P.O.K.E 2.0 is so much fun. God I love the Leader! I only managed to use the Thermal Parade Trail or whateverthfuck it’s called once. Holy shit was it awesome to stick in hallways.
I have actually only played Team Deathmatch so far…don’t trust objective games when my team don’t have mics
yeah, you lose XP when you disconnect, but if the host disconnects, you keep it (thank God, I had so many matches where I would get a fuckton of XP right off the bat, then BAM host bounces.
and 2x XP is gonna kick so much fucking ass lol.
Yet again, is there any real reason to why I would bother going for Prime mode?
edit: on a side note, every game I have played since the patch has been horribly fucking laggy
The servers have been on a downward spiral for the past few days. I think the game is more popular then they thought and High Moon doesn’t have the servers to handle it. I expect some sort of server maintenance soon.
I’m still plugging away at the campaign. Pretty damn long for a shooter. I’m actually glad there’s no cover system. Games like that tend to be plodding and methodical, whereas this is constant action. So far, the autobot campaign is way more intense.
Anybody want to school me on multiplayer? I was getting fucked up for no reason. Can’t say I’m a fan of whirlwind. Nobody on my team stuck together at ALL so that sucked too. I’d like to run with some folks from
here so i can get the hang of this shit.
Beat campaign on hard. Defintely feel that playing it on hard was worth my money. The last boss fights for each were fucking awesome. And the prelude to the final boss fight during the autobots campaign was fucking sick. Graphically, that was the coolest part of this game.
Hopefully multiplayer will give me some longevity with this game. But even if it doesn’t, I really enjoyed this game. God damn, they finally did an awesome transformers game. WTF.
Anybody want to school me on multiplayer? I was getting fucked up for no reason. Can’t say I’m a fan of whirlwind. Nobody on my team stuck together at ALL so that sucked too. I’d like to run with some folks from
here so i can get the hang of this shit.
Beat campaign on hard. Defintely feel that playing it on hard was worth my money. The last boss fights for each were fucking awesome. And the prelude to the final boss fight during the autobots campaign was fucking sick. Graphically, that was the coolest part of this game.
Hopefully multiplayer will give me some longevity with this game. But even if it doesn’t, I really enjoyed this game. God damn, they finally did an awesome transformers game. WTF.
High Moon stated that they built the game first, then put Transformers on top of what they had. It didn’t have to be a Transformers game, we’re just lucky that it was.
Playing singleplayer right now.
I FUCKING HATE TRYPTICON. At the 2nd part. Even hiding behind that pillar on the left side of the screen, I still find a way to die. If it isn’t the missles that somehow find their way to me (despite hiding in the same spot as one barrage will completely hit the pillar instead of me) or the little spider things will eat me alive.
What the hell.
That was one of my favorite fights.
Final Autobot Fight
You basically have to transform and keep moving. His missiles can’t keep up with you in vehicle mode. Also note that the arena itself basically just looks like a big derby bowl. He will continually shoot missiles at you, so just drive and don’t look back. There will be pauses where he stops shooting, and this will be your opportunity to attack him.
Biggest problem.
When 4-5 of my guys are on, we’re steamrolling. I was playing with one of my guys yesterday and the rest randoms, cause my usual team had shit to do for a bit. Everyone but me and my friend scattered, and I was picked off 4 times in a row…in under 10 seconds of each spawn, because nobody was fucking sticking together.
I just bailed on the game after that. I don’t get pissed at the other team cause they’re just doing their job. But fuck a fucking team who isn’t even attempting to make a difference and just run in circles. I’ll bail everytime on that shit. If you’re not going to work as a team, just go play DM. You can be as worthless as you want there and nobody will mind taking kills off you.
Also if you’re on pc, watch out for the omni clan. These dudes are some of the best players in the game atm. Just outright ownage from every section of the stage. Really want to play them again sometime…I think we were only taking like 20~25 against them in TDM, which is really sad for my team. Really fucking good players.
Yeah I will be hopping on a little later today Ronin. I ain’t good, but I love buffing my team. I need to rank up my Scientist so I can have an assault Scientist, and a healing Scientist.
I have honestly NEVER seen anybody heal another teammate, unless it is me doing the healing.
I also wanna level my Leader too.
I have only played one decepticon level. Having a problem with every one of my videos freezing, forcing me to skip them all
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one pissed about randoms not playing as a team. Shit can get so frustrating.
Last night I played a tdm game where we actually played as a team. We were getting healed, attacked together, helped eachother out, teammates used my ammo beacon, teammates used warcry effectively, we covered a lot of ground…and I didn’t need to use my headset. Shit seriously made my night lol
Anyone one on PSN who wants to link up and play this hit me up.
2 Scouts working together cloaked to take down one target is fun as hell.
Scout Pro Tip: Picking up other classes primary weapons+Surprise Attack bonus=Win
Scout rolling with a Scrapmaker, EMP Shotgun, Ion Blaster or Neutron Assault Rifle is fucking rape.
Couple questions
Does anyone know if they are going to add in game Clan tags like MW2?
Right now I have a level 11 soldier but was thinking about picking up the leader class as an alt. Anyone have some good strats for how to play leader? I rarely see anyone play the class.
If anyone on 360 wants to get some matches in this weekend hit me up. GT: Debomalenko989
Is rocket sentry better then regular sentry? and if so is it by enough to replace energon storm perk? Obviously the fact that it’s something you unlock later on suggest it is better but I’ve been using both and don’t see a huge difference.
I’m an 18 Sci and I think Rocket sentry blows. It only helps VS scouts. The damage imo blows as well. stay with the normal sentry ,and add friendly fire with the disguise perk as well. Over all a stronger setup for your current level. once you his 25 Sci’s get the beast stuff. Also if you’d like to play with me on TF my psn is the same as my SRK name. But PLEASE tell me who you are, and where you’re adding me from.
Leader class is the best class hands down IMHO. I’m surprised you dont see more of it. The major requirements are Warcry and the fusion cannon. Warcry gives an insane damage resistance and damage buff. With it running you effectively have the most health in the game. The fusion cannon give great splash damage, so you dont even need to have good aim. Just double jump around and spam it at the opponent’s feet. It’s a stupidly easy class to play.
I’ve been messing around with the Disruption ability and it’s MAJOR fun. It seems to only work in melee range though, however it’s great against tanks using Whirlwind, and pretty much any other class that wants to melee you. It’s awesome forcing a tank to transform and then strafing/jumping around him and melee-ing him to death. The only class I dont bother using it against is scientist because forcing them to transform is an invitation for them to run away; plus they die in just a few hits anyway. With that being said, I dont think Disruption is the best ability (IMHO its the worst pick among the Leader’s choices) but it’s too much fun right now. Most people dont expect it at all, and you severely limit their options by forcing them into vehicle mode.
whats the best way to play the soldier class? Is tank mode that good? I get raped with it most of the time