Ok I guess I have to shine some light on this being involved in both sides of the spectrum here. Robin is a good dude and well equipped to make an executive decision when it comes to tournies. I have been to his WELL RAN tournies, I have payed with him, I have even picked up girls at evo with him. Or he pretty much brought the girls he picked up to me hahah. Whatever the case he knows what he is talking about so to not grant him any respect is silly. ESPECIALLY when it comes to tournies.
Ps3 is the tourny standard for all majors. Not sure if you guys realize this. I have both systems and I have mk on 360 and ps3 as we speak. Pointing that out to show I am not biased BUT I personally play on my PS3. I want to be as ready for tourny play as possible and Ive become used to my PS3 stick. What you guys want to play on is your decision so you do you. Actually most high lvl players play on 360 cause XBL is better. I prefer PS3 cause I never play online and my stick. To each his own in this aspect.
Now on to the real subject, Kratos. What happens on the local scene and at tounies here and there is their business. All the locals I go to are always on 360 even though evvrryyy major Ive ever been to uses PS3. I dont think this should be the deciding factor of Kratos’ life in mk9. He is a console specific character for the console which will be used at all majors. This is where I understand Robins point. The down side is that not everyone has access to the character. Which I do understand cause hw is it fair to fight against a foreign character. Then again, Robin also mentioned high lvl players. If I went to a PS3 tourny after playing on 360 that was for serious dough… You bet your fine asses Id be reading, watching, learning everything I could about Kratos before hand. I do my best to try and play with him and against him. Even if I didnt have a 360, Id try and figure it out. If that means going to the tourny early and playing casuals against him the day of, id be in there. Does that make me high lvl? Not really, but it does show my drive and will to become high lvl.
Its really all boils down to us listening to EVO rules and if we want to ready our players for them. What if evo said nah he is in. 360 people going to bitch and complain instead of working around it and figuring out what to do next. People waste more time complaining then anything. If everyone put the complaining time into something else, maybe everyone would get better? So its up to the EVO staff to decides this fools fate. Let Robin to what he wants. His decision really isnt effecting many people I think. He has valid reasons and I dont think any of us are going to VA to play mk9 anyway… Make sure you get some matches on tape Robin
This next part of probably going to ruin my some what of an image I have in the community, but it needs to be said. Not saying everyone in the mk community, but most of the community just plays MK. The MK community thinks a little different I feel. I guess its cause how tight knit it is cause the small numbers? Regardless, there are other games and other people around besides those involved in MK. Cause you dont know who Robin or any outsider, it doesnt mean lets eat his face off for requesting such a thing. We dont agree thats fine. Let him run it his way and everyone else their way. People are different its a beautiful thing and it makes the world go round.
MK community seems to have a lot of hate for other more popular games too. Why? Cause they get more burn? Well maybe they deserve it no? I am sorry but you guys are sadly mistaken if any of you think MK9 is a better game then mvc3 or ssf4 AE (this list can go on but Ill leave it to the 2 most popular ones). I do enjoy MK9 dont get me wrong. It is fun to play. I have more fun playing MK9 now then ssf4. This DOES NOT make MK9 a better game. I call it how I see it guys.
I’m not really taking either side, however I just wanted to point out the irony of you saying we should respect the opinions of others, or in your words "People are different its a beautiful thing and it makes the world go round. ", then immediately after that say “I am sorry but you guys are sadly mistaken if any of you think MK9 is a better game then mvc3 or ssf4 AE”.
Opinions are opinions, can’t have it both ways bro
I also wouldn’t say the MK community has a lot of hate for other games. We spend most of our time putting up with MK hate nearly everywhere. People gonna eat crow tomorrow.
What constitutes a “better” game is subjective anyway. What can be objectively measured though is how much competition there is for a game. I think SSF4 (AE) and MVC3 will have more comp. and higher level comp. to boot, but there is really no way to tell right now, that’s just my prediction. We’ll let the MK9 tourney scene speak for itself.
If you’re bringing up Evo, and therefore most majors, and how they’re using PS3, yes that is true, but I think you may have forgot that Mr.Wizard said from that outset that if any game is to have a console exclusive, those characters would be banned because it’s not fair to owners of only the other console. I took this to mean that Kratos would be banned. But it’s a little different from SC or arcade vanilla compared to console vanilla. For Soul Calibur, it’s wasn’t just that one console got an exclusive character, both consoles got their own respective exclusives. Still, I think logic applies, Kratos should be banned for being a console exclusive. Concerning arcade vanilla vs console vanilla, Evo is a console tourney, not an arcade one anymore. So, it’s true that the Japanese didn’t have much if any experience with the console characters, but Evo being a console tournament, they knew what they were getting themselves into. It’s not like the Japanese didn’t have one console at home (I know some didn’t), and the console versions between PS3 and Xbox360 were the same, so the actual issue of console exclusives wasn’t there. What would be akin to the console exclusive issue is arcade vs. console in Japan. There were some console tourneys that were meant to include even the console characters, but basically all “serious” tournaments where the console version was be used in a tourney wasn’t held in an arcade, they’d use the console version but it’d still be an arcade characters only tournament.
