Wow, the market value of the exclusive Characters will drop after this. It’s gonna be $10.00 (PSN) 800 MS Points for this pack. Surprisingly, the PS3 will get this 1 day before the 360.
So the new DLC characters are available in other multiplayer modes rather than just escalation? I saw a few Shockwaves on td earlier today.
Oh yeah…and more people need to play this game.
well if pc’s getting left in the dust with dlc it’s time to migrate.
man, the DLC pisses me off. I want it, dont have it, but get kicked from tons of games for not having the maps.
Gonna grab this soon, but for fucks sakes, fix the fucking abilities glitch please. SOOOO tired of never knowing what abilities your enemy has (nothing like scouts that can turn invisible AND shockwave after they turn visible again).
I just beat the decepticon campaign. Holy fuck Ultra Magnus is an annoying dick
edit: they also REALLY need to have another xp weekend, so I can finish up my soldier and get that badass turret
You have to be shitting me.
I miss the first one because I don’t have the game. Now this one lands on the weekend where I will be moving and all my stuff will be packed up.
With the DLC hittin earlier this week, it was bound to happen. Gets people playing, and gets people buying
guess pc dlc was announced in a podcast. high moon’s first pc game so they’re working with activision to try and get the content up for pc players.
hoping to cap prime mode this weekend
o and my bud just hit #1 on the pc conquest boards last night…he’s gonna have to work to keep it up, but it’s cool he finally got it.
i gotta debate grabbing the new DLC. Part of me wants it, but the other part doesn’t wanna go out and spend money on a fucking points card or anything (mind you I DO need some more SFIV costumes).
I’m getting HELLA tired of all the glitchers still. Scouts that run around invisible, then melee you or start shooting you to turn visible and deal extra damage, then they morph you into fucking vehicle mode and finish you off while you can’t ever use your abilities or properly shoot back. Anybody figure how this shit is done yet?
I better get my Soldier fully level’d this weekend. Leader is maxed, Soldier is lvl 18 i think, and my scout/scientist are both lvl 10, so they’re likely not going far this weekend lol.
I still doubt I am gonna go for Prime Mode. A symbol next to my name, whoopidy doo. Gimme an extra ability or something awesome, and THEN I would give a shit about starting my characters ALL over from level 1 again, with no abilities, and nothing unlocked. Fuck that.
Don’t wanna know, but I hope that gets fixed soon.
(Are you sure it was the scout that hit you with the move?)
pm isn’t really that bad, you get exp in all classes by hitting any prime achievements, which is a nice perk.
the way I figure it, I’m not gonna stop playing the game anytime soon, so what difference does it make if I play through a 2nd tier of level ups. not a big deal for a game I really enjoy.
hacking pretty much died off on pc, think it was from everyone abandoning games with hackers so they couldn’t level or get any exp, or kill/troll for that matter. became kinda universal if hacks spotted = abandoned game. the glitch hasn’t really shown up on our end either. I’m not sure if people don’t know how to do it or it’s not possible on pc, but either way that’s a good thing.
edit: kalyx the glitch is ability swapping between classes. he was hit by a force transform that scout cannot do under normal circumstances.
yeah, i’ve also seen scouts use shockwave. Basically makes killing scouts online REALLY fucking hard now. Soldier is only useful if he has warcry hacked on himself
Somebody needs to gimme a shout on Live tonight so we can get on. Still waiting for Ronin to come play Escalation. I wanna get past level 20 lol
sorry to double post, but thought you guys might like to know they tuned the various classes:
so yeah, everybody got nerfed, and jets got boosted.
oh, and if u haven’t played that map where B is in the middle on a little pedestal island thingy (with overshield below it…i need to learn map names lol), its IMPOSSIBLE to capture B now cuz of jets and there fucking shockwaves. Even if they die, they can just keep B locked down forever. I’ve seen games where NOBODY ever captures B.
And seriously, all the maps are the same design. Metal shit everywhere, even in different designs, makes it hard for me to mentally assign map names to levels.
AND GET ON PPL!!! Lets XP up this beyotch, SRK style
I’m down sometime this week. Lotta doctor bullshit.
I like the tweaks. That shotgun is no where nearly as deadly from a distance anymore. Went from level 18 - 22 in 6 or so Conquest games this morning. Leader will be 25 by the end of the weekend
about to max my soldier, just scout and scientist left now
edit: soldier is maxed now now (gotta love 16k experience per game)…ion turret doesn’t seem as good anymore
scouts up to level 15 already…getting good with him
Man, Conquest is the SHIZNITE for leveling up. 10 - 16K per match makes this toooooooo easy!!!
lol i know, if my internet wasnt fucked, my scout would be 20 at least by now…close enuf tho
Man, I got told to shut up by some hater this morning. I’m helping coordinate a battle strategy, with 2 guys on the team, while he was running around playing TDM in conquest. Otherwise, had some epic close games this morning. The new maps are almost made for seekers. THe one with the command point in the pits sucks if your team has your scientist. We were getting picke off trying to capture the the point. This team knew all the defensive locations, and it was our first time playing the map. That first go round, we were sharted on . . . . did better the next set though.
In every shooter you have idiots playing deathmatch in objective games. CoD has it worse in that regard, while Halo (ironic) seems to have players on point about objectives. Transformers is center toward dumbassery.
As always, probably best to start a squad first.