Tournament Blackheart

yeah I take back what I said stilt. At times the SJing can really throw an opponent off if they’re not used to keeping up with BHs quick jump animations and what not. You just have to make sure that you’ve got the defense to back it up.

On another note, I started looking at all the black heart vids that I could find online and realized that cataloging the stuff from zachd’s website is going to take way too long since it seems like the vids take forever to download.

I did however look on youtube since the vids are quicker to view, and I’m just curious if anyone knows who this guy that calls himself Demon Overdose is?? He’s doing stuff with blackheart that I never would have thought of plus he’s a pretty solid player. I’m going to post a link to his youtube channel in the BH infinites page after this post cuz he’s got a couple of variations on the infinite that I’ve never seen b4.

guys, why don’t we list the team we use in tournament play like for example:


AND, THAT IS IT! My main game is BH/CABLE the third characters is usually a counter as to what my opponent bring to the table. Like if my opponent plays MSP i play BH/CABLE/TRON B.
it doesn’t sound right but it works like a charm against MSP.

If my oponenet plays santhrax i play BH/CABLE/CAPCOM, and it does very well against it. Or IF my opponent Plays clockwork I got him with BH/CABLE/CYCLOPS and that is the end of that.

so in a way i have a counter for everything they throw at me.

My whole tournament and non-quite tournament roster is full of non-conventional stuff. This is probably my lineup at the moment:

  1. Sentinel/Cable/BH
  2. Sentinel/Cable-A/Cyclops
    2-A. Sentinel/Cable-A/Commando
  3. Sentinel/BH/Commando
    4-A. Sentinel/BH/Cyclops
  4. Strider/Sentinel/Commando

Yes, that’s right, I’m using Cable-A instead of Cable-B if I have Commando or Cyclops already there for AAAs. Nobody who’s any good gets hit with counter-AHVB any more, so I’d rather give Sentinel a beam assist to work with. I might be convinced eventually to go back to Sent/BH/Commando or Sent/BH/Cyclops in front of Sent/Cable/BH, but I’m not there right now. The team takes a very good Cable who won’t panic when you have to rely on yourself without an AAA, but I think it’s still enough better with Cable available on point that I’d like him around. If you need an AAA before you want to play Cable, don’t try this team at home. About the only fight I don’t like Cable on point with this team against is maybe Sent/Commando, but I’m not yet sold that I don’t just need to psimitar more often with Cable on point.

And yes, that’s also right, I’m playing Strider without Doom and liking it. I honestly have come to think that Doom is dead weight enough on point that even Strider teams are worse with him than they are without him now.

  1. Team Watts (almost all I’ll pick cuz I’m faithful) =P
  2. BH/Cab/Doom (Still working on this one. I don’t use Cable enough to be decent in my eyes with him)
  3. BH/Cab/Cyc or Cap (when I’m off my game against a good santhrax user)
  4. BH/Dan/Cyc (yes I’ll actually pick this team if I know my opponent is not that good. it’s just TOO FUN) :blush:

P.S. Stilt you’ve got some unconventional methods but I like it. Think outside of the box and keep it interesting :tup:

man, what a night i was there yesterday at CF, and let me tell you my game was tight!!!
I ususally do not get away with a lot, but i was doing counter ahbv, i was chasing magnetos with cable with no AAA backing him up. Man, waht a night, oh! and the people that i was playing were not scrubs. in fact some were participants of last year evolution.

By the way my BH/cable/capcom is getting way better, and i thought that i had max out all the things that i could do
with this team. Just to let you know when you have things figured out things somehow always change
for the better or worse.

Also, stiltman how do you normally deal with MSP, cause in casual they screw up a lot and i am able to punish them for it
but in tournament play MSP always, simply go for the infinite all day!!! I pick up tron B. and it stops the scrubs MSP, but the real good ones just wipe up the floor with me.

:wonder: so the stiltman thread came back to the blackheart thread, that’s good. there is a lot of info there for noobs to look at and there is also combos, etc…

anyway, i want to remind everyone that there is a tournament on saturday 6/7/08in China Town fair in New York. If there is any blackheart player within the tri-state area or near NY please attend this tournament. Cause no offense to anyone in this thread, but a lot of blackheart players out there get away with so much. And the main reason for that is because the level of competition they are facing.

So come to CF in new york, and if you are not going to participate at least watch then you’ll know in what level you guys are at.

On a lighter note Justin Wong was at CF today, he doesn’t play as much as he used to but every now and then he comes by and play MVC2. I got to play him a couple of times, the first time i almost got him but i F**** up and he got me!! The second time he went on the offensive right from the get go and well it was over before i could say F****, but at least i wasn’t perfeted on!!!:rofl:

^^^thats the blackheartking baby, he posted above me

my tourny teams

  1. BH/cable/cyclops(and i can play with cyclpos)
  2. BH/sent/ capcom or cyc(but my sent needs more work)
    3)spiral/BH/AAA-capcom,cyc,sonson (depends who im playing)
    4)mag/BH/cyc (if im feeling balls to the wall)

I have officially decided to add this to my tourney list.

BH/IM/Sent this was always a team I just messed around with but I’m starting to realize just how effective it is :slight_smile:

oh yeah and sorry Nub4life, I didn’t see your post. blackheartking is an old srk name but I go by demon overdose if not by my real name otherwise. If you want, IM me sometime and I’ll give you the run down on all I know with BH. I don’t mind sharing the knowledge and tricks I know with those that want to know it.

those who don’t know there has been a series of tournaments in NYC lately for about the last two months. I have gone to the last three, however i have been paired with monsters like executioner, erick “smoothvyper”, etc. right off the bat so i haven’t really done well. But i will share just one advice that i myself should have listen to. Which also goes with what i was saying about playing good competition than your normal scrub.

