Mickey, who made you the don of the Northwest? :xeye:
This is what I’ve been missing the entire time? This shit is tight as fuck. I love this thread.
As long as you can also remember a lot of your intention gets lost in translation. It’s hard to pick up on someone’s tone via text, and a lot of the things you post while I can see the good intention comes across as kinda condescending high-horse action. Just keep that in mind when you’re posting on the internet. Hard to get the right ‘air’ around your post. Even if the information is there, people will ignore it when it is presented in a conflicting way.
I did. I made Mickey the don of the NW.
LOL, I hope you remember who I’m quoting Elias.
The most truthiest post in this entire thread.
EDIT: Robocop said that one right Pat?
I don’t remember, actually. D: Those silly canadians?
Also, other should keep in mind that it goes both ways and they should take things you say (or rather, the way you say them) with a grain of salt.
Red Venom. It was in the Hunger thread. I say the quote sometimes to Mickey at random times.
LOL! Pat, you are tight for that.