Transformers: The war for Cybertron- release date June 22nd!

I only use tank mode for mid-long range artillery. It’s great for softening up a group of people before you move in (or while your team moves in). It’s terrible during close encounters. It can 2-3 shot scouts and medics depending on how direct your hits are. It’s great for hitting people around corners because of the splash damage.

i played some Escalation with a few people today…its like Zombie’s from World at War, except the zombies have a fuckton of health, and overshields are expensive :frowning:

I played as Optimus, and he SUCKED. Takes too long for buff to recharge, and it doesnt last that long (but DOES help lol).

I never got a gun better than the starting gun and the BR gun, and we all died ON THE FUCKING 15TH WAVE damnit :frowning:

From what I read, autobots HAVE to have Airraid

Still learning soldier, 14 atm, but learning from my guy that’s 24 now I think.
However how you play the class in beginning levels is a bit different then later levels.
Early on you’re going to want to stay close to the leader if you have one. Buff soldier = rape. I’d recommend building your abilities around whirlwind & enemy jamming cause hover just leaves you like a sitting duck. You can get the same buff that hover will give you (more perhaps I don’t know the stats) off of a leader buff. Hover isn’t worth it.

Like bronzefist mentioned, it’s good to either use the tank mode to soften up a group or to corral them into a position that is desirable for you to rush > whirlwind. Grouped enemies get disoriented a lot of the time from rush whirlwinds, and I’ve taken out entire teams by grouping them in tank and rushing with whirlwind at the right time. Just depends on how chaotic you can make the situation.

At higher levels, you’re gonna revolve your game around the ion turret or whatever it’s called. It’s a 20 something + ability. Make sure your teammates know that waiting and standing by your turret spawn will make it build up faster (also buffs them while they’re by it), and having multiple people by the turret spawn will hopefully ensure that a random cloaked scout doesn’t take it out. Once you got it, get the leader to warcry and you’re in death mode. My friend got 25 kills in a game last night doing this shit :rofl:

Soldier is really fun, but with the xp boost this weekend I should be able to get around to try all the classes. Really looking forward to trying leader atm.

man, i can’t find many games where teams play properly yet. I had ONE last night, with a group that had mics, and were buffing/healing, and we won 40-12, 40-17, and 40-13, before we split up.

I played leader class, and got my first 7 kill streak lol, I’m liking that class. It just sucks when you’re team is stupid, and you have to go search for one lone dude to buff cuz everybody is spread thin.

I can’t wait to unlock the turret btw.

During double XP weekend, I expect some ppl from here to add me lol (i will be drunk by the end though lol).

I need to train up my scout, only class I have barely leveled yet.

yeah I dunno what I’d do without voice comm.
we’ve got 6 consistent players now in vent, and it makes a world of difference.

I really don’t know how people manage with randoms. Unless like you get in a random party where everyone is talking (which seems difficult lol) then shit can be rough. I really opt not to play if my team isn’t on. Saves me the aggrivation.

Also got to play against the pc hacker “rapetrain” last night (you can youtube him for lulz), dude is maxed in everything lol. You can usually catch him moving around maps at double/triple speed also haha. Fun to watch I suppose…stupid if you’re actually trying to beat him. Guess the steam forums are having a field day with this guy atm :rofl:

I got your invite. I’ll be on during the weekend. If you see me, shoot me an invite. I’ll be doing some co-op with Shinblanka but other than that I definitely want in on some multiplayer action. Especially with double xp weekend.

I got your invite. I’ll be on during the weekend. If you see me, shoot me an invite. I’ll be doing some co-op with Shinblanka but other than that I definitely want in on some multiplayer action. Especially with double xp weekend.

i’ll prob be on tonite an earlier tomorrow if yall want games.

I’m on live.

I LOL hysterically at the morons on Ebay that are paying $100.00 for exclusive characters. Bet they feel pretty goddamn stupid now.