It was the first game against Erick when i was rushing him down, i was feeling good too since i kept air-dashing past his capcom. So i finally got both his capcom and cable into a HOD. at the begining of the super i was happy until i remembered who the hell i was playing against. Surely enough, he calmly waited until blackheart did his automatic ground dash after HOD. Then he killed blackheart, and then killed the rest of the team in seconds. Just one mistake, blew the game for me. But i should have known you never do a HOD on cable, it’s practically sucide.

That is why you should always go to where the best play at. I played so many crappy players that simply made me think that i was just too good to get caught in those simple things. Well my head got too big and erick shrunk it.

By the way i am going to start playing magneto, simply because i am tired of being on the defensive. I am going to start using Magneto/Blackheart/Sentinel, if it doesn’t work i’ll probably drop blackheart for some time.

I’ll probably drop blackheart because of some guy that i recently found out that he goes by remix. I used to beat him alot back in the day (few years back), so after kissing sanford, Jwong, and Eric ass he got better. Now his head is really big cause he can do an infinite with magneto. So i’ll pick up magneto just to shove it down his throat that anyone can be good if the best spoon feed you all their know-how. Cause some of us actually had to learn our own skills, Besides Magneto shouldn’t be that hard. At least is nont as hard as trying to play blackheart against the BIG 4.

Goodluck beating that asshole Remix. LMAO :rofl:

I had a feeling you read the blackheart threads.

** As if i would ever drop blackheart, not in your or anyones life time!! And why the hell would i ever play Magneto that cheap bitch. **

But now that i got your attention lay off the juice buddy, you are always too hyped in the arcade. Remember we ARE GROWN UPS, NOT KIDS!!! Well maybe i am the grown up. So stop all the fucking bullshit, i like playing the game but the game is not my life, it’s just for FUN.

I know that a few years back you sucked ass, now that your a little better, enjoy the game. I mean don’t let all that ass kissing, countless hours in front of the TV practicing your infinites go to waste. So I’ll advice you once again, STOP ALL YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT, i know that we don’t see eye to eye, and that is why i avoid your sorry ass. So do me the big fucking favor and do the same.

wHy So SeRiOus???

I dont look at the bleakheart thread lol (i dont use him) my boy pointed this out to me and I find this to be really funny, to be honest i have nothing against you i just find blackheart getting raped funny thats all… Now as much hating as you wanna do and excuses you wanna make its not my fault it took you 5 years to see that blackheart is ass. Now you talk about stop all the bullshit? I dont even talk to yet even egknowledge you, so what are you talking about.

Took the words right outta my mouth…

lol@this thread

especially at the nub who doesn’t know that cable punishes HOD on hit.

Lovepig mybad man!
i don’t get pissed off often it’s just that that guy the minute i get to CF is always trying to find some way to ridicule me. which is Funny since i really don’t give a damn what some punk says to me.

By the way if you didn’t EGknowledge me:confused:, then why you are saying it took me 5 years to see that blackheart is ass?? Quite frankly i just remembered who you where after i was trying to figure out as to why some punk in the arcade is trying to disrespect me. Then it came to me since your face seemed familiar, but whatever.

It seems that you get the point, i really don’t care whoever you are or whatever you into, but i would greatly appreciate if you keep the comments to yourself when i play at CF.

Let me remind you that i am a GROWN MAN!! not a fucking kid. I mean :confused:who goes to a god damn arcade to drink and smoke weed. Sheesh i did that years ago!!, but not in an arcade. Where everyone is looking at you get high!!! You kids now-a-days need people to school you.

by the way KHiempossible, yeah i know that is why i wrote that, since you are a NUB trying To learn how to play Blackheart. Come by CF so i could teach you a thing or two.

But you are right that was a very Noobish move of mine, But since people rarely caught me with it i got confident that i wouldn’t get caught. But whatever is a game not a life-style.

If your a grown man why are you still using the word nub or noob whatever you wanna call it. I have a 12 year old cousin that uses that word too lol. What i do in my spare time is none of your concern, so i spark a blunt here and there you dont like it? tough shit. You did that years ago right? Well guess what im not 30+ years old like you, i have my youth and imma enjoy it the way i see fit. You call other ppl “noobs” lol wit Blackheart mean while you are doin shit i saw when i first came to cf. How about alittle creativity with a character your enjoy to play? On top of that any person with any common sense can do a AHVB, please use a BH team w/o cable lets see if you get the same results…

I’ll end it at this I can use other teams prolly any against you and win. So believe me i dont need magnus to beat you, CF sticks are ass they have always been ass and they will alway be ass. Which is why i dont bother going there besides lack of comp. Heres a tip before you judge somebody judge yourself first…

i was making fun of the guy who said the word NUB or NOOB…well whatever. But it seems i just pushed your buttons…relax man smoke your weed by the way




I just DHC most of my HODs and don’t worry about it. Unless it’s in a corner, where I can have fun.

you can always try superjump cancelling the dash. Im told that works, but is really inconsistent.


SJC’ing the HoD dash-in isn’t a necessity to attempt, there’s a great chance that you won’t get it (hell, I can’t even get it off). You’re better off going for JD or Geddon off an Inferno (dependant on distance).

yeah but there’s that moment of realization, where inferno xx hod is muscle memory, and then you look at cable and then you look at his life bar and then you look at your super bar and go hmm, will a dhc kill him? and then you go SHIT! I can’t let this HOD finish and you dhc anyway just to save your ass.

kinda like when you fuck shit up you just mash dhc to get out. like oh shit, i supered with cable, but it whiffed completely, dhc to HSF to save your ass.

luckily, storm always has my ass.