Tournament Readiness

You would be honored by that wouldn’t you? What is this supposed to entail anyways? Why don’t YOU tell me how much money you want to play for, when you want to do it, and I’ll show up. How did you do in those tournaments anyways?

Don’t you worry none about me Mickey D, just let me know who you are, next time you’re at Gameworks (if you ever go anymore)

edit: I’ll play for 5-20$ a match at Gameworks

popcorn wasted on a solid response

You should play for $100.

I don’t know how you guys can stand to practice at GameWorks. I want to shoot myself in the face after about 20 minutes in that place. I am biased though.

Also, I would contend that it is possible to play money matches that aren’t ultra serious, and could be considered ‘friendly.’ Sometimes we would do low stakes money matches in marvel, where it was more about trying to make sure that both players were giving their all and playing for real, than it was about taking someones money. It was more of just like a way to create tournament like match intensity outside of an actual tournament setting.

I concur. In all honesty, a Money Match doesn’t have to have ANY animosity, anger, frustration, bitching, rivalry, personal, or even commercial value.

For instance, I played Andre at Evo for a $5 money match, I had seen him play a couple times, but never went in the match thinking “I’m gonna scrape him.” I went in for the experience of playing for money against an obviously better player.

Everyone (Especially you Mickey) needs to stop dictating what another person’s mentality, personality, and reasons for playing this game have to be. Forcing your opinion of how a person should play this game or why or when or how much is the complete reason people are going to have bad taste in their mouths.

Edit: Let me elaborate a bit. I’m not going to care how much you talk shit to me personally, I’ve been seeing the trend around the NorthWest that everyone believes they have to give up their manners and humility for skills in a video game… It’s pretty damn sad, because I’ve come to the conclusion that none of the people like this are even worth my time.

Expressing your perspective/point of view on the subject is one thing, but berating and demeaning is another…

Money matches are serious… It’s like saying I wager THIS much I can beat you and just to make sure we’re both trying to win. Let’s throw down x amount of money.

btw I agree popcorn WASTED.

Jared, I know you’re trying to mediate, but you’re saying alot of crap that’s negatively directed towards the scene just to defend a guy who obviously was wrong in the situation. He owned up to that, so I respect him for that. BUT, Mickey likes to test people even after the fact, and this guy is failing left and right. Don’t put yourself in this just to argue with people and try to impose righteousness. Mickey knows what he’s doing, I know what I’m doing, The Future, Elias and Elliot all know what they are doing and all in all, the general consesus is that " Gieft needs to change his mentality or no one will want to be around him". Pretty simple, don’t be the guy who blindly defends the new comer.

Also, I’m broke so if I do money match some one for more than a dollar then you better believe it’s super serious. Plus, Diago money matches are super commercial and coast v coast money matches are also rivalry matches. thet more you put into it and hype it, the more entertainment will come from match. This game is for entertainment, and I’d rather watch Mickey and Carlos have a super serious money match then watch me vs mor have a “winner does dishes” money match.

I say throw down the money match. And if you guys aren’t willing to do that, then shut up and quit bickering about it.

Wow way to give the people what they want buddy. I don’t go to Gameworks ever, I only go to say whats up to Jason or Chris every once in awhile. So with that, your not going to be seeing me unless I have an actual reason to come out…time is money, and I don’t play for $20 ever…raise it to $100 and then we’ll talk.

Nice dodge towards how well you did in those tournaments btw…looks like someone has something to be ashamed of afterall.

EDIT: E’man, after our talk, you’re beginning to understand me too well :slight_smile:

Seattle sucks at hype.

Seattle is the city where we come from, so run run runnnnn!

I shall then bow out from posting entirely. Good day.

I seem to remember a certain individual picking a couple E-fights when he first started posting. Granted, it wasn’t about your competitive mentality (I think) so I dunno.

There’s so much estrogen in this thread. Ya’ll should money match for some

True, but that’s all that matters in this scene really. Credentials come with success which in turn roots from mentality. Aside from that, Jared’s feelings/thoughts are completely in context, but at the same time a lot of people don’t understand my actions and words which is fine…Jared is just another one of those people. He’s a person who defends the new comers and exclaims “lets all be friends”, where I’m one that chooses to test people by saying “you really want to be here, then prove it.”

It’s not about “berating” or being “demeaning” for no reason Jared. It’s about figuring out if people actual WANT what they say, as well as if that person is willing to WORK for what they say. I don’t dictate what people want out of playing Street Fighter, they do it for themselves…I just make sure that they’re ready to actually take on that journey and stay true to it.

On some real talk, now is no longer the time to be “playing for fun.” I’ve heard far too many people from here say that they want NW to stand up and be a power region in Street Fighter…it’s time to quit the “fun” and start becoming competitive. It doesn’t mean that I encourage everyone to just trash talk and start random rivalries (aka north vs south)…It means that if you’re not playing to become a better player, then you should quit wasting your time and move to something else.

This was a pretty good post I must admit. I should also say that Jared is cool for standing up for me! I’ve done a lot of talking so far, and I haven’t entered a single tournament.

In summary, I need to get used to a few things. First, I’ve been extremely competitive in everything I do (CS 1.6 and MvC2, Texas Hold’em, etc.) and I’m carrying it over to SF4. I don’t complain about people picking Sagat, I comment on how hard it is for Giefs to beat Sagats, but all in good fun. I’ve been a pretty good sport about quite a lot if you asked me. That’s why I became so defensive. Doing less talking and more reading has enlightened me, and I actually don’t mind a little shit talking. I think it’s healthy for a competitive environment. The next time you folks will hear from me on the forums will be after I have a few tournament wins under my belt.

I’m not sorry for anything I said, as I saw it as entirely defensive. I’ll never back down from a challenge in a game, or on a forum. Money match request? No problem, just say something! I don’t care if you’re Bison, Blanka, Sagat, or Ryu. Just be damn sure that you know I’m here for the same reason everyone else is in the competitive community. I want to be talked about in a good way! Not for my attitude, but for my performance. If I’m far away from that, so be it. Just understand that my intentions are to be as good at the game as I can get, and to keep having fun doing it.

Why? Are you gonna start some shit with him?

Real tough guy here.

As much as I don’t get along with Mickey, he’s speaking the truth.

In fact you’ve managed to piss off or made an ass out of yourself in front of anyone you could be playing.

If you’re gonna threaten Mickey in real life, then you are fucking scum and I hope you get your teeth knocked out.

You’re late Gray Fox…they’ve made up…I think? I’m not quite sure.

Bah, ignore me then.

There is no “make up” there was no beef in the beginning at all. This is the fucking internet kids! That’s what I think is so hilarious about everyone that thinks I’m a jerk here online…that you guys take everything that you read from me so seriously as if I’m so arrogant prick who views himself as God…lol, it’s simple internet bs, not like I told him he was a shitty human being or nothing…I was merely challenging his intellect, just as I do with everyone else. Is that so wrong?

He never really threatened me ever…and as much as you don’t get along with me, I speak truth all the time, not just in this thread…remember that.