Transformers War for Cybertron Map and Character Pack DLC Leaked

i’ll send u an invite in a few minutes…so hopefully tonight we can get me, ronin, u, and we shall see who else is up for a party :slight_smile:

Funniest thing is I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a free DLC. It’s a habit of companies these days to give a free DLC to discourage pirates. But, you know, it’s also Activision… so who knows.

what’s ‘free’??? never heard of it

Finally made it through the campaign. I guess the next one will surely have to be on earth if it follows the ending, right? Oh boy, and what an ending it was. It’s too bad the decepticon campaign wasn’t quit the roller coaster ride. I can’t wait another 2 years for a sequel :sweat:

This games multiplayer really has a Gears of War 1 feel to it. Lots of “wtf” moments, inconsistent damage on guns and melee, random connection quality in matches etc.

i’m hoping on now if anybody is up for some games…wouldnt mind getting past wave 15 of escalation either

I wish I could help you. I got to level 20+ about 4 times straight last night.

Escalation Tips -

Autobot Map -

**Make Optimus Prime the team backbone **- I play with Prime and direct my team to allow me to catch the chips to charge War Cry. This will make Titans Oatmeal in the later stages, plus the boost in defense and power make the team a force to be reckoned with. I only initialize it when there is a heavy assault or 2 titans in a room at once

ONLY Open the 400 pt door and the one behind it. Its the one if you head front-right from the start stage with an ammo station. At the top of the stairwell there should be an overshield and the thermal rocket launcher here. The door behind it has ammo. This also allows only 3 Points of entry (The portal in the room with the overshield, the stairwell, and the other entry portal on the other side across the bridge.

Have at least 1 -2 cloaks The NPCs are dumb as they can revive players and be untouched.

After wave 6, if both doors referenced are opened, do not go beyond the stairwell. SHIT’S GONNA GET REAL after wave 8.

**Killing Brutes is easy. Jump and get close enough to do a stomp melee. **Takes much less time for recovery than the actually melee and more precise. 2-3 stomps with Optimus has been the magic number.

Titans and Shotgunners with Overshields will kill you. Do not get close unless you are certain they are low on health, YOU WILL DIE! One shotgun blast is 1.5 cubes, and they have 2 shots and weapons reload.

Keep your team in pairs at the least and you should get to wave 15 easily. I have helped a lot of people get that achievement. Personal Best is 25

Do those things, and you should be fine.

I did think that Optimus was ass at one point. He’s got the Matrix, but surely isn’t invincible. He can be an assault type, but is more for defending a position/support role with War Cry. I just wish I had that Ion Blaster.

i didnt realize those chips give your abilities some meter…lol kept picking them up and getting upset that they didnt give me $$$

also, I’ve been told Iron Hide is a necessity to every team (invis, flies, and can whirlwhind)

I usually went with Prime or him when I played. I’ve made it to wave 15 three times.

Anybody up for some multiplayer or escalation? I’d love to play Esc without idiots or micless wonders, for a change.

Currently going on constant 7-kill streaks with my leader lol. I wanna play escalation, but I’m getting over 7k exp a round lol

The chips are the only way you get meter, just like in Campaign. Kills get you them dollars. I gotta do something with PS3, getting issues and real laggy as all get out when on MP.

fucking conquest mode is where it’s at with the 2x exp this weekend. if you’re on a roll, 10k+ exp a game. fucking crazy.

was heating it up a bit this morning before my game crashed…got top in conquest for like 4 games straight :rofl:
conquest is a blast…teaches you the maps a bit better also if you’re still trying to learn all the intricacies (like me).

also a friend said kotaku confirmed at least the 3 preorder dlc skins for pc, so pc isn’t totally left out.
however we still got tank gun glitch and no in game chat…hopefully a patch is coming soon.

Got the Heavy Metal War trophy for Escalation last Friday, seems to me that the Autobot version is a bit easier like Optimus124 already mentioned, just hang around that point.

As for multiplayer: after a small detour with the scientist class (fun, but too damn fragile for my playstyle) I went back again to the leader class.
Ion Blaster + Fusion Cannon is a carnage maker.
I haven’t really tried the soldier class yet (only in the demo), but Whirlwind and stuff isn’t really my thing… oh and why is Megatron’s chassis a soldier?! :wtf:
(I know I know, Spy rig’s altmode is a lot faster :wgrin: )