Long story short, I wouldn’t say there’s a tourney standard, there’s an Evo standard (PS3), there’s the PDP standard (Xbox360), tourney organizers and the community will choose which console to use at their tournies, but it just makes sense that Kratos be banned in any case. Maybe he won’t at certain tournies for whatever reason, but that’d be the exception and not the norm. Just 2cents from random nobody
ps3 is usually the standard for MAJORS. everything else is usually on xbox tho. (gotta love sony)
Kratos should be banned tournament wise. I could see if you had a choice to practice against him and you choose not to buy or get the dlc. But you dont…
Just like if halo dude was a 360 exclusive and ps3 owners could’t get experience against him. Banned… its really simple.
Play kratos for fun… dont play him if expecting to bring him to a tournament.
I should also note that I agree in Kratos being banned. He’s exclusive to a console. Easy enough to agree with. It’s a very different situation than the arcade/console versions of SF. In this case, there is a mirrored experience with the addition of one extra character for the sake of a shout-out.
Which is why you have that opinion in the first place, I’m sure.
I’m not taking sides, but I do believe that the development of a standard is going to be key for MK9 going forward as a tournament game; what that standard is will become clear in the months to come, but the EVO rules are a good indication of where this is all going. I would also add that making assumptions about who ‘good players’ are and are not is pretty dangerous stuff; whose to say that the kid practicing MK on his XBOX tomorrow isn’t going to blow us all away with some awesome stuff in a year or two?
This is going to be one of those self-correcting things as the community around MK9 evolves, but as I said earlier, I imagine the EVO rules are going to be adopted by pretty much every major in the short-term, so all you XBOX exclusive players can breathe easy for a while :tup:.
This issue isnt going to go away any time soon but i do disagree that the ps3 should be the standard, the ps3 has been shown to have lag and as players we banned lcd’s for a long time before lagless models came out. i believe tournaments should be on the console with the best version and lets face it that is usually the 360. i know ps3 is the standard at evo because sony sponsors it but i dont believe that should make us all follow suit. i am not a fanboy i love my ps3 and my xbox but when it comes to tournaments i want the best version of each game. is it my imagination or are the Wednesday night fights on 360?
Kratos is banned just like every other console-exclusive character in history. Vader and Yoda were banned from tournaments in SCIV for a while until they were released on each console, so it’s following the same premise. Robin, you know I respect you 100%, but saying that Daigo was at a disadvantage because he had to play against console characters was his own fault. Just beacuse the country doesn’t play the console version of the game doesn’t make up for the fact that he didn’t know the matchups. He could’ve played the characters himself for a few hours at home to learn their mixups. I doubt it would’ve taken him any serious amount of time. This is completely different from the fact that one character is available on one system and not the other, creating an unfair advantage for PS3 players.
I think even having him in the game is stupid. We’re all fans of fighting games so we’d buy it regardless, but is Kratos really that big of a marketing tool that they needed to put him in the game to attract other people? I don’t see it, especially since they haven’t shown him nearly as much as they should’ve if they were using him for marketing. Out of the 10 or so official trailers and gameplay videos, he’s only in 2 of them, one of which being the cinematic trailer. At least we get his dope looking stage. I’d still prefer the Xbox stages on PS3, but maybe those will come as DLC.
Major tournaments aren’t banning him because it’s EVO’s rules. We’re banning him because he’s only available to one system. I believe tournaments are supposed to be run on as level of a ground as possible. Not allowing a console-specific character is as level as you can get. Simple as that.
Just as an added aside, I wanted to comment on the 360/PS3 standard discussion. I find it 10x easier to run a tournament on PS3. 360s get really moody when people unplug controllers and move from station to station. Time gets wasted with players syncing wireless controllers, whereas on PS3, it takes less than a second to do it. The PS3 is just easier to manage IMO. In 360’s defense, it’s wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cheaper to do it on 360, but time is money too.
Just going to put this out there: Any tournaments that do run on Xbox 360 had better have some kind of stick setup, or PS2/3 to Xbox 360 converters, because the 360 controller is the absolute WORST thing to play this game with. I got my shit WRECKED at a tournament last night because I was stuck using a controller.
I dont see any irony in what i said? But leave it to people on forums to pick your words apart. I am not taking sides on this matter at all. The major that I am helping to run, kratos is banned. That doesnt mean I disagree if Robin wants to have Kratos in his tourny. My dude can do just that. Thats why at the end of my post I said its really up to the evo staff and if tourny organizers want to train players by their rules. Yeah we are all different and it does make the world go round. We have to accept it. But you should accept mk has never been a well made game. Being fun to play and well made are a bit different. This game, and mk in general, is not very well made my boy. From a mechanical, fighting engine perspective. Art, music, ideas, graphics, it does very well in that aspect sure. Play wise…mmmmmmm… I dont know about that.
Actually I take that back. Everything before 4 was pretty well made and ahead of its time. 4 was eh but they stepped out of their box so I dont hold them accountable for giving it a shot. With that said, its cool for games made in the 90s to play like it is the 90s. Its not ok for games in 2011 to play like its the 90s though. Now i dont literally mean the 90s. I am exaggerating to get the point across. Thats all.