can roll into a group, possibly ram one of em, then warcry, drop a Ball, drop 2 mines, while shooting fusion shots, and end up killing tons. Two man groups die to me all the time.
And this glitch is starting to piss me off. Played a team yesterday full of glitchers. Invisible jets, scouts that will turn you into vehicle mode then bash you to death, and a leader with whirlwind, and a soldier with warcry wtf?!?!?!